The most important social media trends to know for 2020 | Open Designs India

Shrikrishna Tangatur
Open Designs
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2020

2019 witnessed the dawn of numerous smart trends and features on social media platforms. The first few months of 2019 witnessed the introduction of the Checkout Feature on. Instagram, using which brands could sell their products as well as make purchases without having to go be redirected anywhere else. If you are a brand that wishes to ace your social media game, it is imperative that you begin inculcating these inclinations while devising your social media marketing strategy.

Keeping track of trends is as important to a well-oiled social media marketing machine as keeping track of its performance. Staying abreast of such trends and adopting them ahead of your competitors could help you gain a decisive edge over them. Before you seek the social media services of a marketing agency, it is recommended that you are aware of trends that will dominate 2020.

Stories are an excellent feature to help you offer your consumer base catchy, titbit pieces of information on your brand. Whether you’ve launched a new product, have a big event planned, or just added a new post to your blog page, stories do the trick. Audiences are perpetually curious about what their favorite brands are up to. Consolidate this interest with the reality that one of the first things that audiences check out on their Instagram feed is stories of the people they follow. Utilize Instagram stories to attract your target audience to your website. Irrespective of whether this is to promote a brand-new product or blog post.

Brands can likewise utilize stories to interact with their audiences. For brands that have grossed over 10k Instagram followers, the provision for adding a link button to their stories is made available. Brands can then utilize this feature as a convenient CTA pointing to their product, service or blog page. Instagram stories serve in generating brand awareness in unprecedented ways and utilizing them is the best way to humanize your brand. Stories are not a novel feature on Instagram however supplementary traits are continually being appended to it. Some of these include -

Making use of these diverse features makes interacting with your target audience an absolute breeze.

While utilizing influencers is not a new concept to social media marketing, it continues to be effective. The trend for 2020, however, involves focusing on garnering influencers who are trustworthy and authentic. Discovering, attracting and utilizing such influences well will be the key. Trustworthy influencers tend to have a profound bearing on their audience’s buying choices.

A massive portion of all consumer segments are dependent on their suggestions. Brands should be keen on entering into partnerships with such influencers specializing in a suitable domain. By making use of influencers, brands can target not only influence their target audience but the existing followers of these influencers as well. Back in 2019, influencers carrying out social story takeovers were quite the rage. Video content types including product reviews, tutorials, and unboxing videos will continue to be popular in 2020.

The most satisfying element of utilizing social media influencers is the cost-efficiency they offer. Associating with influencers is not as expensive as associating with celebs. Nevertheless, influencers offer immediate access to massive segments of a brand’s target audiences. Brands also reserve the choice of presenting stimuli to influencers through the offering of complimentary samples of their latest products, bonuses, and affiliate arrangements. Influencer marketing will persist to be a powerful social media marketing tool in 2020 and beyond. Albeit, identifying the right set of influencers is essential for brands to fully realize the gains of collaborating with influencers. When seeking the social media services of a reputable social media marketing agency, ensure that they can help you acquire the most appropriate influencers for your brand.

All the best social media marketing services worth their salt, offer such assistance.

Most brands overlook the vast potential of Quora, considering it to be only an insignificant forum platform. Aside from assisting the general populace in discovering solutions to a range of queries, Quora serves brands in helping raise brand awareness. 2020 will see Quora emerge as a powerful social media marketing tool for brands to leverage. Despect the fact that brands are not allowed to create a business/company profile on the platform, they can utilize it well to their advantage.

Utilizing this space to distribute information about your brand and its products. Quora is a great place to attach links to a website, blog page or catalog to redirect readers. Quora is also the ideal platform to showcase one’s knowledge in a given topic. Brands should keep track of topics related to their company and business. They should also engage in conversations that pertain to not just their brand but also industry, in general. Companies can additionally create customized boards on their profiles where they can incorporate conversations and content from distinct websites.

Marketers should be keen on providing answers to queries that have to do with their brands and industry. They should also utilize these as chances to attach links to their latest products, blog posts, etc, anywhere they can. Marketers can attach the follow switch employing the Quora resources page to acquire extra followers. Using Quora, brands can develop a complete and comprehensive following facilitating brand awareness.

Videos persist to be one of the most absorbing content mediums on social media. They accounted for a massive portion of all of consumer traffic across industries in 2020. Brand-new innovations in video formats will continue to take 2020 by storm. One such innovation was the introduction of IGTV on Instagram, which facilitated the easy consumption of videos on the platform. IGTV made it easier for creators to share larger and more comprehensive videos with their followers, without having to redirect them to other platforms.

Video content ranging from live sessions, Q&As, event spectating, and tutorials topped the list in 2019. Videos adhering to the shorter, one minute format will continue to be popular in 2020, as they were in 2019. Live streams will be another medium for brands to utilize fully to their advantage. They make it possible to interact with target audiences in real-time and build genuine relationships. An agency offering the best social media services will help you leverage the potential of video marketing to the fullest.

At Open Designs India, we’re adept at offering every one of our clientele customized social media services that best their brands, products, and services. If you wish to know more about the range of social media service s we offer, feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to discuss the various ways in which we can help propel awareness about your brand reputation and awareness of your products, and services.

Originally published at on February 28, 2020.



Shrikrishna Tangatur
Open Designs

Design Entrepreneur, Open Designs India | Growth-Driven Design Strategy | Web Design Agency | Voice of Open Designs