The Misconception of AI


Having researched the future of Artificial Intelligence in the business world, I have found that people tend to have a negative outlook on the future of Artificial Intelligence. They lack the overall knowledge about AI and what it can do positively within a business. But, are people just hesitant about AI or are they truly afraid for their future? To dive deeper into this subject, I created a five question yes or no survey and posted it on to my social media account and waited for the responses.


My first question asked if they feared the future of AI in the business world. Almost 83% of the respondents said “yes” they were in fact afraid of the future of AI in the business world. Approximately 65% responded “yes” when asked if they thought AI would take their current job in the future. The third question asked if AI could benefit the labor force and almost 53% answered “no”. Next, 60% of the respondents said “yes” AI will eliminate more jobs then it creates. Lastly, I asked if they supported the use of AI in the business world and to my surprise nearly 58% said “yes”.


Why might the majority of the surveyed people be afraid of the future of AI? Well it could be the fact that they think AI will replace them and eliminate their job. However, AI won’t take over all jobs but rather help people succeed and work more productively within their job. Some jobs are being erased by AI, but more jobs are being created with the rise in AI. This means our labor force will then have more jobs to fill than ever before thanks to Artificial Intelligence. People, although afraid of AI seem to support the use of it in the business world. This means that people understand that AI will be apart of our future and agree it should be used in the business world.


If people did their own research on the development of Artificial Intelligence, they would see many advantages for the business world. These many advantages dramatically out-weigh the negatives of AI. This preconceived fear about AI is just false. People seem to support the idea of AI being used in the business world, but fail to understand what exactly it will do to help them. This misunderstanding is what leads people to fear the future of AI in the business world.



Christopher Bruce Cimino
Technology of the Future is Changing Business Today

I am a current transfer student from Monroe Community College to the University at Buffalo where I am majoring in Human Management.