The AI Conspiracy

AI taking a persons job.

People fear that with the rise of Artificial Intelligence will come with a lack of jobs. Skills that once were considered a trade are now being replaced with technology. Nikita Verma who is currently a junior attending the University at Buffalo wrote, “jobs are going to be backed up or even replaced” (2020). This means that AI is going to take peoples jobs leaving the labor supply in a surplus. With AI growing and taking away jobs there won’t be enough work for everybody to fulfill. This is the AI conspiracy and it is a hoax.

New advancements in AI have come with new jobs and skills for people to adapt to. Although AI will eliminate some jobs it will also replace those lost jobs with new ones. Yen Nee Lee is a correspondent for based in Singapore and stated, “by 2020, artificial intelligence will generate 2.3 million jobs, exceeding the 1.8 million that it will wipe out” (2019). In other words, AI will create more jobs then it will take. The more growth AI makes the more jobs it will create. Even if you were to lose your job due to AI advancements there would be an opportunity to learn a different skill to earn another job.

Artificial Intelligence will need people with newly developed skills to help their business succeed. Igor Perisic who is a Chief Data Officer at LinkedIn Corporation wrote, “AI skills are among the fastest-growing skills on LinkedIn, and saw a 190% increase from 2015 to 2017” (2018). Skills in AI are growing at an incredible rate. With AI constantly improving so will the need for people with these skills. People see the need for these skills and is why they are increasing so fast. Skills that are being terminated by AI are being replaced with new skills. These skills include building AI technology, machine learning and deep learning, as well as neutral networking.

The Artificial Intelligence conspiracy does not hold true. AI will take away certain jobs while eliminating correlating skills, but will always create new jobs and skills for people to obtain. As long as AI continues to grow so will the creation of new jobs and skills for the labor force. The labor force will not suffer and be left in the dust, rather they will adapt to newer skills needed for new jobs. This will however reshape our labor force and what skills are considered a trade.

Perisic, Igor. “How Artificial Intelligence Is Shaking up the Job Market.” World Economic Forum, 17 Sept. 2018,

Verma, N. (2020, September 30). The Future of Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved October 14, 2020,



Christopher Bruce Cimino
Technology of the Future is Changing Business Today

I am a current transfer student from Monroe Community College to the University at Buffalo where I am majoring in Human Management.