Salesforce Integration: What are the benefits of integrating with 3rd party apps?

Sandip Chintawar
Cymetrix Software
Published in
5 min readNov 3, 2023
Benefits of Salesforce Integration with 3rd party apps
Explore more about the benefits of Salesforce Integration with 3rd party apps

With over 23% of companies across the globe using Salesforce, the significance of Salesforce Integration must be fully understood. Not only can it help enhance functionality, but also streamline workflows. Keep reading to know more!

If you’re a Salesforce user, you must have once tried integrating Salesforce with third-party apps or at least thought about how it can help your business.

Well, we are now in 2023 — the age of going digital, and as technology continues to evolve, we will keep seeing new and exciting Salesforce Integrations. However, what are the benefits of Integrating Salesforce with third-party apps? Don’t worry — we’ll help you understand!

We at Cymetrix are the leading Salesforce Partners in India. Our team has 100+ certified consultants led by Industry veterans with experience working on a wide array of Salesforce integration projects. Today, our Salesforce Consulting Team is here to help you understand how Salesforce Integration with third-party apps can potentially transform your business.

Types of Salesforce Integrations

Okay- Salesforce is a powerful platform, however, when integrated with third-party apps you can significantly enhance the functionality and unlock new features.

For instance, you can sync your email marketing leads or integrate real-time data from multiple sources into the Salesforce CRM dashboard.

But, did you know that there are different types of Salesforce Integrations? Well, let’s take a look to get a better understanding:

  • Data Integration: For this integration, you can use REST or SOAP APIs to synchronize data among Salesforce and other applications.
  • App-based Integration: This is somewhat simple: you can use low-code or no-code solutions to integrate third-party apps with Salesforce.
  • Code-based Integration: As the name suggests, this integration relies on a programming language like Apex to write custom code for integrations.
  • Business Logic Integration: Lastly, this type of integration uses Process Builder or Flow Builder to automate business processes across different systems.

What are some of the most used Salesforce Integrations?

Before we dive deep into the benefits of integrating Salesforce with third-party apps, let’s take a moment to look at some of the most commonly used Salesforce Integrations.

  • Datorama Salesforce Integration: Datorama (Now Marketing Cloud Intelligence) aims to help optimize marketing spend and customer engagement with unified data and automated reporting. With Datorama Salesforce Integration, you can say goodbye to all your Data woes. (As you get access to real-time marketing data, interactive dashboards, and AI-powered recommendations)
  • Salesforce Integration Hubspot: Hubspot is among one of the most commonly used software platforms for sales, service, and Marketing. If you’re using Hubspot and want to integrate it with Salesforce, you can easily sync your account and activities. In addition to this, Salesforce integration with Hubspot allows data to pass seamlessly between both platforms. So, your Sales and Marketing team will always be on the same page.
  • Salesforce Integration Mailchimp: Did you know that MailChimp is one of the most widely used Email marketing platforms? When integrated with Salesforce, you can sync email contact leads and track email marketing performance within Salesforce.
  • Salesforce Integration Jira: If you’re a business professional, you must know about Jira- a leading project management platform. It allows internal teams to track, manage, and address any specific issue. Consequently, Salesforce Integration with Jira can enhance collaboration among internal teams and customer support teams to ensure they can address the issue quickly and ensure maximum customer satisfaction.
  • Salesforce Integration Slack: Slack is your go-to productivity platform, or what the company likes to call it — Messaging that means business. But when integrated with Salesforce, it becomes more than a productive platform! It will help you search and share data in Slack, streamline communication and collaboration across departments, and get real-time updates and notifications within Slack.

Why Integrate Salesforce with third-party apps?

Do you know? According to Salesforce, 75% of organizations have a top-down API integration strategy. It’s crucial to have a Salesforce integration strategy to gain a competitive edge. So, let’s look at some benefits of integrating Salesforce with third-party apps without further ado.

Maximizing Data Consistency and Accuracy

As you may know, data is like a compass that helps modern businesses navigate toward their goals (Avoiding any potential risks or changes). So, any inaccuracy and inconsistency can be fatal to your success. However, Salesforce integration with third-party apps ensures data consistency across systems and minimizes errors.

For example, if you integrate Salesforce with Datorama, you can be assured that you will receive accurate and real-time data to assist you in making the best business decisions.

Staying Ahead in Customer Service

If you’re a business owner, you must know that — Customers are the heart of any business. In the customer-centric world, ensuring smooth customer support and experience is necessary for success. However, what is the role of Salesforce Integration in this?

There are several third-party apps available that provide access to additional customer data, insights, and capabilities. Consequently, it can help you accomplish a holistic view of your customer interactions.

So, personalizing customer interaction and support will never be a challenge for you anymore.

Unlocking New Features

Salesforce is undoubtedly a seamless platform! However, your business may have unique requirements that you may need to opt for third-party integrations.

To explain, let’s consider that you’re using Salesforce CRM for your retail store. But you want to access your marketing data within Salesforce CRM. So, you can consider integrating with a tool like Mailchimp or Hubspot to access additional marketing data or automation capabilities.

With these additional features, you can streamline collaboration across the Marketing and Sales departments, close new leads quickly, and potentially gain an edge over competitors.

Create a 360-degree Customer View

We know it sounds like a buzzword, but what does it mean? 360-degree customer view refers to having a detailed and unified view of your customer. That would involve their past interactions, behavior, interests, etc.

So, by integrating Salesforce with third-party apps, you can unify customer data from every touchpoint into a single source of truth.

As a result, the unified view enables you to personalize interaction, build targeted marketing campaigns, and deliver exceptional customer experience throughout the buyer’s journey.

Wrapping Up

Salesforce Integration is not just a technical process but a strategic opportunity that has the potential to transform your business. Whether you need to access real-time data across clouds or sync your email contacts into Salesforce CRM, there will always be an integration solution that will suit your needs and budget.

However, Salesforce Integration might be more challenging, especially without a reliable partner like Cymetrix. Our vast experience across the Salesforce ecosystem and multiple industries makes us the best choice for your next integration project. Make the next move toward digital transformation — Contact us now!

