Understanding more about Salesforce licensing

Prakash Kolhe
Cymetrix Software
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2023
Understanding more about Salesforce licensing

If you’ve ever found yourself confused by the broad range of options and features that Salesforce licensing offers, you’re not alone. It’s a complex topic, but fear not! We are here to get you started on unraveling the mysteries together.

Certified Salesforce Professionals at Cymetrix Software, one of the most trusted Salesforce Implementation Partners in the USA, can help you understand more about Salesforce licensing. Let’s get started.

What is Salesforce Licensing?

Salesforce licensing is essentially a lease agreement that defines the functionality of the customer organization, including user access and custom objects. It is the key to unlocking the vast capabilities of Salesforce for your organization.

Types of Salesforce Licenses

Now, let’s take a look at Salesforce license types. Salesforce offers a range of license types tailored to meet the specific needs of users. There are mainly three types of licenses:

  1. User License: This license specifies which features or functionalities a user can access on Salesforce. Each user must have one user license.
  2. Feature License: Well, this authorizes users to access additional features available in Salesforce that are not part of their user license.
  3. Permission Set License: This allows users to access various features and functionalities along with those included in their user license.

Characteristics of Salesforce Licensing

Salesforce licensing can help you unlock and enable added functionalities on the Salesforce platform. But before you invest in a specific Salesforce license, here are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  • Purchasing a Salesforce license is like signing a service contract with Salesforce, bound by certain users over a certain period.
  • Since the number of Salesforce License users cannot exceed the number of user subscriptions, this removes the typical software compliance risk faced with perpetual licensing.
  • A newer license bought mid-term will terminate along with the main agreement.
  • Additional user licenses will incur the price agreed upon in the prior agreement.
  • With member-based licenses, you are buying user seats, and with login-based licenses, you are buying access capacity.
  • Lastly, the login credentials for one user cannot be accessed by more than one person. Though, a user can be reassigned to a different user.

Wrapping Up

As we wrap up, it is essential to highlight that having the right Salesforce licensing strategy can make all the difference in how effectively your organization uses Salesforce. So, take the time to understand these characteristics and choose the licenses that best fit your needs.

However, if you’re feeling confused and need any help to unlock the full potential of Salesforce CRM or optimize the investment and usage of Salesforce licenses, don’t hesitate to contact Cymetrix, one of the leading Salesforce Implementation Partners.

