Website Design Tips to improve Bounce Rate — Open Designs India

Shrikrishna Tangatur
Open Designs
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2020

Owning a website comes with the potential for visitors to bounce off the website without converting. This phenomenon, called the “Bounce Rate”, is quite common, due to poor website design. Website Design and Development Services need to carefully crate the site to keep the Bounce Rate within the desirable range of 26% -70%. Bounce rates between 41% and 55% are considered ideal. Low Bounce rates of 26% — 40%, tell your website is doing excellent in conversions.

Visual Website Design

The website’s visual design is what creates the User Journey. This journey has to be impressive and convincing enough to make them avail of your products and services. Once the demo site is created you need to map out the journey and test it personally. Have some associates test run the website and make changes based on their feedback.

Well-Defined Visual hierarchy:

Squint while looking at your website, till the screen blurs. Some areas of the page pop out either in color or by size grabbing your attention. Make optimum use of these spaces by placing CTA buttons, USP’s, or attractive offers on them. Use contrast in text size and color to define different areas of the page.

Attractive Color schemes:

Use attractive color schemes that appeal to the target audience (Use this to hyperlink to the Color scheme blog) and are appropriate to the business. Choose colors that complement each other without straining the eyes. The color of the text must also be visually comfortable to read at all times. This is why most Web Design and Development services prefer white backgrounds with black text.

Choose Sans Serif fonts:

Sans Serif fonts like Arial , Helvetica , Calibri , etc are much easier to read. Of course, you can use the ornamental Serif Fonts to embellish to Headings, Focus areas, etc., but the main body of the text must be in Sans Serif.

Eye-Catching Images

High-resolution images with crisp frames that convey exactly what you want, make a site look professional. Choose wisely to extract maximum conversion from minimalist aesthetics.

Effectively used White Space

The White Space is the blank space between the elements of your website. Too much information dump in the form of images and text can divert the visitor’s attention away from the main Action points.

Simple Infographics

Infographics are a great way to push a lot of information at a glance. Web Design and Development service use them as an effective tool to convince visitors to more conversions.

Technical Website Design

Faster Loading Time

64% of Online shoppers said they were too impatient to wait out slow loading pages. Clear the website of any obsolete plugins, images and coding to get faster loading pages on your site.

Optimum Website fold

The website Fold is the point where the page is separated by what is visible on the screen and what can be accessed by further scrolling. This needs to be optimised to include relevant information at all times.

Responsive Layout

A major chunk of your customers is using their phones to view the site. Use Responsive layouts to adapt to any screen size rather than create different sites for computers and phones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any potential customer who opens your website is sure to have a lot of queries regarding the products and services. A single page that answers all their questions is good for customer retention. Constantly upgrade this to include fresh queries.

Contact page

Web Design and Development services create the Contact page, so potential customers can contact them for queries and follow-ups. Make it simple with a direct link to mail you, along with other contact information like address, phone numbers, etc.

Certifications and Testimonials

The visitors are more likely to get convinced by third-party certifications and customer reviews than your own content. User-generated content that favours you will ensure more conversions.

Web Design Services in India are quite challenging as businesses are yet to catch on the importance of Bounce Rates. Open Designs is one of the Best web development companies in India that creates highly interactive websites with optimum Bounce rates.

Originally published at on September 17, 2020.



Shrikrishna Tangatur
Open Designs

Design Entrepreneur, Open Designs India | Growth-Driven Design Strategy | Web Design Agency | Voice of Open Designs