☁️Creating a Smart School Management System Project in Huawei Cloud CodeArts Service

Huawei Developers
Published in
5 min readJun 11, 2024
CodeArts Project


Hello Everyone;

In this article, I will show you a demo how to create a Smart School Management System project in CodeArts and all the process of this project. Let’s start !

What is Huawei CodeArts?

Huawei CodeArts is a comprehensive platform designed for software developers. This platform allows developers to improve their coding skills, showcase their projects, and learn new technologies. CodeArts makes the software development process more effective and efficient by offering a variety of tools, resources, and community events.

What Can Be Done with CodeArts:

Creating and Sharing Projects: Developers can create their own projects, share these projects with the community and get feedback.
Participating in Coding Competitions: They can showcase their skills and win prizes by participating in organized competitions.
Learning New Technologies: Thanks to the training and resources offered, they can learn the latest technologies in the software world.
Collaborating with the Community: By working with other developers, they can increase their knowledge and experience.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is an agile framework used to manage and develop complex software projects. Developed by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, Scrum is widely used as part of agile software development methodologies. Scrum offers a structure that encourages continuous improvement, collaboration, flexibility and high-quality product delivery.

Project Scenario : “Smart School Management System”

“Smart School Management System” is a web-based application developed to digitalize school management processes and increase efficiency. This system includes functions such as student registration, teacher management, course schedules, grade tracking and communication.

To create project

Feature : Student Registration and Management Module:
Story: Creating a Student Registration Form:
Task 1: Student registration form design
Task 2: Identify form validations
Task 3: Create the required API endpoints for the form
Task 4: Saving student information to the database

Story: Student Listing and Search Function
Task 1: Design of the student listing page
Task 2: Creating the necessary API endpoints for listing
Task 3: Developing the search function
Task 4: Listing and visualizing search results

To create project

Story: Updating Student Information
Task 1: Design of the student update form
Task 2: Creating the necessary API endpoints for the update
Task 3: Saving the updated information to the database
Task 4: Displaying success/failure messages after the update

Story: Note Entry Screen
Task 1: Note entry screen design

Note entry screen design
Updating Student Information

What is a Sprint?
A sprint is a basic time box used in the Scrum framework and is a fixed-duration development cycle that typically lasts 1 to 4 weeks. During a sprint, a Scrum team focuses on completing a specific backlog and delivering a potentially usable product increment at the end of the sprint.

To create sprint

Sprint 1: Smart School Management System Development

Sprint Goal: Completion of the basic functions of the student registration and management module.

Story: Creating a Student Registration Form
Task 1: Student registration form design
Task 2: Determining form validations
Task 3: Creating the necessary API endpoints for the form
Task 4: Saving student information to the database

Story: Student Listing and Search Function
Task 1: Design of the student listing page
Task 2: Creating the necessary API endpoints for listing
Task 3: Developing the search function
Task 4: Listing and visualizing search results

Sprint 2: Grade Tracking Module
Sprint Goal: Completion of note entry, update and reporting functions.

Story: Note Entry Screen
Task 1: Note entry screen design
Task 2: Creating the necessary API endpoints for notes
Task 3: Saving notes to the database
Task 4: Displaying success/failure messages

Story: Note Update Function
Task 1: Note update screen design and task status explanations

Sprint 1: Student Registration and Management System

Developing: The task is actively being worked on.
Resolved: Task completed but not yet tested.
Testing: The task is being tested and is in the verification phase.
Reject: The mission found problems and was rejected, it needs to be redeveloped.
Closed: The task has been successfully completed, tested and closed.

What is Repository?

In a software development context, a repository is a place used to store and manage the source code, associated files, and versions of software projects. A repository is part of a system that provides version control of code throughout the software development process, making it easier for developers to collaborate, track code changes, and project management.

To create repository
Index.html code change
To create a Style.cs file
To view all files
To view changings in the project
To create merge request


Within the scope of this project, we experienced a software development process from start to finish using the Huawei CodeArts platform. In the process of developing our project, the Smart School Management System, we carried out effective project management and collaboration using the Scrum methodology.


