How do you get your dog to eat dog food?

Muhiuddin Alam
Published in
8 min readApr 29, 2021
How do you get your dog to eat dog food?

Eating the same thing every day isn’t always fun. For you or for your pets. That’s why we’ve got the tips, tricks, and tools on how to get your dog to eat their food if your dog will not eat his favorite foods anymore. Want to know the secret?

On a recent summer day, I feel that the favorite pets of the shovel officers have experienced this: their dogs are apathetic, have no appetite, and do not want to eat, and even their favorite foods have no reaction. What should we do at this time?

Table Of Contents

  • Does a dog’s appetite become spoiled?
  • Why do some dogs don’t want to eat in summer?
  • Reasons why dogs don’t want to eat
  • How to improve appetite

Does a dog’s appetite become spoiled?

Dogs have a big appetite most of the time, but they always “behave demon” intermittently? Dog food is not delicious, even the snacks do not bother to take a look? Poop shovel officers often attribute this situation to over spoiling: eating too many snacks, leading to picky eaters. The dog’s sudden loss of appetite must be for a reason, but it is not necessarily a picky eater. It may also be a health problem. Let’s look for it with the shit shovel officers. The dog is picky about food. What’s wrong in the end?

Here is a list of some of the more common causes and corresponding solutions for the pet owner:

Picky eaters

If the dog’s mental state and physical condition are normal, but he refuses the staple food and gives him some snacks, he is most likely to be picky eaters. Snacks are only suitable for daily play and training rewards. Once they are excessive, they will not only make the dog think about delicious biscuits, but refuse the real staple food, but also make the little guys quickly get a blessing. This kind of blessing will affect them. There is no benefit to healthy development. The number of snacks should not exceed 5% of the total food, and it is recommended to choose low-calorie, low-fat food. Otherwise, once the dog develops the bad habit of picky eaters, the shit scavengers will regret it.


A cold is usually accompanied by an upper respiratory tract infection, which causes the dog’s sense of smell to decrease, and food imports are also light and tasteless. If you can’t smell the tempting fragrance and taste the delicious food, the dog will naturally lose his appetite and have no intention of eating. If the patient is diagnosed with a cold and lack of appetite, he must prescribe the right medicine in time. At the same time, you can use fresh ingredients such as vegetables and beef to make homemade dog food to help your dog’s appetite.

Weather reason

The sweat glands of dogs are not as developed as humans, and they can only rely on their tongues and soles to dissipate heat. Therefore, in the scorching summer, the dog is hotter and has no appetite than the shovel officer.In summer, you must pay attention to the ambient temperature. Even if there are only dogs in the house, it is recommended to take measures to prevent heatstroke for the dogs. At the same time, provide enough water for the dog. Normal temperature water is enough. If the water temperature is too low, it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Food problem

A sudden change of food and taste will not only make dogs lose their appetite, but also may cause intestinal diseases. Dog food that has been opened for a long time will have a discount on its texture and taste, which may also be a major cause of the dog’s sudden loss of appetite. It is generally not recommended to change the dog’s food suddenly. If you must change it, first add a little new food to the old food and increase the amount of new food day by day until the new food is completely replaced on the tenth day. Usually, dog ​​food should be placed in a cool and dry place, it is best to be sealed to prevent the dog food from spoiling or even spoiling.

Gastrointestinal disease

Gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastroenteritis, intestinal parasites, and digestive ulcers, can directly cause loss of appetite in dogs. At the same time, gastrointestinal problems are often a complication of other diseases, and it is best to go to the hospital to rule out the cause. Always give the dog a light diet, and at the same time know which foods are taboo for the dog. For gastrointestinal diseases, it is best to seek medical treatment in time and follow the doctor’s advice. Avoid empiricism and give your dog casual medication.

Oral disease

Dental calculus, gingivitis, oral ulcers, etc., make it difficult for dogs to chew, and thus their appetite will also decrease. Calculus tends to accumulate faster in small dogs. Pay attention to your dog’s oral cleanliness daily, whether it is toothpaste or mouthwash, it is recommended to clean up at least once a day. If the dog already has dental calculus, go to the hospital for dental cleaning or extraction in time.

Why do some dogs don’t want to eat in summer?

Summer is a season that makes people love and hate. The scorching sun makes people emotionally unstable, but you can taste cold drinks. But often when it comes to eating dinner, you lose your appetite. Similarly, you will find that the pet dog at home also shrinks in the corner and loses the desire to eat.

In fact, everyone should not be too panicked in the face of this situation.

First, check whether the dog is unwilling to eat because of illness. You can look at the feces of the dog to see if it is sick. If the dog’s feces are very thin, and the color is abnormal, and the color is slightly red, this proves that the dog is uncomfortable, and you can further confirm what disease the dog has.

Secondly, by observing whether the dog’s nose is wet or dry, it can also be judged from it. In general, the tip of the dog’s nose is moist and slightly cool, so if you find that its nose is a bit dry and hot, and the temperature at the base of the ear is quite different, and the appetite is obvious, it means that it is due to illness. Take the dog to see a doctor, and the problem of poor appetite can be solved when the condition improves.

If after a basic check, it is found that the dog does not have the above symptoms and is not sick, try to see if the place to feed the dog food is suitable. Sun exposure and places and places where unfamiliar dogs are present generally affect the dog’s eating. Furthermore, some owners like to stick to their pet dogs and pet them while they are eating. Don’t do this again afterward. When the dog eats, just let it eat quietly. Be careful not to feed the food too salty.

Third, you can see if the dog is not eating because of picky eaters. Some owners are more spoilt for pets, and when choosing dog food and food, they will often choose high-quality food for their dogs. Obviously, once the food quality is reduced or changed, the dog will become picky and unwilling to eat. If this is the case, the owner needs to correct the dog’s picky eating problem.

The fourth is that you can add a little “material” to the dog’s food. In the case of overheating in summer, you can add a little cool and fresh yogurt, cheese, etc. to the dog’s food to improve the dog’s appetite. But also remember to control the amount, too cold or frozen food should not be overdone.

Fifth, pay attention to whether it is a problem of the food itself. You know, sickness comes from the mouth, and the same is true for our pets. In addition to the dog’s own reasons, the most important thing is to find the problem from the food itself. Pay attention to the production date and shelf life printed on the food packaging bag to ensure that the dog food is fresh and has not expired. For the food that the owner makes, it is also necessary to ensure that there is no problem such as deterioration, spoilage, or odor caused by the weather. Give the food to the dog.

The last point is to control the dog’s diet. You know, dogs shouldn’t eat too salty or heavy mouthfuls. Dogs tend to eat dry food when the weather is relatively cold, and when the weather is relatively hot, dogs like to eat thinner food, so we can cook some porridge, or cool fruits and vegetables, etc. This will make your dog appetite.

Poor appetite in dogs is a common phenomenon. Presumably, many owners’ dogs sometimes don’t want to eat. In fact, there are many factors that cause dogs not to eat in their lives. However, what are the specific causes of poor appetite in dogs? It may be due to the influence of the climate, illness, cold, food spoilage, or the bad habit of eating snacks since childhood. There are many reasons.

Today, I will analyze some of the more common reasons for you in detail!

In fact, there are many reasons why dogs do not want to eat and have no appetite. Due to the dog’s owner, we must observe the dog’s behavior and then prescribe the correct medication.

Reasons why dogs don’t want to eat

Causes of Loss of appetite:

1. Sickness

If the dog has a cold or fever, or the dog has an infectious disease or has symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting, it will cause the dog’s appetite to decline. It may be a disease of the digestive organs. Heart disease can also cause appetite decline.

2. Heat

Often everyone thinks of some objective reasons while ignoring the dog’s own factors. When a dog is anxious, he may not be interested in any food. Another reason is that when the dog is in heat, it may also cause a loss of appetite.

3. Deworming

No matter how much a dog’s appetite is and he eats a lot, he will not gain weight if he does not deworm him regularly. It will also cause the dog’s appetite to decrease. It is necessary to check whether there are parasites in the dog. First of all, attention should be paid to alleviate the cleaning, ventilation, and dryness, often help the dog to comb the hair and regularly use the insecticidal component of the shower gel. As for the parasites in the body, it needs to be fed with anthelmintic to solve it.

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Muhiuddin Alam

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