Technology Revolutionizing The Business World

An image of an Artificial Intelligence robot handshaking a business person. Showing how AI works with the business world.
(AI working with the business world.)

Technology has always been changing the future of the business world. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a machine self-learning technology that has been just recently transforming the business world. Businesses are using this technology to enhance almost every business process. More specifically their business development and customer service sectors. Will AI terminate more jobs then it creates?

This personally interests me since I plan to pursue a career in Human Resources (HR). In HR, my tasks would be related to the business development, customer service, and many other sectors that would become obsolete due to AI. If businesses are to incorporate AI into their DNA and revolve the company around technology, then my career may be a dying field. Will HR become non-existent in the future?

Others pursuing HR or another career must be prepared for this upsurge in use of AI technology. However, if you are unprepared for this new business world then you will not succeed in it. How would somebody become prepared for AI? Starting at a young age incorporate as much technology as possible. Figure out what you are specifically good at with technology and stick with it. Businesses are looking for employees that work best besides technology. Developing an expertise will inform your superior what you are an expert in and revolve your work around that. AI is meant to limit the responsibilities of an employee so they can focus more on the task at hand. In many ways AI transforms jobs into “superjobs”. For example, an employee in HR typically would have a wide variety of tasks. The repetitive time-wasting tasks could however be eliminated with AI.

In fact, in just 2018 alone AI has created more then 58 million new jobs that require new skills in technology. As stated above they need for technology skills and specific expertise will ensure your success in a business who uses AI. HR will not become obsolete due to AI rather it will enhance the abilities and restrict responsibilities in HR. Technology in the workplace is a growing and beneficial reality.

Starting with knowing how to use and operate all the available technology around you and specifying in a particular aspect will propel you to success within a business who uses AI. The career you chose will not become non-existent rather more precise. Businesses will not eliminate jobs but create them. With the knowledge of technology and working with machines the possibilities are truly endless.



Christopher Bruce Cimino
Technology of the Future is Changing Business Today

I am a current transfer student from Monroe Community College to the University at Buffalo where I am majoring in Human Management.