Hand Keypoint Detection with HMS ML Kit Explained (with a Demo Project)

Oğuzhan Demirci
Huawei Developers
Published in
5 min readSep 24, 2020

Hand keypoint detection is the process of finding fingertips, knuckles and wrists in an image. Hand keypoint detection and hand gesture recognition is still a challenging problem in computer vision domain. It is really a tough work to build your own model for hand keypoint detection as it is hard to collect a large enough hand dataset and it requires expertise in this domain.

Hand keypoint detection can be used in variety of scenarios. For example, it can be used during artistic creation, users can convert the detected hand keypoints into a 2D model, and synchronize the model to a character’s model to produce a vivid 2D animation. You can create a puppet animation game using the above idea. Another example may be creating a rock paper scissors game. Or if you take it further, you can create a sign language to text conversion application. As you see varieties to possible usage scenarios are abundant and there is no limit to ideas.

Hand keypoint detection service is a brand-new feature that is added to Huawei Machine Learning Kit family. It has recently been released and it is making developers and computer vision geeks really excited! It detects 21 points of a hand and can detect up to ten hands in an image. It can detect hands in a static image or in a camera stream. Currently, it does not support scenarios where your hand is blocked by more than 50% or you wear gloves. You don’t need an internet connection as this is a device side capability and what is more: It is completely free!

It wouldn’t be a nice practice only to read related documents and forget about it after a few days. So I created a simple demo application that counts fingers and tells us the number we show by hand. I strongly advise you to develop your hand keypoint detection application beside me. I developed the application in Android Studio in Kotlin. Now, I am going to explain you how to build this application step by step. Don’t hesitate to ask questions in the comments if you face any issues.

1.Firstly, let’s create our project on Android Studio. I named my project as HandKeyPointDetectionDemo. I am sure you can find better names for your application. We can create our project by selecting Empty Activity option and then follow the steps described in this post to create and sign our project in App Gallery Connect.

Development Process

2. In HUAWEI Developer AppGallery Connect, go to Develop > Manage APIs. Make sure ML Kit is activated.

3. Now we have integrated Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) into our project. Now let’s follow the documentation on developer.huawei.com and find the packages to add to our project. In the website click Developer / HMS Core/ AI / ML Kit. Here you will find introductory information to services, references, SDKs to download and others. Under ML Kit tab follow Android / Getting Started / Integrating HMS Core SDK / Adding Build Dependencies / Integrating the Hand Keypoint Detection SDK. We can follow the guide here to add hand detection capability to our project. We have also one meta-data tag to be added into our AndroidManifest.xml file. After the integration your app-level build.gradle file will look like this.

Our project-level build.gradle file:

And don’t forget to add related meta-data tags into your AndroidManifest.xml.

4. I created a class named HandKeyPointDetector. This class will be called from our activity or fragment. Its init method has two parameters context and a viewgroup. We will add our views on rootLayout.

5. We are going to detect hand key points in a camera stream, so we create a surfaceView for camera preview and another surfaceView to draw somethings. The surfaceView that is going to be used as overlay should be transparent. Then, we add our views to our rootLayout passed as a parameter from our activity. Lastly we add SurfaceHolder.Callback to our surfaceHolder to know when it is ready.

6. Inside our surfaceHolderCallback we override three methods: surfaceCreated, surfacehanged and surfaceDestroyed.

7. createAnalyzer method creates MLKeyPointAnalyzer with settings. If you want you can use default settings also. Scene type can be keypoint and rectangle around hands or we can use TYPE_ALL for both. Max hand results can be up to MLHandKeypointAnalyzerSetting.MAX_HANDS_NUM which is 10 currently. As we will count fingers of 2 hands, I set it to 2.

8. LensEngine is responsible for handling camera frames for us. All we need to do is to prepare it with right dimensions according to orientation, choose the camera we want to work with, apply fps an so on.

9. When you no longer need the analyzer stop it and release resources.

10. As you can see in step-7 we used mHandKeyPointTransactor. It is a custom class that we created named HandKeyPointTransactor, which inherits MLAnalyzer.MLTransactor<MLHandKeypoints>. It has two overriden methods inside. transactResult and destroy. Detected results will fall inside transactResult method and then we will try to find the number.

11. We will check hand by hand and then finger by finger to find the fingers that are up to find the number.

12. I handled details inside Hand class. It contains arguments of a hand and methods that apply some calculations to find fingers that are raised.

13. Here is the full source code:

14. Let’s count our fingers…

15. We have created our app that counts fingers without needing to know anything about convolutional neural networks, machine learning algorithms etc. This project is to show you the basics. You can create much better projects and come up with various ideas to apply hand keypoint detection to. I hope you enjoyed this article and created your project easily, too. If you have any questions please ask through the link below.

Happy coding!

