Features of Scrum and Kanban Approaches and Usage in Huawei Cloud CodeArts

☁️Features of Scrum and Kanban Approaches and Usage in Huawei Cloud CodeArts

Mehmet Altuğ Akgül
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2024


Among agile management approaches, Scrum and Kanban are two of the most widely used methodologies. While both methods are based on the principles of flexibility and continuous improvement, they have some fundamental differences in practice. Scrum is an iterative approach that organizes work within “sprints” with specific time frames. These sprints usually vary from two to four weeks.

At the end of the sprint, a functional and ready-to-use product piece should be presented. Scrum is suitable for many areas, mainly software development. Kanban’s origins are based on Japanese manufacturing processes. Designed as a visual management tool. It is based on the essence of visualization on a board where things go through certain stages. This allows the team to see clearly what jobs are in what state.

Agile management approaches are a fast-growing approach to modern software development and project management. They will embrace faster response, greater flexibility and the ability to better serve customer needs. Scrum and Kanban are the two shining stars of Agile. Although they are based on similar Agile principles, both have specific characteristics, methods, and philosophies.

Similarities Between Scrum and Kanban

  • Both have the essence of Attraction and Solitude.
  • Things are done on the principle of attracting work, not by command.
  • It suggests limiting the work developed in both at the same time (Kanban does this directly by limiting WIP, while Scrum does it by restricting the amount of work to be developed in a Sprint).
  • They both use transparency to improve the process.
  • Both are based on experience.
  • Both of them try to deliver software as early and frequently as possible.
  • In both, the development teams are self-managed.
  • In both cases, it is recommended that big business be broken down into smaller pieces.
  • According to experimental data (average team speed in Scrum, lead time in Kanban — the difference between the origin of an idea and the delivery date) the delivery plan is constantly updated.
  • They did not specify the use of one practice — TDD, Continuous Delivery, Refactoring, Acceptance Testing, Small Releases, Simple Design, Coding Standards, Shared Metaphor, and Collective Code Ownership. According to the environment, the adoption of these practices is left to the development team.

Differences Between Scrum and Kanban

Development starts and ends within the specified time limit.

Development continues continuously. Setting limits is optional.

The team promises to complete a certain amount of work in an iteration.

Promising is optional.

Work items should be broken down into smaller pieces that can be completed within one Sprint.

Work items may vary in size. There is no lower or upper limit specified.

It is recommended to use burndown graphics.

It is not mandatory to use a specific type of chart. Any chart that will do the job can be used.

The number of jobs developed is indirectly restricted. The amount of work the Development Team can accomplish in a Sprint is certain.

The number of jobs developed is directly restricted. When setting this constraint, the workflow status is taken into consideration.

The Scrum Board is recreated at the beginning of each Sprint.

Kanban Board is permanent.

Manage Your Projects with Scrum and Kanban Approach with Huawei Cloud CodeArts

Throughout the whole software lifecycle, CodeArts is a one-stop shop for DevSecOps solutions, including pre-built cloud services for requirement delivery, code commit, check, build, verification, deployment, and release.

Supports customisation and automation of code check, build, test, and deployment operations, and provides continuous delivery pipelines with visualised orchestration, one-click application deployment, and zero wait for release.

Incorporates guidelines and experience from Huawei into CodeArts Req, CodeArts Check, CodeArts TestPlan, and CodeArts Pipeline, effectively improving application R&D quality and detecting issues as early as possible.

Using Huawei Cloud CodeArts, you can cover all the features of sustainable development because it includes all the services a software team needs.

On the project creation screen, you will see kanban and scrum in the template selection section, you can take a look at the screens of the approaches related to the preview.

Templete selection screen
Scrum board
Kanban board

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In this article, we have discussed the scrum and kanban approaches to project management, and how we can use them on the Huawei Cloud CodeArts service.




Mehmet Altuğ Akgül
Huawei Developers

Electrical and Electronics & Cloud Product Manager • MBA • Trader • Investor • Lifelong Learner • ✉ info@altug.dev