👨🏼‍💻Exploring Jetpack Compose UI Testing

Ahmet Furkan Sevim
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readJun 23, 2023
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Jetpack Compose UI Testing


Hello everyoneđź‘‹. Today we are going to talk about Jetpack Compose, the declarative UI toolkit for building Android apps, which has revolutionized the way we create user interfaces. With its powerful features and expressive syntax, it has become a favorite among developers. However, one aspect that developers often struggle with is UI testing in Jetpack Compose. In this article, we will explore the world of Jetpack Compose UI testing and provide you with a fundamental for testing your Compose-based UI.

1. Overview of UI Testing in Jetpack Compose:

UI testing in Jetpack Compose focuses on verifying the behavior and appearance of UI components, ensuring they function as intended. Unlike traditional Android UI testing with View-based frameworks, Jetpack Compose testing revolves around the Compose UI tree and its composables. It enables developers to interact with and assert the state and behavior of their UI, providing confidence in the app’s functionality.

2. Setting Up the Jetpack Compose UI Testing Environment

Add the following dependency to your project’s build.gradle file:

// Test rules and transitive dependencies:
// Needed for createAndroidComposeRule, but not createComposeRule:

These dependencies are essential for Jetpack Compose UI testing. The ui-test-junit4 dependency provides testing utilities for Jetpack Compose UI testing with JUnit 4, while the ui-test-manifest dependency is required for using createAndroidComposeRule to handle Android-specific testing tasks.

3. Writing Effective Tests

Now that we have set up the testing environment, it’s time to dive into writing Jetpack Compose UI tests. In this section, we’ll explore the anatomy of a Compose UI test, learn how to leverage test rules for efficient test setup, and discover techniques for interacting with UI elements using the androidx.ui.test library.

  • In this sample, we have a test class MyComposeUITest with a single test case myUIComponentTest(). The createComposeRule() test rule is used to initialize the Compose UI framework.
  • @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class): This annotation specifies that the test class should be executed using the AndroidJUnit4 test runner.
class MyComposeUITest {
  • Set up the test hierarchy: To build the UI test hierarchy, you’ll use the ComposeTestRule class. This rule sets up the necessary environment for your Compose UI tests and provides various utility functions.
val composeTestRule = createComposeRule()
  • @Test fun myUIComponentTest(): This is the test method that contains the actual UI test logic.
  • composeTestRule.setContent { ... }: This block sets up the Compose UI by calling the entry point composable function MyUIComponent().
  • Interact with UI elements: The androidx.ui.test library provides APIs to interact with UI elements in your Compose tests. You can find and interact with elements using functions like findByType() or findByText(). Once you have a reference to an element, you can simulate user interactions using functions like performClick() or performTextInput().
fun myUIComponentTest() {
// Set up the test environment

// Render the Compose UI
composeTestRule.setContent {
// Call the entry point composable function

// Interact with the UI and trigger user actions

// Assert the expected UI states or behaviors

4. Commonly Used Functions for Jetpack Compose UI Testing

As I said previous part, you can simulate user interactions using functions that help simulate user interactions, validate UI states, and perform assertions. Understanding and utilizing these functions will enable you to write effective and reliable UI tests. Let’s explore some of these functions:

. performScrollTo(): When dealing with scrollable components, this function helps you navigate and bring specific UI elements into view. It is particularly useful for testing long lists or scrollable containers.

composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Item 10").performScrollTo()

. performGesture(): These functions allow you to simulate complex gestures, such as long press, swipe, or pinch. They enable testing more advanced user interactions within your Compose UI components.

composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Card").performGesture {
// Perform a long press gesture on the Card element

. performTextInput(): With this function, you can enter text into text input fields during UI testing. It helps validate the behavior of input fields, such as user input acceptance or data validation.

composeTestRule.onNodeWithTag("text_input").performTextInput("Hello, World!")

. assertIsNotDisplayed(): Conversely, this function ensures that a UI element is not displayed. It helps verify that certain elements are hidden or removed from the UI under specific conditions.



Jetpack Compose UI testing is a crucial aspect of developing Android apps using the declarative UI toolkit. In this article, we explored the fundamentals of testing Jetpack Compose-based UIs and learned how to set up the testing environment, write effective tests, and interact with UI elements using the androidx.ui.test library.

In conclusion, Jetpack Compose UI testing empowers developers to create robust and reliable UIs for their Android apps. By following the guidelines and techniques discussed in this article, developers can ensure the quality and usability of their Compose-based UIs, ultimately delivering a better user experience.


