👨🏼‍💻Text Classification with HMS ML Kit Custom Model

Meva Akkaya
Huawei Developers
Published in
7 min readMar 31, 2022


We will see how we can classify texts with the Huawei HMS ML Kit custom model!

Huawei ML Kit — custom model — text classification

What is Text Classification?
Text Classification (text tagging or text categorization) provides to organize unstructured data by dividing the texts into groups in a certain way in order to extract values from these data with certain classifications. While it is an expensive process that causes a lot of time and resource consumption when done manually, the text can be automatically analyzed by machine learning method and quickly divided into predefined categories according to its content easily.

Huawei ML Kit — Custom Model
One of the best features that ML Kit provides that allows you to customize models is the Custom Model feature. You can train your model quickly, flexibly and at low cost with the AI Create feature to quickly train and create the model you will use in your application.

Let’s see how we do text classification using Huawei ML Kit Custom Model!

Before the start

1- Developer Account
You must have an AppGallery Console developer account.
If you do not have an account, you must create an account.

2- HMS Toolkit
Android Studio HMS Toolkit Plugin must be installed in order to use AI Create, where we will create our model.

Android Studio: File → Settings → Plugins → HMS Toolkit
! IDE must be restarted after installation

HMS Toolkit Plugin

Important: HMS Toolkit is expected to support Android Studio Bumblebee version from June 2022. It is currently available in the Android Arctic Fox version.

3- Python for ML Kit
AI Creator requires Python v3.7.5 for ML Kit use.

Complete your installation by downloading the Python 3.7.5 version from the Link.

Automatically select the process of adding the path during installation

- Make sure to install with pip selected during installation.

-The path may conflict if there is another python version already installed. You have to uninstall the old version and install the new one.
If Android Studio is open after installing Python, it must be restarted.

4- Data Preparation

You can use two types of text data in HMS ML Kit Text Classification.

  • Training text in JSON format: The JSON text format is
    [{“label”: “ “, “text”: “ “},{“label”: “ “, “text”: “ “}]
[{“label”: “category1”, “text”: “sample text”},
{“label”: “category2”, “text”: “sample text”},
{“label”: “category3”, “text”: “sample text”}]
  • Training text in TXT format: Classify the TXT files by category.
  • ~80% of your data as train and ~10% as test dataset, should be foldered in the same way

Now we can start development!

Text Classification Demo App

App: When we provide news text, it will categorize the news text (sports, technology etc.)

Project Steps

1) Create Android Project

Let’s start with creating an empty android project.
Attention: The min sdk for text classification should be 22.

2-)App Gallery Connection:

2.1- A project is created from My Projects-> Add new project by going to the App Gallery Connect Console.

2.2- Enable data processing location

In project settings choose Data Process Location as Germany (Enable & set as default)

2.2- Adding App to Project

2.3- Integrating the AppGallery Connect SDK in Android Studio:
SDKs are added to the gradle file before the agconnect-services.json file (because we haven’t activated the ML kit service yet).

a) Project-level build.gradle

allprojects {
repositories {
// Add the Maven address.
maven {url ‘https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'}

repositories {
// Add the Maven address.
maven { url ‘https://developer.huawei.com/repo/' }
dependencies {
// Add dependencies.
classpath ‘com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:’

b) App-level build.gradle

dependencies {
// Add dependencies.
implementation ‘com.huawei.agconnect:agconnect-core:’

// Add the information to the bottom of the file.
apply plugin: ‘com.huawei.agconnect’

2.4- Enable ML Kit Service
My projects → Project → Build → ML Kit (in left menu)
Then click enable now button

2.5- Add agconnect-services.json
top left menu - project settings → app information → download agconnect-services.json file
Then add it on your project to app directory in project view

3) Model Creation


  • The number of image categories is at least 2
  • Each category contains at least 20 files. More files will guarantee a higher model precision.
  • The text size does not exceed 10 MB.
  • The file encoding format is UTF-8.

3.1) Coding Assistant
After installing HMS Toolkit Plugin in Android studio as we mentined earlier, you can see the HMS option.
HMS → Coding Assistant → AI → AI Create → Text Classification

Attention: After this point, Mindspore that ML Kit uses in the base will be loaded, but you may encounter the following situation:

After clicking the ok button here, it will ask you to choose a path and save the mindspore file (.whl) to the location you selected.
- Open CMD from your computer and go to the path where the mindspore file is

cd Mindspore_Path

then install it with pip

pip install Mindspore_filename
install mindspore for ML Kit

3.2 ) Creating Model
In this section, we add the train dataset we prepared.

  • Currently, only Chinese and English are supported.
  • When you press the Case1 and Case 2 options, you can obtain a sample data set.
    Case1: IMDB dataset (json format), Case2: News Categories (TXT format)
  • If you are experienced in this field, you can change the iteration count and learning rate values with Advanced settings.

3.3) Testing Model
Train and validate is 100% and when it is completed, you will see the accuracy values obtained as a result of the training in detail.
You can also see your Final Test Accuracy value in Android Studio Event Logs.

We will upload the test model we have prepared to test the model we have created.

  • Again with Case 1 and Case2, test datasets of the sample dataset given in the train can also be downloaded.

When the test process is complete, you will see the Test average accuracy value.

  • If you are not satisfied with the success of the model, you can increase your success rate by repeating the training steps with changes related to your data or advanced values.
  • To use your model, you can use your saved model in your application by checking the open model location option.
  • You can get a sample app file in java language integrated into your model by clicking Generate Demo.

4) Build an App

Add following dependencies to app level gradle file

implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ml-computer-model-executor:'
implementation 'mindspore:mindspore-lite:'
implementation 'com.huawei.hms:base:'

In addition, the .aar file added to the libs file is implemented in the gradle file at the App level.

implementation files('libs/ms-textclassifier-2.0.0.aar')

And the following section must be added under the app-level android section for our model file with .ms extension to work.

android {
aaptOptions {
noCompress "ms", "tflite"

After training the model, our .mc extension model file is added to our project by creating the assets folder.

Required permissions are also added to the Android Manifest file

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

First of all, let’s prepare our XML file, where our application will find the category by classifying the news after the text is entered:

Next, let’s create a ModelDetector class. In this class, after the user enters the text, when triggered, we will take our model from the asset and make it predict with mindspore.

The loadFromAssets method calls our model that we added to the assets and triggers Mindspore
loadMindsporeModel method
softmax provides us with the calculation of probabilities for each category, while getMaxProbLabel determines the label with the highest probability.

In MainActivity.class, we trigger it to predict when the buttons we initiate are clicked.

When identificationBtn is clicked, it returns us the result. When clearBtn is clicked, we ensure that the text is cleared.
getLabelResult returns the result by calling the prediction methods we wrote on the ModelDetector side.

Thats it!

App Result

For full code Github


As a result, HMS ML Kit Custom Model — Text Classification enables us to integrate machine learning into our project to help developers quickly, easily and at low cost.

Glad if it helped, thanks for reading!
I’ll be waiting for your comments and claps! 👏

