☁️Exploring DevSecOps: Current Trends, Future Perspectives and DevSecOps with Huawei Cloud CodeArts

Mehmet Altuğ Akgül
Huawei Developers
Published in
7 min readNov 17, 2023


DevSecOps is an acronym for development, security, and operations and it means automating the integration of security at every stage of the software development lifecycle, from initial design through integration, testing, deployment, and delivery.

In the past, security was applied to software at the end of the development cycle by a separate security team. The completed software was tested and any findings were fixed.

This was manageable when software updates were released only once or twice a year. But as software developers adopt Agile and DevOps practices that aim to reduce software development cycles to weeks or even days, the traditional approach to security has become unacceptable.

DevSecOps Cycle

DevOps vs DevSecOps

DevOps focuses on deploying an application as fast as possible. Security testing in DevOps is a separate process that takes place at the end of the application development process and just before deployment. Typically, the process of testing and enforcing security on software is performed by a separate team.

DevSecOps makes security testing part of the application development process. Security teams and developers collaborate to protect users from software vulnerabilities. For example, security teams install firewalls, developers design code to prevent vulnerabilities, and testers test all changes to prevent unauthorized third-party access.

Briefly, the DecSecOps architecture that companies should implement is as follows.

Planning and Development: Security requirements, secure technologies, and threat model,

Configuration: Secure code and configuration, secure solutions,

Testing: Unit and integration testing, functional and non-functional testing, system and quality testing,

Security: Security testing, vulnerability analysis, vulnerability scanning

Deployment and management: Fast and secure deployment, integrated security management,

Enforcement: Ensure secure monitoring, reliable feedback, and vulnerability management.

The benefits of the DevSecOps process

  • Early identification of vulnerabilities and minimization of vulnerabilities,
  • Good collaboration and communication between developer and security teams,
  • Enhanced operational efficiency with security across the enterprise
  • It contributes to the company infrastructure in many ways, such as more speed, agility and rapid response to changing needs for security teams.

Microservices Architecture
Embracing a microservices architecture represents a modern approach to software development and deployment. This methodology enhances agility, flexibility, and scalability in the development and deployment processes. Unlike traditional monolithic structures, applications are deconstructed into smaller, independent units known as microservices. This modular approach allows for individualized development and deployment, empowering companies to swiftly adapt to dynamic market conditions. Whether integrating new features or expanding operations, the impact is localized to specific microservices, safeguarding the overall application integrity.

Cloud-Native Technology
The paradigm of cloud-native technology revolutionizes software design and deployment by leveraging microservices, containers, and immutable infrastructure. DevOps professionals reap numerous benefits from this innovative approach. By minimizing dependencies on a singular application or service, development cycles accelerate. The use of immutable infrastructure facilitates seamless deployment of changes without disrupting production services. This transformative shift in software development fosters efficiency and resilience, aligning with the dynamic demands of the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Automation and CI/CD
DevOps, an amalgamation of software development and IT operations, aims to create a streamlined, cost-effective, and resilient system. Collaboration between developers and IT operations is pivotal to enhancing workflow. As organizations increasingly automate their infrastructure, the ripple effect extends to testing and deployment processes. This automation not only keeps pace with technological advancements but also liberates valuable time by minimizing manual tasks. The evolving landscape of DevOps reflects a commitment to efficiency and adaptability.

Integrating Kubernetes with DevOps
The ascendancy of Kubernetes as a preeminent container orchestration engine has simplified the integration of Kubernetes with DevOps for organizations. Across diverse industries, enterprises are swiftly adopting Kubernetes due to its versatility in deploying applications across any environment or infrastructure. This integration empowers organizations to seamlessly incorporate DevOps principles into their processes, aligning with the dynamic and diverse needs of modern application deployment.

Global DevSecOps 2023–2030

The Future of DevOps: What Awaits in 2030

DevOps emerges as a transformative force, reshaping our professional landscape amidst the accelerating digitization of the world. As the demand for innovation intensifies, organizations increasingly rely on DevOps to optimize collaboration and efficiency. Projections from Allied Market Research anticipate a substantial 24.2% surge in the global DevOps market in 2020. According to Statista, 21% of software development professionals are poised to adopt the DevOps approach in 2022. This trajectory indicates a promising future for DevOps, both in terms of its impact on organizational efficiency and the abundance of opportunities in the job market compared to other technological domains.

The DevSecOps market is poised for substantial growth, anticipated to reach an impressive $40.6 Billion by 2030. This projection reflects a significant transformation in the business landscape post the COVID-19 pandemic. In the altered dynamics of the global market, DevSecOps, valued at US$5.7 Billion in 2022, is forecasted to experience robust expansion at a CAGR of 27.7% from 2022 to 2030. This exponential growth underscores the increasing recognition and adoption of DevSecOps practices as organizations prioritize the integration of security into their development and operations processes. As businesses navigate the evolving digital landscape, the DevSecOps market is positioned to play a pivotal role in ensuring secure and efficient software development practices on a global scale.

The seamless integration of DevSecOps Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) in a cloud environment is distinctly recognizable through various key processes.

Code Analysis:
Successful implementation involves a thorough code analysis, and revisiting the codebase to enact improvements and ensure quality assurance. This proactive approach enhances the overall integrity of the code and contributes to a more secure and robust software development lifecycle.

Automated Testing:
Automated testing is a pivotal component that not only saves time but also minimizes effort. By automating the testing process, organizations can swiftly identify and rectify potential issues, ensuring a faster and more reliable CI/CD pipeline.

Management Change:
A crucial aspect of DevSecOps implementation is the transformation of management practices. This involves fostering stronger connections between teams and creating awareness of each team’s activities. It ensures that developers are well-versed in security-related practices, empowering them to promptly address vulnerabilities in the development lifecycle.

Compliance Monitoring:
Incorporating compliance monitoring as part of corporate governance is essential for real-time audits. This process ensures that the development and deployment processes align with regulatory requirements, fostering transparency and accountability.

Threat Investigation:
DevSecOps emphasizes threat investigation to define and enhance the security readiness of your business. By actively investigating potential threats, organizations can proactively implement measures to mitigate risks and fortify their overall security posture.

Personnel Training and Certification Courses:
Equipping teams with expert domain knowledge is facilitated through personnel training and certification courses. By investing in the continuous education of personnel, organizations ensure that their teams stay abreast of the latest security practices and technologies, thereby enhancing the overall competence of the workforce.

CodeArts Features

Huawei Cloud CodeArts

CodeArts is a one-stop DevSecOps platform that provides out-of-the-box cloud services for requirement delivery, code commit, check, build, verification, deployment, and release throughout the entire software lifecycle.

Supports customization and automation of code check, build, test, and deployment tasks, and provides continuous delivery pipelines with visualized orchestration, one-click application deployment, and zero wait for release.

Incorporates guidelines and experience from Huawei into CodeArts Req, CodeArts Check, CodeArts TestPlan, and CodeArts Pipeline, effectively improving application R&D quality and detecting issues as early as possible.

With CodeArts, you can successfully manage all the steps your organization or projects need in DevSecOps. So you can adopt the DevSecOps-Cloud relationship and the DevSecOps approach of the future.

With CodeArts Repo, you have the capability to perform all the necessary tasks in the Development phase of the SDLC. In the software development stage, you can create separate branches for different teams to carry out their tasks, merge them into a central master repository, and finalize the products using this service.

CodeArts Check allows you to scrutinize the security checks and coding errors of the developed application. If there are any security vulnerabilities or coding deficiencies in the code, the CodeArts Check service generates a detailed report. You can then adjust your application based on this report to rectify the errors.

The transition of this application, which has passed security and code checks, into a product in the live environment is facilitated by the CodeArts Build service. The written code is compiled using the relevant build tools, transformed into a package, and then deployed anywhere to be made ready for end-user utilization.

To safeguard against potential issues, these compiled and built software versions are stored on the CodeArts Artifact Service. Through this service, you can access your previous builds and deploy the relevant version as needed.

It is crucial that an application undergoes testing before reaching the end-user or customer, and any issues must be addressed. Software testing requires careful planning and the establishment of detailed test plans. With CodeArts TestPlan, you can conduct thorough testing of your software using test scenarios.

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In this article, we have discussed the importance, trends and future of DevSecOps in general and how this approach is essential for development. You can create your own DevSecOps environment with CodeArts service.




Mehmet Altuğ Akgül
Huawei Developers

Electrical and Electronics & Cloud Product Manager • MBA • Trader • Investor • Lifelong Learner • ✉ info@altug.dev