☁️Exploring the Similarities and Differences Between Global Accelerator and CDN in Huawei Cloud

Huawei Developers
Published in
5 min readFeb 9, 2024
Global Accelerator vs. Content Delivery Network


Hi everyone! In this article, we will explore similarities and differences between Global Accelerator and Content Delivery Network in Huawei Cloud.

Speed and reliability of content delivery has become increasingly fundamental in ensuring a positive user experience for both websites and web applications.

Two of the most popular technologies for optimizing content delivery are global accelerators and content delivery networks (CDNs), each with their own unique strengths and limitations.

What is a Global Accelerator?

A global accelerator is a type of network service that is designed to speed up the delivery of internet content and applications to users across the globe. It works by routing traffic through a network of strategically located servers, known as points of presence (PoPs), that are optimized for delivering content to specific regions. Global accelerators typically use a variety of optimization techniques, such as caching, compression, and protocol optimization, to reduce latency and improve performance for end-users.

How Global Accelerator Works

Key Features of Global Accelerator in Huawei Cloud:

1- Intelligent Routing: GA employs smart routing algorithms to dynamically direct user traffic through the most efficient paths, reducing latency and improving application responsiveness.

2- Fault Tolerance: Huawei’s Global Accelerator enhances the fault tolerance of applications by automatically rerouting traffic in case of server or network failures, ensuring uninterrupted service availability.

3- Global Anycast IP: GA uses a global Anycast IP address, allowing users to access applications using a single IP address across different regions, simplifying deployment and management.

What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

On the other hand, a content delivery network (CDN) is also a network of servers that are used to deliver internet content and applications to end-users. However, a CDN typically stores and delivers static content, such as images, videos, and documents, from a network of edge servers that are distributed geographically closer to the end-users. This helps to reduce the distance that data needs to travel, which can result in faster delivery and reduced latency.

Content Delivery Network for Websites with many images and small files, such as portals and e-shops

Key Features of CDN in Huawei Cloud:

1- Caching Mechanism: CDN relies on caching to store copies of frequently accessed content closer to end-users, minimizing the need to fetch data from the origin server.

2- Global Edge Server Network: Huawei’s CDN leverages a vast network of edge servers strategically located in various geographical regions to ensure rapid content delivery worldwide.

3- Dynamic Content Acceleration: Beyond static content, CDN in Huawei Cloud efficiently accelerates the delivery of dynamic content, adapting to the evolving needs of modern web applications.

How do Global Accelerators differ from CDNs?

Both global accelerators and CDNs are designed to speed up content delivery and have similar limitations with respect to third party resources (more on this below), but they differ in terms of the types of content they optimize for and the techniques they use to do so.

Some typical use cases for either solutions are as follows:

Use cases for global accelerators:

Dynamic content and applications: Global accelerators are typically better suited for delivering dynamic content and applications, as they can optimize the delivery of data in real-time, and reduce the latency of interactive web applications.

Personalized content: If a website delivers personalized content to its users, a global accelerator can help to ensure that this content is delivered quickly and efficiently, even as it changes frequently.

API traffic: If a website relies on APIs to deliver data or services to its users, a global accelerator can help to ensure that API requests are fulfilled quickly and efficiently, even across long distances.

Use cases for content delivery networks:

Static content: CDNs are typically better suited for delivering static content, such as images, videos, and documents, as this content can be easily cached at edge servers and served to users quickly.

Large file delivery: If a website needs to deliver large files, such as software downloads or media files, a CDN can help to ensure that these files are delivered quickly and efficiently, even to users in remote regions.

Website performance: CDNs can also help to improve website performance by reducing the load on origin servers and improving the overall speed and responsiveness of the website.

While global accelerators are typically used for dynamic content and applications, CDNs are typically used for static content.

What are the similarities and differences between a Global Accelerator and a CDN?

Similarities between GA and CDN

Both are designed to optimize content delivery and improve website and application performance for end-users.

Both use a network of servers located in strategic locations around the world to reduce latency and improve the speed of content delivery.

Both use caching to reduce the time it takes to deliver content to end-users.

Both can be used to improve website performance and reduce the load on origin servers.

Both global accelerators and CDNs are typically only applicable to resources on the primary domain, and may not be effective for delivering third-party resources such as ads or social media widgets. This is particularly important when it comes to China website delivery.

Differences between GA and CDN

Global accelerators are typically used for delivering dynamic content and applications, while CDNs are typically used for delivering static content, such as images, videos, and documents.

Global accelerators typically use a variety of optimization techniques, such as caching, compression, and protocol optimization, while CDNs may also use content optimization and traffic shaping to optimize content delivery.

Global accelerators may not be as effective for traffic that originates from regions that are far away from the nearest point of presence (PoP), while CDNs may not be effective for delivering fresh or frequently changing content.

Global accelerators tend to be more expensive than CDNs, particularly for businesses with high volumes of traffic or complex delivery requirements.

Global accelerators may be more expensive to implement and maintain than CDNs, particularly for small businesses or organizations with limited resources.

Global Accelerator vs. Content Delivery Network


In conclusion, while both CDN and Global Accelerator in Huawei Cloud contribute to an optimized user experience, they cater to distinct aspects of content delivery and application performance. CDN excels in accelerating content delivery, making it ideal for media-rich websites, while Global Accelerator focuses on enhancing the reliability and responsiveness of applications, ensuring a seamless experience for users worldwide. Depending on specific use cases, businesses can leverage these services individually or in tandem to achieve comprehensive optimization in Huawei Cloud.


