☁️Sustainable Development with Huawei Cloud CodeArts

Mehmet Altuğ Akgül
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2024
Sustainable Development with Huawei Cloud CodeArts


The state of being continuous, going on and on without interruption, continuity.

  • The ability to use software without problems even after 10 years,
  • Adding new abilities,
  • To be able to make new rules,
  • To be developed independently of the developer/company,

It is sustainable, maintainable software.

Establishing coding standards and even documenting them should be the first step for software development teams. These rule sets, which are often revised in the beginning, ought to develop into the team’s charter over time. This is a crucial matter, particularly for sizable teams or groups that have room to grow.

Characteristics of Sustainable Software

Clean Code

Coding standards and naming conventions must be followed

Writing code that is easy to understand for other developers as well as for oneself is referred to as comprehensible code. Every code is written in a straightforward and logical manner. The code’s relationships between its many components are obvious and unambiguous. Any developer can readily understand the purpose of each function, method, and variable.
It is not recommended to rewrite stable code that has previously been written and published on VCS environments.

Clean Code has a number of advantages:

  • If a change is requested in the project, the necessary changes are updated quickly.
  • Clean Code has a number of advantages such as checking for problems, fixing them and ensuring that the project continues.
  • When an error is encountered, the errors in the code are easily detected.
  • Clean Code is very easy to maintain.
  • Clean Code provides well-documented APIs (interfaces).
  • It prevents problems that can occur when working with old code.
  • Code is refactored with less effort.
  • Clean Code is easy to read.
  • Clean Code is tested. It is secure and fully functional.
  • It saves cost and time.


A document ought to be present at both the start and finish of the programme. Requests should be included in the first document, and findings and a roadmap should be included in the last document. A document is a software user handbook. The workflow is not understood; only the code can be comprehended by reading it.

Version Control System

Version Control System is a system that records the changes we make on a document step by step and allows us to store and manage it in a repository on the internet if we want.

Huawei Cloud CodeArts Repo, Github, GitLab, BitBucket, Microsoft TFS should be backed up and versioned with a version control system.


Software should be written according to certain principles. Today, there are proven SOLID software development principles that are valid all over the world. SOLID principles should be applied regardless of the software language and technology.

S — Single-responsibility principle
A class (object) can only be modified for one purpose, and that is the responsibility imposed on that class, i.e. a class (which can also be reduced to a function) must have only one job to do.

O — Open-closed principle
A class or function should preserve existing features and not allow changes. That is, it should not change its behavior and should be able to gain new properties.

L — Liskov substitution principle
We should be able to use subclasses in place of their derived (parent) classes without any modifications to our code.

I — Interface segregation principle
We need to create multiple interfaces that are more customized, rather than having all of the responsibilities in one interface.

D — Dependency Inversion Principle
Interdependencies between classes should be as low as possible, especially upper level classes should not be dependent on lower level classes.

There are many software design patterns that offer solutions to certain problems with a certain approach.

Huawei Cloud CodeArts

Throughout the whole software lifecycle, CodeArts is a one-stop shop for DevSecOps solutions, including pre-built cloud services for requirement delivery, code commit, check, build, verification, deployment, and release.

Supports customisation and automation of code check, build, test, and deployment operations, and provides continuous delivery pipelines with visualised orchestration, one-click application deployment, and zero wait for release.

Incorporates guidelines and experience from Huawei into CodeArts Req, CodeArts Check, CodeArts TestPlan, and CodeArts Pipeline, effectively improving application R&D quality and detecting issues as early as possible.

Using Huawei Cloud CodeArts, you can cover all the features of sustainable development because it includes all the services a software team needs.

CodeArts Features

Your teams can manage their development and repositories using a shared version control system by using CodeArts Repo. You can use CodeArts Check to analyse your repositories for static code, and TestPlan can be used to test your updated code.

After that, you use CodeArts Pipeline to connect your application to a CI/CD pipeline and control the flow. Additionally, you may automatically deploy your application with CodeArts Deploy. Additionally, you manage documentation with CodeArts Req. This means that a single provider can provide you with all the resources sustainable code requires.

Huawei Cloud CodeArts Service Link =>


To explore Huawei Cloud services apply to the Huawei Cloud Developer Program and start exploring the Huawei Cloud. =>


In this article, we have discussed what sustainable development is and what features it needs. By integrating these features into your projects, you can make sustainable and long-lasting developments.




Mehmet Altuğ Akgül
Huawei Developers

Electrical and Electronics & Cloud Product Manager • MBA • Trader • Investor • Lifelong Learner • ✉ info@altug.dev