AI and The Future of HR

Artificial Intelligence is going to reshape all areas of the business world and more specifically in Human Resources. HR boils down to data analytics, but wouldn’t AI just replace HR all together? The answer is no. AI will not take over HR rather enhance its abilities. Companies view AI as a tool to help retain current employees and to cover other tasks making the company more productive. The advancements made by AI is not meant to hurt a company. AI will not eliminate your job but rather help you with your job. The benefits from AI will ensure the business owner that his company will reach its goal without sacrifice.

Human Resources will now be in charge of training their company on how to use and incorporate AI technologies in the workplace. ReadWrite, the latest news, analysis, and conversation on the internet of things, wrote in Is AI Going to Benefit HR in Future? “An HR team will play a prime role in preparing companies to implement AI in all departments” (2018). This means that HR will be the leaders in teaching companies how to use AI in their specific section. Adding to the workload of HR and not limiting it. Although, AI will limit HR’s workload in other aspects. Training is a big role that still needs to be filled by HR members.

Artificial Intelligence will however enhance the recruitment process and has many advantages over a person in HR. ReadWrite also states in Is AI Going to Benefit HR in Future? “the benefits will be experienced by potential and new employees” (2018). In other words, new recruits will inherit many benefits from AI that wouldn’t be offered by HR. Some resumes and background checks will be held under some biases from HR but not from AI. The amount of time it takes for AI to respond to an application will take a significantly lesser time then it will from a HR representative. Training will also be done more in depth and accurately by AI then of a member of HR. AI helps to create a more productive company with these advantages.

Human Resources will change due to Artificial Intelligence in the business world but will not become obsolete. Business owners will benefit from AI working with HR. HR will now be available for more time and input due to AI freeing them from paperwork and stress. This will drive the company to its overall goal and become more advanced.

ReadWrite. (2018, July 27). Is AI Going to Benefit HR in Future? Retrieved October 14, 2020, from



Christopher Bruce Cimino
Technology of the Future is Changing Business Today

I am a current transfer student from Monroe Community College to the University at Buffalo where I am majoring in Human Management.