How I found my higher power

JmacD Through pain comes growth
2 min readDec 6, 2018

Ok ill start by saying i never believed in a higher power or god my whole life. when i was in rehab dealing with addictions, they tell you, you need to find something to believe in, it doesn’t matter what it is. I began asking around about what is God for you and stuff. eventually i had heard enough concepts to form my own.

I will try to share with you what i believe in today, it is not very easy to explain or your typical concept of a higher power so bear with me.

I find it difficult to beleive theirs some guy up their pulling strings. For me my higher power can best be defined as, As long as i continue to do the next right thing. everything will work out the way its supposed to. So, basically it means that all i have to do is the right thing, whatever that may be at the time and it will be ok. This way of thinking for me doesnt mean everything will be peachy. some of the worst things in life are actually blessings in disguise, i remind myself to keep this in mind. Also, thinking like this keeps my life simple, i can make things insanely complicated we all can. A little simplicity in my life always welcomed haha. do the right thing, and it will be ok.

Another aspect i tend to tie in with my higher power is that everything you do affects something else. I used to say whats the point all the time, whats the point in getting up, whats the point in going to work.

So, everything i do affects something else, if i litter and someone sees me littering, they think its fine, if i start yelling at people at work, this can become acceptable behavior. For someone that used to say whats the point, thinking like this and realizing the ripple effect of life was a major breakthrough for me. All of the sudden, woah, everything had a point where i viewed life as rather pointless.

These arent typically things that get tied in with a higher power, HOWEVER, this is what worked for me. This is what changed my thinking and helped me, if i can help anyone writing this was worth it.

My concept of a higher power is still evolving, i pray to someone when times get tough. Id like to continue expanding my thoughts and beleifs here.

i would really like to hear some of your thoughts or beliefs as maybe they could expand my own thinking or get my head going off some different direction.

