Will AI Lead to Mass Unemployment? What should we do?

The Looming Shadow of Automation:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction. It’s rapidly weaving itself into the fabric of our lives, automating tasks, streamlining processes, and transforming entire industries. While the potential benefits of AI are undeniable, a chilling question hangs in the air: are we hurtling towards a future of mass unemployment caused by AI?

A Landscape of Transformation:

The reality of AI’s impact on the job market is more nuanced than a simple displacement narrative.

Truth: Sure, some jobs will undoubtedly be lost. Repetitive tasks in manufacturing, data entry positions, and even specific customer service roles might become obsolete.

Hope: However, a complete AI takeover of the workforce is unlikely.

Here’s why:

Shifting Skillsets: AI is not here to steal all jobs, it’s here to transform them. Workers will need to adapt by developing expertise in areas like

Data analysis

AI management

Human-machine collaboration.

Rise of New Roles: AI will create entirely new job categories. As AI becomes more sophisticated, roles like

AI ethicists

Data curators

AI trainers

Learning to Thrive in the Age of AI:

So, how do we prepare for this AI-driven future? The key lies in continuous learning and upskilling. Educational institutions and companies need to invest in programs that equip people with the skills needed to thrive.

Curriculums should incorporate

data analysis

coding fundamentals

and AI literacy.

Similarly, companies should invest in employee training programs to bridge the skill gap.

GenZ Future:

GenZ is in serious stress about jobs. Engineers who have no experience should learn below skills:

Basic Generative AI

Machine Learning

Usage of AI tools using prompts’


What will you do if you are getting laid of AI?

