☁️ DevOps Showdown: Huawei Cloud CodeArts vs. Azure DevOps — Comprehensive Comparison

Mücahid Özçelik
Huawei Developers
Published in
5 min readFeb 13, 2024
Microsoft Azure DevOps vs. Huawei Cloud CodeArts


Hi everyone, I want to talk about the pivotal role of DevOps in today’s software engineering landscape. In the dynamic landscape of software engineering, the integration of development and operations, encapsulated in the DevOps methodology, has become paramount for organizations striving for agility and efficiency. DevOps, at its core, embodies the seamless collaboration between development and IT operations teams, fostering a culture of automation, continuous integration, and rapid deployment.

In this comparison, we’ll focus on two major DevOps platforms: Huawei Cloud CodeArts and Azure DevOps. We’ll dive deep into their features and how they can enhance your DevOps initiatives.

Huawei Cloud CodeArts

Imagine a one-stop shop for all your DevSecOps needs. That’s the essence of CodeArts. It boasts a unified platform encompassing services like:

Huawei Cloud CodeArts
  • CodeArts Req: Provides agile development teams with easy and efficient coordination services, including multi-project management, agile iteration management, Kanban collaboration, requirement management, defect tracing, document management, online Wiki, and statistics reports.
  • CodeArts Repo: Provides Git-based distributed code management and collaborative development capabilities, including member management, permission control, code hosting, code check, code review, code tracing, and continuous integration.
  • CodeArts Pipeline: A pipeline service that enables you to visualize and customize your delivery, improving delivery efficiency and quality.
  • CodeArts Check: Makes it easily to easily perform static checks and security checks on code in multiple programming languages and obtain comprehensive quality reports. It also allows you to view grouped defects with fix suggestions provided, effectively controlling quality and helping achieve success.
  • CodeArts Build: An easy-to-configure platform that supports multi-language parallel builds on the cloud. Its distributed acceleration helps enterprises improve build efficiency while lowering overall costs even at large scale.
  • CodeArts Deploy: Supports deployment in hosts and containers by using multiple languages and technology stacks, including Tomcat and Spring Boot. The plug-in encapsulation and orchestration of deployment functions help you quickly and efficiently release software.
  • CodeArts TestPlan: Covers the entire process of test plan, test design, test cases, test execution, and test evaluation, and aims to help enterprises with collaborative, efficient, and trustworthy test activities before product release.
  • CodeArts Artifact: Manages source code build products, including Maven and npm. It can seamlessly interconnect with local build tools and on-cloud CI/CD so that you can manage software package lifecycle to improve release quality and efficiency. CodeArts Artifact provides artifact package version management, fine-grained permission control, and other important functions.

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps supports a collaborative culture and set of processes that bring together developers, project managers, and contributors to develop software. It allows organizations to create and improve products at a faster pace than they can with traditional software development approaches. While not a unified platform, Azure DevOps offers a robust suite of services catering to specific DevOps stages:

Azure DevOps
  • Azure Boards: Delivers a suite of Agile tools to support planning and tracking work, code defects, and issues using Kanban and Scrum methods.
  • Azure Repos: Provides Git repositories or Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) for source control of your code.
  • Azure Pipelines: Provides build and release services to support continuous integration and delivery of your applications.
  • Azure Test Plans: Provides several tools to test your applications, including manual/exploratory testing and continuous testing.
  • Azure Artifacts: Allows teams to share packages such as Maven, npm, NuGet, and more from public and private sources and integrate package sharing into your pipelines.


Customization and Automation

Both platforms understand that a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. CodeArts empowers you to customize code checks, builds, tests, and deployments to align with your unique processes. Azure DevOps offers similar flexibility, but might require integration with external tools for more granular control.

Continuous Delivery

The ability to seamlessly deliver working software is paramount in today’s fast-paced world. CodeArts shines with its visualized pipelines, one-click deployments, and zero-wait releases, ensuring smooth transitions from development to production. Azure DevOps provides visual workflows as well, but deployment strategies and triggers might require more manual intervention.

Security and Compliance

In the age of cyberattacks, robust security is non-negotiable. CodeArts leverages Huawei’s expertise and guidelines to offer meticulous security checks, while Azure DevOps focuses on adhering to Azure’s rigorous security standards and integrates with industry compliance solutions.

Pricing Considerations

Cost is always a crucial factor. CodeArts boasts a pay-per-use model with a free tier, making it attractive for budget-conscious teams. Azure DevOps offers paid plans with various tiers and a free trial, catering to different needs and scales.

Target Audience

CodeArts seems tailor-made for organizations and projects seeking a unified DevOps platform to manage the entire software lifecycle. Azure DevOps, with its focus on individual services, might be more suitable for developers and teams needing specific tools for each stage.


Remember, the “best” platform is subjective and depends on your unique needs and priorities. By carefully evaluating these factors alongside the core functionalities, you can make an informed decision that empowers your team to conquer the ever-evolving DevOps landscape.

Hopefully this article provides a more comprehensive analysis to help you navigate the exciting world of Huawei Cloud CodeArts and Azure DevOps!


1- Huawei Cloud CodeArts

2- Microsoft Azure DevOps

