What food do puppies like: Puppy Feeding Fundamentals

Muhiuddin Alam
Published in
7 min readMay 16, 2021
What food do puppies like: Puppy Feeding Fundamentals

Dogs are basically not picky eaters. They have a natural desire for food, and they will eat as long as they can eat. This is the main reason why old people used to say that dogs are easy to raise but cats are hard to raise. Because cats are different from dogs, cats have higher requirements for food, eat less but eat well. However, although a well-fed dog is not picky on food, it also has a preference for food.

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What food do puppies like: Puppy Feeding Fundamentals

Table Of Contents

  • What food do puppies like?
  • Nutritional elements for dogs
  • The reasonable and nutritional ratio of dog food
  • Foods that are not suitable for dogs to feed
  • New dog-breeding attention
  • What are the rules of the dog’s diet?
  • What are the eating habits of dogs?
  • How to ensure a scientific diet for dogs?
  • Vitamins affect the physical strength of dogs
  • How to master the eating habits of dogs
  • What happens if a dog’s diet is irregular

What food do puppies like?

Dog food: The best food for dogs is dog food. If you can’t give it dog food and eat homemade food, you should pay attention to the combination to ensure balanced nutrition of animal offal (note: do not feed pig liver for a long time, it will be poisoned), Meat, cornmeal, fish (note: the hard spines of the fish may be stuck, it is best to pick it out), carrots, etc., can be dog food, almost no salt and then fed after cooking, feeding puppies Need to mix a little warm water when feeding the food.

Frequency of feeding: Birth-12 weeks: 4–5 times/day; 12 weeks-4 months: feeding 3–4 times/day; 4 months-1 years old: feeding 2 times/day;

After one-year-old: Feed once/day. Note: Puppies have poor control of hunger. They should be fed according to the feeding amount in the dog food manual to prevent gastrointestinal diseases caused by eating too much.

Nutritional elements for dogs

Dogs are omnivorous animals. They want to eat everything that people eat, but their nature is still more carnivorous, so it is better to feed more foods containing animal protein, especially puppies at the proper developmental stage. It is necessary to supplement 8–9 grams of protein per kilogram per day.

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There are many ways to eat animal protein, such as beef, fish, chicken, eggs, beef liver or chicken liver, milk, etc. There is also this ingredient. Protein is the most abundant, and the nutrient second only to protein is fat. Puppies need twice as much as adult dogs. Meat and dairy products are still indispensable sources of fat for puppies to grow. But pay attention. Boiled fish meat is safer.

Vitamins are an important factor affecting the dog’s physical strength. A healthy dog ​​can synthesize vitamin C in the body, but other foods containing vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, D, etc. need to be supplemented by the owner.

Therefore, when arranging three meals for the dog, this kind of food should be included in the menu.

Beef liver, chicken liver, eggs, dairy products, etc. should be mixed in its food. The problem is that dogs may not like to eat these foods. Therefore, it should be mixed with some foods that it usually likes at the beginning, and let the dog eat it, so as not to cause the deviation of the shadow and the lack of vitamins.

The reasonable and nutritional ratio of dog food

Puppies: meat 35%, cereals 33%,

adult dogs: meat 28%, cereals 40%,

fruits and vegetables: 30%, additives 2%, fruits and vegetables 30%

Foods that are not suitable for dogs to feed

When I see my family eating big fish and meat and delicious snacks at the table, they will be greedy, but in order to consider its health, all foods except regular meals should be refused by dogs.

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The following foods should be Collect:

  • Fish and milk are just taken out of the freezer (easy to cause diarrhea)
  • Squid, octopus, shellfish, shrimp, crab, and other seafood (not easy to digest)
  • Chicken bones and fish bones are sharp and hard, It is easy to stab the mouth and digestive organs, and cannot be fed (sometimes causing intestinal bleeding)
  • Desserts and preserves (which can be the main cause of tooth decay and obesity)
  • Irritating spices such as ginger, curry powder, and chili are too irritating to the stomach
  • Foods with high salt content.
  • Foods that are not easily digested such as shiitake mushrooms and freshly milled foods may cause diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Onions have the toxicity of dissolving red blood cells and can easily cause hematuria or anemia after ingestion.
  • Chocolate may also cause toxic symptoms. The production of toxic substances can cause urinary incontinence, cramps, hypnotism, etc.
  • Some dogs can cause diarrhea as soon as they drink milk. In such a situation, they can be fed with yogurt.
  • Puppies should never feed ham sausage, sausage. Other foods containing preservatives, pigments, etc.
  • Do not eat watermelon for dogs, and try not to eat other melon fruits, which may cause diarrhea.

New dog-breeding attention

  • It is best to inject serum immediately for newly-purchased puppies Or immune globulin to strengthen the system.
  • Do not bathe the dog immediately. After the dog has adapted to the new environment a few days later, the dog should be bathed under the premise of normal eating and excretion.
  • After arriving home, the dog’s food intake should be controlled. Feed lower than normal food intake, and gradually increase to normal food intake within a few days.
  • If there is any suspicious situation in the newly bought puppies, please call the doctor immediately.

If necessary, take the dog to the animal hospital for medical treatment as soon as possible, so as not to cause Irreparable consequences.

What are the rules of the dog’s diet?

Pet dogs, you should pay attention to the following things when feeding your dog:

  • Use food prepared by a regular manufacturer
  • Don’t use food that has become rotten or stale
  • Don’t use cat food that contains high protein.
  • Keep dog food at room temperature. Do not give them food that has just been taken out of the refrigerator.
  • Dispose of uneaten canned food or food that has become damp. Otherwise, if it eats stale food Sick,
  • Throw away the leftover dry food every night, don’t store it in the dog’s food bowl, it is easy to seduce bacteria and bugs
  • Pay attention to your dog’s weight at any time,
  • Don’t use hard and sharp feed the dog bones
  • 24 hours if your dog does not eat the same family of dogs, some may be willing to eat the same pot, but also consult a veterinarian fed low-calorie diet foods just use a standard percentage of calories sixty food to feed.

chickens and turkeys are easy to digest: and calorie content is lower than other meat you very carefully the very small fishbone should weed out, it will only gulping style fishbone to chew or two on the Swallow all the cooked rice is easy to digest. Add some chicken broth and chicken to the rice, mix it together and feed it to dogs in recovery from illness.

The best vegetarian dogs: They can live on vegetarian food because they can convert plant protein and fat into Essential elements for maintaining the body. Vegetarian food is generally difficult to provide all the nutrients.

Breakfast with cereals and milk (goat milk or skimmed milk): Don’t forget to give your dog one too. It’s light and nutritious. Scrambled eggs are for puppies and The ideal food for recovery from illness, regular vitamin supplementation is necessary:

Related Reading: What kind of food do dogs like best?

What are the eating habits of dogs?

Although Labrador is an omnivorous animal, most of the dog meat is fed to dogs in the family. So what are the unique eating habits of dogs? Need to be formulated in the feed animal protein and more fat, and second, shorter digestive tract dog’s digestive tract is shorter than herbivores, dog stomach hydrochloric acid content primacy in domestic animals, so the meat is easy to digest and suitable for food and this is The habit left by biting the prey in the original ecology, we must often give it some bones when feeding (note that it is best not to use poultry bones.

How to ensure a scientific diet for dogs?

1. Dog food: The best food for dogs is dog food. If you can’t give it dog food and eat homemade food, you should pay attention to the combination to ensure balanced nutrition of animal offal (note: do not feed pig liver for a long time, it will be poisoned), Fish meat (note: the hard spines of the fish may be stuck, all can be dog food, almost no salt and cooked after being fed. When feeding puppies and dog food, you need to mix a little warm water.

Feeding times: puppies’ ability to control hunger It’s very poor. It is necessary to feed the dog food according to the feeding amount in the dog food manual to prevent gastrointestinal diseases from being too full.

2. The nutritional elements of dogs. Dogs are omnivorous animals. They want to eat everything that humans eat, but their nature is still The tendency to eat meat is relatively strong, so it is better to feed more foods containing animal protein. Especially for puppies at the proper developmental stage, about 8–9 grams of protein must be supplemented per kilogram per day.

There are many ways to eat animal protein, such as beef, fish, chicken, eggs, beef liver or chicken liver, milk, etc. also have this ingredient. Fish has the most abundant protein. You should try to feed the puppies as much of the nutrients as fat, which is second only to protein. Twice as dogs, meat and dairy products are still indispensable sources of fat for puppies to grow up, but be aware that it is safer for fish to be cooked in water.

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Muhiuddin Alam

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