Preparing For AI

Working with Artificial Intelligence is something people must be prepared for in the future. People from an early age will have to adapt to all the available technology around them. Businesses that implement AI are looking for employees with background in technology and who aren’t afraid to use it. According to Professor John Villasenor in The Chronicle of Higher Education, he wrote that both educational systems and the business model will have to reshape itself due to AI advancements.

John states, “colleges should offer their students, regardless of field of study, opportunities to learn about AI” (2019). This means that colleges should teach all their students about Artificial Intelligence and how it will relate to their future. Technology courses should be required in all undergraduate students that implement AI-related content. As of now students can go their whole college career without knowing how to use the simplest of technology and that needs to change. If colleges were forced to implement AI courses to all students and not just to engineering students then more people will be prepared for the future.

Professor John Villasenor also writes in The Chronicle of Higher Education, “corporations must train its employees to work with AI and not against it” (2019). This refers to companies needing to properly train its employees on how to work with AI within their business. Training is very important and will lead to employees working cooperatively with AI technology within their business. However, if companies do not train its employees then it can lead to using AI incorrectly and inefficiently. Business that invest in themselves with this technology must also invest in its employees with training.

I believe that both the educational system and the business model will have to change due to the rise in AI technology. New skills are going to be required to know in the future and educational systems must prepare us for these technologies. All colleges should enforce mandatory technology courses to every student to ensure these skills will be met. This is not saying we should teach every student how to code mathematical equations, but should teach the basics of AI and how it will impact our lives. Business that reshape their company with AI technologies must also do the same with their employees. Training on how to work with AI will be crucial for a business to succeed. The education system and the business model must be changed to implement technology more into our lives to better prepare us for the future of AI.

Villasenor, J. (2019). The Chronicle of Education. Retrieved October 14, 2020, from



Christopher Bruce Cimino
Technology of the Future is Changing Business Today

I am a current transfer student from Monroe Community College to the University at Buffalo where I am majoring in Human Management.