Salesforce Lightning: The Future of User Experience in CRM

Sandip Chintawar
Cymetrix Software
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2023
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Learn more about the future of user experience in CRM

The digital era has transformed how businesses operate, and customer relationship management (CRM) software plays a pivotal role in managing customer interactions and fostering business growth. Salesforce Lightning, the next-generation user interface framework by Salesforce, is revolutionizing the CRM landscape with its intuitive design and advanced features.

Cymetrix Software, a trusted Salesforce partner in San Francisco is here to help you explore how Salesforce Lightning is shaping the future of user experience in CRM. So, keep reading to learn more.

What is Salesforce Lightning?

Salesforce Lightning is a modern, cloud-based CRM platform that offers a seamless user experience across devices. It replaces the traditional Salesforce Classic user interface with a more dynamic and responsive interface that shows users high productivity and efficiency.

Features and Benefits of Salesforce Lightning

  1. Improved User Interface: Salesforce Lightning offers a modern and intuitive user interface that simplifies navigation and enhances user engagement.
  2. Enhanced Productivity: With its lightning-fast performance and streamlined workflows, Salesforce Lightning can significantly improve user productivity.
  3. Personalization and Customization: Lightning allows users to personalize their CRM experience by customizing the layout, themes, and components.
  4. Mobile Optimization: Salesforce Lightning provides a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes, enabling users to access CRM data and perform tasks on the go.
  5. Collaboration and Integration: Salesforce Lightning promotes collaboration by offering features like Chatter, which allows users to communicate, share files, and collaborate in real time.

Lightning Experience vs. Classic Experience

Salesforce Lightning Experience deviates significantly from the traditional Salesforce Classic user interface. Let’s explore the key differentiators:

Interface Design

Lightning features a sleek and intuitive layout with improved navigation that allows users to access relevant information. On the other hand, Classic Experience has a more traditional and cluttered interface, which may require additional clicks and scrolling to accomplish the same activities.

Performance and Speed

The primary advantage of Lightning Experience is its lightning-fast performance. The interface is optimized to deliver a smoother and more responsive user experience. Classic Experience, while reliable, may not offer the same speed and performance as Lightning.

Customization and Flexibility

Salesforce Lightning Experience offers enhanced customization options, allowing users to personalize their CRM environment to a greater extent. Classic Experience also provides customization capabilities, but the flexibility and ease of customization are more limited when compared to Lightning.

Mobile Responsiveness

Lightning Experience offers a responsive design, ensuring users can access and interact with CRM data on various mobile devices. Classic Experience, while accessible on mobile devices, may lack the same level of responsiveness and optimized user experience.

Enhanced Features and Functionality

Salesforce Lightning Experience introduces new features, like Kanban boards, Path for guided sales processes, enhanced dashboards, and improved reporting capabilities. While Classic Experience continues to receive updates and support, new features and innovations are primarily related to Lightning Experience.

How to Check if Your Salesforce Implementation is Lightning Ready?

Before migrating to Salesforce Lightning Experience, it is crucial to assess the readiness of your current Salesforce implementation. Here are some key considerations to determine if your organization is Lightning ready:

Evaluate Customizations and Integrations

You should review the customizations and integrations in your existing Salesforce implementation. Then assess if you can migrate customizations or replace them with Lightning-compatible alternatives.

Assess User Adoption and Training

Furthermore, you should evaluate if users are comfortable with the existing interface and if additional training will be required to ensure a smooth transition to Lightning Experience.

Analyze Lightning Readiness Reports

Salesforce provides Lightning Readiness Reports to help assess the compatibility of your current setup with Lightning Experience. These reports reveal possible difficulties, such as unsupported modifications or deprecated functionality, that may influence the conversion process.

Pilot Testing

You can consider running a pilot test of the Salesforce Lightning Experience with a small group of users. That allows you to gather feedback, identify any challenges or limitations specific to your organization, and address them before rolling out Lightning Experience to the entire user base.

Seek Expert Guidance

Lastly, you can consider engaging with Salesforce consultants or implementation partners for Lightning migration. These experts can help you examine your current setup, guide best practices, and assist in planning and executing a successful migration to Salesforce Lightning.

Steps to Make Your Implementation Lightning Ready

To ensure a successful migration to Salesforce Lightning Experience, here are the steps you can follow to make your implementation Lightning ready:

Review and Optimize Data

Start by reviewing your existing data in Salesforce. Clean up any duplicate or outdated records, and ensure data quality and integrity. Then optimize your data structure to align with the Lightning data model, and take advantage of new features like enhanced reports and dashboards.

Evaluate AppExchange Apps and Customizations

Then you should assess the AppExchange apps and customizations in your Salesforce org. You need to determine if they are compatible with Lightning Experience or if Lightning-ready alternatives are available.

Customize Lightning Page Layouts

Further, you can utilize the Lightning App Builder to customize page layouts for various user profiles and record types. Additionally, you can use the flexibility and drag-and-drop functionality to create personalized and seamless interfaces that align with your users’ needs.

Enable Lightning Features and Lightning-Ready Features

After that, you can enable Lightning Experience and leverage Lightning-only features such as Kanban boards, Path for guided sales processes, and enhanced dashboards. Moreover, you can leverage Lightning-Ready features like Lightning Components and Lightning Web Components to improve the functionality and user experience of your Salesforce.

Train and Educate Users

You should invest in comprehensive training programs to educate users on the new Lightning Experience interface and its features. Provide hands-on training, user guides, and resources to help users adapt to the changes and maximize their productivity with Lightning Experience.

Conduct User Acceptance Testing

You can conduct extensive user acceptability testing (UAT) before releasing Lightning Experience to all users. It could include a variety of users representing various jobs and responsibilities within your business. Then consider collecting feedback, identify usability concerns, and make necessary changes to ensure a smooth and successful transfer.

Plan and Execute the Migration

Lastly, consider creating a detailed migration plan that outlines the specific steps, timelines, and responsibilities for the transition to Lightning Experience. You can ensure proper communication and change management strategies are in place to keep users informed and engaged throughout the migration process.


Salesforce Lightning is revolutionizing user experience in CRM by providing a modern, intuitive, and customizable interface. Lightning offers a compelling solution for businesses seeking to streamline their CRM processes and drive growth.

At Cymetrix, we understand the significance of providing a seamless CRM experience to drive business growth. Our team of experts specializes in Salesforce Lightning implementation and migration.

Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your CRM experience to new heights. Contact Cymetrix today and embark on your journey towards Salesforce Lightning excellence.

