Uncovering the Real Voice: How to Detect and Verify Audio Deepfakes

Tan Jian Hong
Published in
16 min readNov 14, 2023

What are Audio Deepfakes?

Deepfakes are a type of synthetic media that use deep learning techniques to create realistic but entirely fabricated content. An audio deepfake is part of the deepfake family, utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques to manipulate or generate audio recordings that appear to be authentic but are synthetic or altered. The synthetic audio clips created can mimic the voice, tone, and speech patterns of a specific individual that makes it appear real. Two main techniques are commonly used to create audio deepfakes:

  1. Voice Conversion (VC): Real-time dubbing over the original voice using the target’s artificial voice.
  2. Text-to-Speech (TTS): Creation of synthetic speech by using text as input and generating an output speech audio clip using the target’s artificial voice.

With an increased focus on deepfake research, audio deepfakes have achieved an unprecedented level of realism. This is a stark contrast to earlier versions of deepfakes, which often sound robotic or have an unnatural sound quality. Today, commercial tools to create audio deepfakes are now available for as little as $1 per month, enabling the generation of highly convincing and lifelike audio replicas. Below are some fascinating examples that our team has produced using these cutting-edge audio deepfake tools.

[Audio snippet from an actual Bill Gates’ interview]
[Audio replica of a Bill Gates interview]

Audio deepfake technologies can even reproduce fake covers of songs by original artists. Here’s an example of Stephanie Sun singing a cover of 安静 (An Jing) by Jay Chou, created using SoftVC VITS!

For a fun experiment, you can recreate such videos yourself by using this simple Google Colab notebook we have created. Please note that this is for demonstration and learning purposes only, we do not condone the cloning of voices using AI that may infringe any intellectual property rights.

In this article, we will delve into how audio deepfakes have impacted our lives; discuss the various techniques & technologies to detect audio deepfakes; and share how we (at HTX S&S CoE) are tackling the challenges posed by audio deepfakes.

What is the Impact of Audio Deepfakes on Our Lives?

As with any new discoveries and technologies, audio deepfakes can be used to do good or bad. Audio deepfakes have also improved lives. For example, it can help visually impaired individuals to consume text materials or allow patients diagnosed with throat cancer or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) to speak again with their “own voice”¹. Val Kilmer, an actor who successfully battled throat cancer, experienced personally the benefits of audio deepfake technology. He was gratified to be able to lend his voice once again to the big screen in Top Gun 2 and commented that “the chance to narrate my story, in a voice that feels authentic and familiar, is an incredibly special gift”. In the entertainment industry, audio deepfakes have also been used to preserve the voices of retired or deceased actors with tools like ReSpeecher².

On the flip side, scammers and bad actors have used audio deepfakes for nefarious purposes. Scammers, for example, have been exploiting audio deepfake technologies to increase the level of sophistication and believability of scam calls, misleading people with fake voices of their loved ones in distress for extortion or financial fraud schemes. Donna Letto, victim of a deepfake distress call from her son³, shared with CBC News that even though her son’s voice seemed somewhat different, she still went ahead to send money to supposedly bail him out.

Audio deepfakes have also been used to spread misinformation, orchestrate targeted attacks, and manipulate political agendas. For instance, deepfake videos of the Ukraine President announcing that Ukraine will be surrendering have been uploaded to multiple social media platforms and even hacked live television broadcasts⁴.

With such harmful consequences associated with the use of audio deepfakes, it is imperative that we all remain vigilant. At HTX S&S COE, we embarked on combating audio deepfakes to ensure public safety.

How Does Audio Deepfake Detection Work?

As the field of audio deepfake detection research is relatively new, methods for detecting these deepfakes are still evolving. Detection methods generally fall into three categories:

A. Hand-crafted perceptual features: This method involves comparing statistical differences between synthetic and human speech. Using advanced signal processing algorithms, comparisons are made with variations in normalised amplitude range, pitch deviation, cadence, phonetic transitions and pauses between utterances. Results from this detection method can be easily interpreted by observing differences in the pitch pattern of a synthetic sample against the pattern of a natural speech by a human. Based on the two images presented below, it is evident that there are variations in the pattern of the locus, where the highest values of the normalised short-range autocorrelation function are observed between synthetic speech and natural speech. Additionally, the configuration of the bright region differs between synthetic speech and natural speech. These distinctions can be attributed to the synthetic speech generation process, which uses specific high-probability symbols within the model.

a) Image of Pitch Pattern of a Synthetic Speech [Image credits: Discrimination Method of Synthetic Speech Using Pitch Frequency Against Synthetic Speech Falsification]
b) Image of Pitch Pattern of a Natural Speech [Image credits: Discrimination Method of Synthetic Speech Using Pitch Frequency Against Synthetic Speech Falsification]

B. Generic Spectral Feature-Based Detection: Another method in the arsenal of detection strategies involves the utilisation of generic spectral features. While the specifics of this technique may vary, it typically uses ML methods to extract audio spectral features and statistically compare them. Spectral features are characteristics derived from the frequency domain representation of audio signals, and they can provide valuable information about the underlying sound. One of the tools that can be used is openSMILE (open-source Speech and Music Interpretation by Large-space Extraction), a popular toolkit for extracting audio features. This approach relies on a data-driven methodology to discern deepfakes from genuine audio through the analysis of spectral characteristics.

C. End-to-end Deep Neural Network-Based Solution: The third category uses the power of end-to-end deep neural networks to detect audio deepfakes. We use this method for our work on audio deepfake detection and will expand more on this.

A typical setup of an end-to-end deep neural network-based solution is shown below.

[Image credits: HTX S&S COE]

Audio deepfake detection using deep neural network models requires a large dataset of labelled data to learn and identify artefacts that may indicate a synthetic speech audio clip. During inference, the audio deepfake detector pre-processes the input, passes it through the model and classifier, and determines whether the speech audio clip is genuine or synthetic.

These end-to-end deep neural network-based models have gained prominence in the audio deepfake detection landscape for their ability to automatically learn intricate patterns from raw audio data. The models can be divided into two subcategories:

A. Computer Vision-Based Solution: Innovations in Computer Vision (CV) have been adapted to audio deepfake detection with the translation of audio spectrograms into images. Three main image-based features used in audio deepfake detection are shown below. The colour, x and y axis represent amplitude, time and frequency respectively. These “audio images’’ can be processed using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and other vision-inspired techniques. This approach not only considers the audio content but also its visual representation, enhancing detection accuracy. The three spectrogram representations that are frequently used (as shown below), are Constant-Q function (CQT), Mel, and Log, each with its own advantage. The constant Q function spectrogram (left) can capture fine-grained spectral features that are important in differentiating between a real and deepfake audio, whilst the Mel spectrogram (centre) captures the pitch and timbre features that is important for human speech recognition. Log spectrograms (right) are useful for capturing dynamic range of audio signals. In general, the CQT spectrogram is more accurate when used for audio deepfake⁵.

[Image credits: HTX S&S COE]

B. Raw Audio Input-Based Solution: Raw audio input-based models, such as the renowned “wav2vec,” directly operate on the waveform data. This approach bypasses the need for handcrafted features, allowing the model to autonomously extract meaningful information from the audio. Raw audio models can capture fine-grained details in the audio signal, making them potentially more robust to variations in the acoustic environment, accents, and speaking styles.

Can Audio Deepfake Detectors Generalise?

Generalising is crucial for AI models to perform well on a wide range of tasks and adapt to new data and situations. It ensures that AI systems are not just memorising training data, but learning meaningful patterns/artefacts, making them more reliable, robust, and applicable to real-world scenarios. However, recent research and experiments show that it will be challenging to generalise audio deepfake detectors. The detectors exhibit a sharp drop in performance especially during cross-dataset testing. Why is this the case?

The primary issue lies in the diversity and complexity of audio deepfakes. Audio deepfakes span across a wide range of acoustic scenarios, accents, and languages, making it challenging to develop a one-size-fits-all detection model. Different audio deepfake generators using different model architectures may produce contrasting artefacts that are picked up by deep neural network-based solutions. As a result, when tested against data it hasn’t encountered during training, a deepfake detector’s performance suffers. Fraunhofer AISEC conducted an experiment with various state-of-the-art deep neural network models at that time, such as LCNN, LCNN-LSTM, MesoNet, RestNet18, RawNet2, RawGAT-ST. They discovered that most, if not all, of the current models suffer from Out-of-Distribution (OoD) detection with cross-dataset benchmarking.

Cross-dataset benchmarking is a process of evaluating model performance across different datasets to understand its effectiveness and generalisability. In their experiment, they used the best feature type determined by experimentation, trained the models with ASVspoof19 training data, and evaluated them against ASVspoof19 evaluation data and Fraunhofer’s own In-the-Wild dataset. The In-the-Wild dataset⁶ consists of 377.9 hours of audio clips that are either fake (17.2 hrs) or real (20.7 hrs). The table below shows the comparison of different audio deepfake models and results of the cross-dataset validation.

*Model tested by HTX S&S CoE to verify the claim of OoD detection issue [Credit: Fraunhofer AISEC and HTX S&S COE]

An Equal Error Rate (EER) is used to evaluate the performance of a binary classifier (e.g., for biometric systems and presentation attack detection, etc.), also defined as the point where False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR) are equal. Generally, a higher EER % represents lower performance because it also corresponds to higher false positives and false negatives. Based on the results of the cross-validation experiment presented in the table above, it is evident that the majority, if not all, of the models included in the study encountered difficulties when it comes to identifying OoD data that is not part of the training data distribution. This is indicated by a substantial increase in EER % when validated against the In-the-Wild Dataset consisting of deepfakes generated by newer model architectures.

One of the ways to tackle the OoD detection issue in audio deepfakes is to actively monitor the landscape for emerging generators and generate new training data for model retraining. The S&S team also verified this by mixing both ASVspoof19 and In-the-Wild dataset to train both AASIST and CNN-LSTM models to show the importance of staying up to date with the latest developments in the generator domain.

As presented in the second table below, the team conducted training and evaluation on various dataset combinations and compared the results. It was noted that the model performed well when evaluated against the distribution of data it was originally trained on but performed poorly when presented with data outside its training distribution. However, when the model trained with a combination of datasets, there was a noticeable improvement in its performance, demonstrating competence for both data distributions, namely ASVspoof19 and In-the-Wild dataset. To further support this observation, the team tested the new models on the ASVspoof21 dataset, which is an extension of the ASVspoof19 dataset. While the results still indicated that the models had some out-of-distribution (OoD) issues, it is noteworthy that the AASIST model generalised better than the CNN-LSTM model when assessed on the ASVspoof21 dataset.

[Credit: HTX S&S COE]

The battle against audio deepfakes is a never-ending cat and mouse chase. As defenders improve their detection methods and generate data to counter new generators, bad actors respond by refining their techniques. This constant evolution of tactics and counter-tactics underscores the importance of staying up to date with the latest developments in the field. We can remain up to date by:

  1. Continuous retraining of models with different combinations of benchmark datasets.
  2. Trying the latest models from the research community which validates existing datasets.
  3. Testing new spoofing methods for evaluation.

If you are interested in this topic, Fraunhofer AISEC has also conducted experiments on other parameters such as the evaluation audio input length, fixed vs variable evaluation audio input length, feature extract technique (i.e., cqtspec, logspec, melspec), which you can read in their paper on “Does Audio Deepfake Detection Generalize?”⁷.

Is a Deep Learning Based Deepfake Detector the Best Choice for Detecting Audio Deepfake?

We have chosen to focus on models that are more capable of generalising based on our cross-data validation experiment results as shown above. Models that use raw audio input-based deepfake detectors were selected as it generally performs better when conducting cross-data benchmarking. This could be due to raw audio input detectors being able to learn more generalisable patterns in the audio data. The model we chose is the Audio Anti-Spoofing using Integrated Spectro-Temporal (AASIST), which is a lightweight model that uses fewer parameters than its peers (e.g., RawGAT-ST uses 437k parameters while AASIST uses 297k parameters). This makes it more efficient and easier to deploy. Moreover, it performs slightly better than its raw input peers in terms of EER % for both ASVspoof19 and In-the-Wild evaluation. See the overall architecture of AASIST below.

[Image credits: Automatic Speaker Verification Spoofing and Deepfake Detection]

AASIST uses Graph attention network (GAT) to learn the representations of relationships between different time frames and spectral bands in an audio signal. These representations are then used to classify the audio input as either real or fake. The AASIST model has been shown to outperform other state-of-the art models on audio deepfake detection tasks. This is likely because GAT can learn complex relationships between the different time frames and spectral bands in an audio signal, which is important for detecting audio deepfakes.

Layering Deepfake Detection with Speaker Verification Models

Instead of focusing solely on developing a deepfake detector, we adopted a layered defence approach by integrating speaker verification models in the detector. Speaker verification models are designed to authenticate the identity of a speaker by comparing their voice against a known reference voiceprint. These models can be used to verify the identity of individuals and prevent scenarios such as real humans trying to imitate the target speaker.

It has been shown in a study⁸ where researchers adapting several state-of-the-art speaker verification models were able to achieve good performance, high generalisation ability (i.e., ability to detect OoD data) and high robustness to audio impairment.

Are Audio Deepfake Detection Methods Foolproof?

The short answer is no. As demonstrated earlier, audio deepfake detectors suffer from OoD detection. This means that they are not able to detect deepfakes that were created by a generator unknown to it. Additionally, an audio deepfake detector is susceptible to adversarial attacks by adding small, sometimes imperceivable noises to the data to fool the model. With audio deepfake detection, noises can be added to an adversarial attack (e.g., Gaussian, RIR, etc.) to make it appear real to the detector.

In a study⁹ by Piotr Kawa, a PhD student at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, various deepfake detectors were evaluated against a variety of adversarial attack methods (e.g., Fast Gradient Signed Method, Projected Gradient Descent, Fast adaptive Boundary, etc). The study found that the detectors were vulnerable to all the adversarial attack methods tested, and that the performance of the detectors could be reduced. The EER can rocket as high as 99% by using white-box attack method techniques.

What can we do to bolster the robustness of audio deepfake detection models against adversarial attacks? Researchers have been exploring various strategies, and one promising approach is training these models on a dataset of audio deepfakes that have been augmented with different types of noise. By introducing noisy data during training, models may become more resilient to adversarial attempts¹⁰.

It is important to know that there is no foolproof way to defend against adversarial attacks. Adversarial attackers are constantly developing new attack methods, and it is often challenging for deepfake detectors to keep up. You need to be aware of the limitations of deepfake detectors and to use them in conjunction with other measures.

What More Can Be Done to Guard Against Audio Deepfakes?

A multi-pronged approach can be used to enhance protection against deepfake threats. This means using a variety of strategies and methods rather than just focusing on detection alone. Here are some potential methods that can be considered:

1. Audio watermarking

Audio watermarking is a technique that embeds a hidden signature in an audio signal. This signature can be used to identify the source of the audio or verify its authenticity. Audio watermarking can be used to verify the authenticity of an audio clip by embedding a signature in the official audio/speech. The watermark can identify and authenticate the source of the original audio/speech and verify that no manipulation has been performed on the audio clip. One such technique is the Spread Spectrum Audio Watermarking (SSW), where the key feature is to spread the watermark signal across a broad range of frequencies, making it difficult to detect or remove without affecting the perceived audio quality. Below is an example of an imperceivable watermark using Spread Spectrum watermarking technique.

[Image credit: Spread-Spectrum Watermarking of Audio Signals]

2. File structure and metadata analysis

File structure and metadata analysis is a technique that examines the structure and metadata of an audio file to identify signs of manipulation. For example, deepfakes created using specific generators have a unique file structure that can be matched with a file format signature or have unusual metadata, such as inconsistent timestamps (as shown below). By analysing the file structure and metadata of an audio file, it is possible to identify signs of manipulation, deduce the generation history and determine whether the audio file is authentic.

[Image credits: Typical MP4 File Structure]

3. Attacker signature detection

Attacker signatures are unique patterns or characteristics that can be used to identify the work of a particular attacker (i.e., deepfake generator). Research on attacker attribution of audio deepfakes¹¹ shows that they can differentiate the type of deepfakes generator used to create the fakes used in ASVspoof19 dataset creation. This is done by extracting the neural embedding with the model described in the research paper¹² by Ye Jia et al. The researchers tried to classify the deepfake data that is OoD (iASVspoof21 in this scenario) and were able to get distinct clusters which indicate that the model can generalise and differentiate the attack signature from unknown sources. See in-domain evaluation of the neural attack signatures of ASVspoof19’s dataset below.

[Image credit: Attacker Attribution of Audio Deepfakes]

4. Single-speaker model

A single-speaker model is a deep learning model that is trained on a dataset of audio/speech from a single speaker. This type of model can be used to detect deepfakes by identifying inconsistencies in the audio/speech of the deepfake. For example, a single-speaker model can be used to identify changes in the speaker’s voice, such as changes in pitch, intonation, and pronunciation. These changes can be indicative of a deepfake.

[Credit: Single and Multi-Speaker Cloned Voice Detection: From Perceptual to Learned Features]


Even without the help of technology, there are certain tell-tale signs of audio deepfakes at work, such as robotic-sounding speech, pitch-perfect pronunciation, and the absence of filler words. However, advanced audio deepfake generators may mask these indicators. It is crucial to use alternative channels or methods to confirm the authenticity of people & content.

The domain of audio deepfake detection is a rapidly evolving field, with continuous advancements in sophistication & technologies. As we try to build up defence against adversarial attacks, improve model generalisability, and adapt to the fast-evolving landscape of deepfake generators, it’s essential to acknowledge that audio deepfake detection should not be the only focus. Instead, a multi-faceted approach should be considered, combining various strategies & methods to identify and guard against deepfake threats. The techniques that we have covered above are just some of the ways to protect authenticity, prevent and detect audio deepfakes.

What are we doing in HTX S&S COE?

If you’ve been following our articles, you will notice that we thrive on exploring different possibilities and approaches to tackle a problem. Our work involves rigorous research and experimentation to validate our hypotheses and develop viable solutions to solve real world problems. Our expertise lies in the integration and processing of data from different sensory devices, including visual, acoustic, lidar, Wi-Fi, Sonar, etc. Our primary focus is advanced computer vision techniques and machine learning algorithms to extract meaningful insights and valuable information from a diverse range of data sources. Our latest posts include ‘Don’t Get Lost in Translation: Recognising Key Words in Speech without using Natural Language Processing’ by Alvin Wong and how our intern, Wen Hui, spent her summer holiday on ‘Building AI Solutions for Real-World Challenges as an Intern at HTX’

If you want to stay updated on our projects in different AI and sensors engineering fields, consider subscribing to our medium channel. Feel free to reach out to us at TAN_JIAN_HONG@htx.gov.sg or Alvin_WONG@htx.gov.sg (co-author Alvin Wong) if you want to learn more or discuss ideas related to Audio Deepfake Detection and Speaker Recognition.


  1. How AI is restoring voices damaged by ALS using voice banking. The Washington Post. 20 Apr 2023. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/interactive/2023/voice-banking-artificial-intelligence/
  2. James Earl Jones is hanging up his cape as Darth Vader. Cable News Network (CNN). 26 Sep 2022. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/26/entertainment/james-earl-jones-darth-vader-retiring-cec/
  3. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/deepfake-phone-scame-1.6793296
  4. Deepfake video of Zelenskyy could be ‘tip of the iceberg’ in info war, experts warn. National Public Radio. 16 Mar 2022. https://www.npr.org/2022/03/16/1087062648/deepfake-video-zelenskyy-experts-war-manipulation-ukraine-russia
  5. Does Audio Deepfake Detection Generalize? Fraunhofer AISEC. September 2022 https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/pdfs/interspeech_2022/muller22_interspeech.pdf
  6. In-the-Wild Audio Deepfake Data. Fraunhofer AISEC. https://deepfake-demo.aisec.fraunhofer.de/in_the_wild
  7. Does Audio Deepfake Detection Generalize? Fraunhofer AISEC. September 2022 https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/pdfs/interspeech_2022/muller22_interspeech.pdf
  8. Deepfake Audio Detection by Speaker Verification. Alessandro Pianese, Davide Cozzolino, Giovanni Poggi and Luisa Verdoliva. September 2022. https://browse.arxiv.org/pdf/2209.14098.pdf
  9. Defense Against Adversarial Attacks on Audio DeepFake Detection. Piotr Kawa, Marcin Plata, Piotr Syga. June 2023. https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.14597
  10. Defense Against Adversarial Attacks on Audio DeepFake Detection. Piotr Kawa, Marcin Plata, Piotr Syga. June 2023. https://paperswithcode.com/paper/defense-against-adversarial-attacks-on-audio
  11. Attacker Attribution of Audio Deepfakes. Nicolas M. Müller, Franziska Dieckmann, Jennifer Williams. March 2022. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15563
  12. Transfer Learning from Speaker Verification to Multispeaker Text-To-Speech Synthesis. Ye Jia et al. June 2018. https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.04558



Tan Jian Hong

I'm someone who adores cats, lives for the excitement of travel, and is fueled by a profound love for engineering.