The Nativity — Carlo Maratta (1625–1713) Church of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami, in Rome.

Giancarlo Antonini
The Board Behind
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2019
image — Carlo Maratta [Public domain] Wikimedia Commons

The Nativity: the most profound representation of Christmas in the Christian tradition, it emphasizes the human existential aspects of birth, family, and humanity. A sign of love, harmony, traditions and moments of benevolent time.

The Holy Night (The Nativity) — Carlo Maratta (1625–1713)

Dated to the 1650s, this extraordinary painting by Maratta offers a charming view of the Nativity. Mary, in the foreground, holds Jesus in her arms, while behind her, five little angels watch the son of God with admiration. Our Lady has a blissful smile on her face, as she uncovers the child to allow the little angels to look at him.

The colors used by Maratta are certainly not random. The black background serves to emphasize the central figures of the Madonna and Jesus, both wrapped in colors such as white and blue. From the darkness behind Mary’s faces emerge the faces of angels, specially positioned to capture the light.

The work is currently located in the Oratory of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami, in Rome. Chiesa San Giuseppe dei Falegnami “St. Joseph of the Carpenters” is a Roman Catholic church, located in the Forum in Rome, Italy. The entire complex is well worth a visit!

Merry Christmas and Blessed Holiday Season to You All. @cross-border-communications



Giancarlo Antonini
The Board Behind

Cross-border communications and media relations, E-PR, and Digital PR.