Adjust Third-Party Tracking Integration on Huawei Ads Platform

Enes Özdemir
Huawei Developers
Published in
6 min readAug 6, 2021

In this article, we are going to talk about Third-Party Tracking on Huawei Ads Platform to track and measure user conversions.

The conversion data imported to the platform will start being tracked only when its associated events are imported to HUAWEI Ads.

The procedure is as follows

The following third-party tracking platforms are supported by HUAWEI Ads.

AppsFlyer (5.4.0 or later): official website, SDK integration guide, OAID collection guide, AppsFlyer operation guide, and Example of the mapping between HUAWEI Ads and AppsFlyer conversions

Adjust (4.22 or later): official website, SDK integration guide, OAID collection guide, and Adjust operation guide

Sizmek: official website (Sizmek does not support postback.)

Kochava (3.8.0 or later): official website, SDK integration guide, and Kochava operation guide

First, you must collect OAIDs by referring to the development guides provided by the third-party tracking platforms.

Adjust OAID collection :

Before getting to the next steps make sure are able to get OAID from the device.

For to test if integration is successful, change the environment to ENVIROMENT_SANDBOX and set Log level to LogLevel.VERBOSE.

After changing the environment to ENVIROMENT_SANDBOX logs will show the full information to us.

No need for releasing the app just open the app and check the logs, if OAID is successfully integrated.

If you the following line “get oaid from:package-name” OAID integration is successful.


  1. Create an association with the third-party tracking platform in HUAWEI Ads.
  • Go to Tools > Delivery assistance > Associated tools, and click New.
  • On the page displayed, select an analytics tool provider, enter the app ID and click tracking URL, and click Submit. The impression tracking URL is optional.

To get the tracking URL’s:

Go to Adjust Tracker URLs -> New Tracker -> Enter Tracker Name and link to “ | Huawei Ads”. Copy “click URL” and “impression URL” to Huawei Ads dashboard.

  • Set Click tracking URL to the long link allocated by the third-party tracking platform. If you are not required to set this parameter, leave it empty. If you use Kochava, you select only Kochava (self-attribution) from the app analysis tool provider drop-down list box.

On the page displayed, click the eye icon in the Key column of the association list to view the key. After submitting URL config, the Huawei Ads platform would display as below. Please copy this key to Adjust platform. The key should be kept as original without any redundant character.

Note that no space is allowed be careful there is no space after the URL’s.

In Adjust dashboard, go to Partner Setup -> Add Partner -> search for “ | HUAWEI Ads”, paste above key to below secretkey blank, then click “save”.

2. Create a conversion in HUAWEI Ads.

  • Go to Tools > Delivery assistance > Conversion tracking, click New conversion indicator, select App tracking, select Analysis tool, and click Continue.
  • Enter a conversion name. The name can be changed but must be unique.
  • Set App, and select one or more conversions from Conversion actions.

You can learn some of the definitions of conversions from this list.

To track in-app events performance, please configure indicators as below from Adjust

Go to Partner Setup -> Add Partner -> search for “ | HUAWEI Ads”, to select the indicator you need.

Note: You don’t have to add “Install” event linking in the Adjust since it’s automatically added.

Note: “Install” event in Adjust is equal to the “Activation” event in the Huawei Ads Platform.

3. Test the conversion in HUAWEI Ads.

To ensure that HUAWEI Ads can receive conversion data correctly, you need to test the conversion. After the conversion passes the test, you can view the conversion data in reports. If the Test button is not displayed next to a conversion, the conversion does not need to be tested. HUAWEI Ads will automatically activate the conversion after receiving the conversion data. You need to perform the following steps. After the testing is successful, the conversion will be activated, and it will be available for use during task creation.

1. Go to Tools > Delivery assistance > Conversion tracking, select the conversion, and click Test in the Operation column.

On the page displayed, you have to enter the OAID.

To get the OAID from your phone follow these steps.

Privacy -> Ads and Privacy -> More information

Your Ad-ID is the OAID you have to take.

After clicking the test button enter the OAID

On the page displayed, enter the OAID and Click Next.

Scan the QR code to download the app installation package.

Install and launch the app and click Next.

Now it’s time to test the conversion.

To test the conversion you have to trigger the conversion within the app.

e.g. for the “addToCart” conversion, you have to trigger the add To cart method in your app by adding an item in the cart.

Note: If you have deleted and reinstall the app “Activation” event might not be triggered again since Adjust not counting the event twice. You can try with another Huawei Phone.

After the test is complete, click Next to view the conversion status, or go to Conversion tracking to view the status in the conversion list.

The conversion will be available for use during task creation only after being activated.


1-) I couldn’t activate the conversions when testing what could be the reason?

There are several reasons what might cause this.

  • Make sure your app can collect OAID from the device. This means that the live version of your app must collect OAID. So if you haven’t released the new OAID integrated version of the app make sure to release it first.
  • Make sure that Tracking URLs are correct and there is no space after the Tracking URL or Secret key. (Sometimes copying the links/keys result in a space after the link and sometimes this cause integration to miss function)
  • Try to reset devices OAID and try again.
  • Try a different device to activate the conversions.

2-) There is no “Install” indicator on Huawei Ads Platform.

  • “Install” conversion in Adjust equal to “Activation” in Huawei Ads Platform

3-) Activation conversion is not getting activated.

  • If you deleted the app and re-install it before the conversion Adjust is not going to accept that action. You have to reset your OAID or you have to try with another Huawei phone.


