Dress For Your Hair Color đź–¤

Holly Simms
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2023

Would you ever throw on a bright red hat without thinking — will this clash with my green dress? The answer is (hopefully) no! So why would you not consider your hair color? Here at Pink Holly — we thought we’d investigate further & find out what hues best suit your hair color

Not only will dressing for your hair color completely change the way you shop but also how you feel about yourself. You can thank us later for saving your time, dollars & breathe …


Surprised?! Yep, us too! Most of our brondes — meaning blonde brunettes — think to stay within an arms length of earthy tones. However, this isn’t the case. head for neutral territory when looking for your next Friday frock.

Why you ask?

These particular tones are known for bringing out the caramel highlights in your hair, creating the glowy complexion that mac cosmetics could only dream of.


First of all, congrats on being graced with the dark locks that many of us have tried (and failed) to achieve. With very few being able to successfully pull off your natural look, you’ll forever be envied.

So what to do with your caviar curls you ask?

Stay far, far away from pastels, light pinks & cream tones that’ll wash you out with morning tide. Embrace your look & opt for the bold jewel tones many of us wish we could rock


We all know that dressing for our hair color is super important but for our fiery redheads — it’s critical. With only 2% of the world’s population being graced with red hair — you’ll always need the outfit to match your luscious locks.

So what colors best suit your statement strands? We suggest opting for a chocolate palette. Whether that be dark chocolate, beige or even a blushed sand hue — jaws will drop!


Listen up ladies! Whilst you may be the unicorns of color — meaning you can get away with most colors, the verdict says navy is your new best friend. Whilst navy & dark hues are usually every gal’s fail-safe-go-to color, the contrast of your honey-toned hair with the deep blue hue is what really turns heads.

Think black is the new navy? It isn’t boo. Black can sometimes come across too harsh for our blonde babes — with navy providing a little more warmth to your look.


Well, well — look who just walked in the room … our sun-kissed brunette who can wear literally any color. Yep, it’s unfair for the rest of us but you can rock pretty much any color on the rack. We say take advantage of your gift & go hard or go home. Yellows, neons & burnt oranges are your forte — excuse us why we go be jealous in the corner …

As Always Until Next Time

XOXO đź–¤



Holly Simms

Pink Holly®️ Designer Swimwear - Luxurious because you deserve it 💋