Garbage Classification with ModelArts

Muhammet Berke OZTURK
Huawei Developers
Published in
7 min readMay 30, 2023

In this article I will try to explain how to use Huawei Cloud ModelArts Service for Image Classification and make a demonstration about Garbage Classification. Let’s hop on to it.


Image Classification with ModelArts is a AI modeling service for Huawei Cloud that you can use it for predict the classifications of a given image to the model.

For example you can use it for predicting an image is apple or orange, cat or dog etc. First of all you need a dataset of images that you want to predict. ModelArts suggests you to have at least 100 image for each class that you want to train. For example you want to train a model which is going to predict an image is cat, dog or dolphin. You need to have atleast 300 images to train that model for yourself.

How can you find a dataset like this? First option is manually collect these images from internet. You can search from google for cat pictures and collect your images for your dataset.

Second option is the websites builded for solving this problem. Just like Kaggle. In Kaggle you can find thousands of datasets for every Machine Learning training example. For our demonstration I found a dataset about Garbage Classification and trained it in ModelArts Image Classification service.

We have 6 different garbages. Cardboard, glass, metal, paper, plastic and trash. For all of the garbages we have more than 2500 images. Every class has more than 100 images so ModelArts would work properly. Let’s begin!

Garbage classification with ModelArts

Like I said before, first we need a dataset and we don’t want to collect all images by ourselves. So we hop in to Kaggle and find a suitable database.

Kaggle homepage

Here is the dataset we are going to use.

Public dataset we use

Download the database with the button on the upper right corner.

Downloading dataset

Extract the file.

Dataset zip file

These are the classes you are going to use for your model training. If your dataset is not sorted into folders like this you should do it yourselves.

Extracted zip file
Images of dataset

Now we have a prepared dataset for our model training. We need to upload it to Huawei Cloud OBS. ModelArts only allows you to use datasets from your OBS Buckets. From browser console you can only upload 100 image per process. But with OBS Browser+ application, you can upload as much image as you want. So you need to download OBS Browser+ and upload your database to your OBS Bucket.

First you create a bucket.

Creating bucket from OBS Browser+(1)

This part is important because you need to choose the same region that you are going to work on ModelArts. For me it’s Singapore so we select it. Then we name it and create.

Creating bucket from OBS Browser+(2)

Then we create 3 folders inside our bucket. Input is for our dataset, output is for our model training outputs. You might ask why we need input-empty folder. Because when you create an ExeML training from ModelArts service you can’t import your labelled datas. You need to use Data Management to create your own labelled dataset but the dataset you created from Data Management doesn’t show up at the ExeML section. I think this is a minor bug that is going to fixed soon but now we use a empty folder to create a dataset from ExeML section, after that we are going to import our labelled images to dataset we created from ExeML. That will do the trick.

Creating folders in dataset bucket

We go in to our input folder and upload our divided images folder by folder.

Uploading our dataset to our bucket(1)
Uploading our dataset to our bucket(2)

Now we are ready to train our Garbage Classification model from ModelArts service.

Uploading our dataset to our bucket(3)

We hop on to ModelArts service console. Click ExeML at the left bar and select Image Classification and Create a project.

ModelArts ExeML Service

Name your project and select Create for create your own dataset. Name your dataset and select input and output your dataset path.

Creating a Image Classification project

When pointing out your input path you need to select input-empty for creating an empty dataset. We are going to import our labelled image dataset after the creation.

Specify the paths(1)

Select the output of yours.

Specify the paths(2)

Now you created your empty dataset. Click Data Management from left navigation bar and click your datasets name and get in.

Getting in our dataset in ModelArts

You must have been created a labeling job while you are creating the dataset. Click the labeling job from right corner of the website.

Getting in labeling job of our dataset

Click Add data for importing your labelled image classification dataset.

Importing our dataset from our local PC(1)

Select OBS > Path > Labelled > Image classification > ModelArts ImageNet 1.0.

Importing our dataset from our local PC(2)

Now for the dataset path, you point out the real input folder that you have the images inside. Click OK and wait for synchronization.

Specifying the paths(3)
Specifying the paths(4)

After the uploading process finished the scenario you expect is like below.

Succesfully uploaded dataset

Get back to ExeML section and select the ExeML project that you created.

Getting in to exeML project we created

Confirm the informations and datas then click train.

ExeML project section

Set your training ratio to 0.8. Select accuracy_first from training preference drop down list. Click next and start the training process.

Starting the training

After training is completed, you can see your metrics of your Image classification model like below.

Finished training page
Model metrics

Now we need to deploy our model and test it. For deployment click the Deploy button at Version Manager section at the upper left corner.

Deployment stage

Select the specifications, enable Auto Stop and set it to 1 hour. Next and submit.

Specifications of deployment

Wait until deployment is finished.

Waiting for deployment process

Now we can try our model. Download some images from Google that you can classificate with your model and upload it to ModelArts deploy service like below. Try to find some images that you dont have it in your dataset. That will make your test more reasonable. Then click predict.

Trying out the model(1)
Trying out the model(2)

Here are some examples from my dataset with Garbage classification model that we created together. You can see the result at the Test Result section.

Trying out the model(3)
Trying out the model(4)
Trying out the model(5)

Final thoughts and Summary

In this article we trained an Image classification model with Huawei Cloud ModelArts service. We used a public dataset of Garbage collection from Kaggle and trained it to classificate garbages by images.

As you can see you can easily create Image classification models with Huawei Cloud ModelArts service and deploy it. You can combine this service with other services to make more complex projects. ModelArts provides you to use this deployed model with API Reference.


