How is feedback given?

Kübra Bilğiç
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2024

Feedback is the communication of objective opinions, attention, and suggestions about the performance of an individual or group. Everyone should be instrumental in the process of giving and receiving feedback.
Feedback has an algorithm. Feedback not given on time harms two things!
❤️‍🩹 Trust and Health
How do we give the right feedback in social and business life? How can we express ourselves?
Are you ready for the feedback maze journey? We’ll talk about constructive feedback, timing, and tone, as well as getting feedback and mistakes made. 🔀🚂

Things to Consider When Giving Feedback:
✨ Establishing the right communication
✨ Establishing empathy
✨ Being constructive
✨ Asking the right questions
✨ Leaving the appreciation to the other party

Abraham Maslow

“A good feedback is an important step towards self-actualization for an individual. In the hierarchy of needs, the feedback process supports personal growth.” — Abraham Maslow

Purpose of Giving Feedback
📌 Performance Improvement
📌 Communication Development
📌 Goal Setting

🔔 Effective Feedback
Feedback can be classified into two types: constructive and corrective feedback.
An example of constructive feedback is recognizing a colleague’s success on a project or praising a student’s study efforts.
An example of corrective feedback is pointing out a student’s deficiencies in a particular subject or making suggestions for improving an employee’s presentation skills.

🎖️ Feedback may not be created for the purpose of criticism, judgment, blame, or confirming understanding.Giving feedback means giving advice and showing the development point of the person receiving feedback.

Three things determine your image:
📌What You Say
📌 Your appearance
📌 Your behavior

Feedback According to Generational Differences

Generational differences, influenced by individuals’ age, culture, experiences, and values, can affect how they give and receive feedback. Here are some general trends regarding feedback reception and effectiveness based on generations:

1. Baby Boomers (Born 1946–1964):
- Generally value high work ethics and hierarchical structures.
- Prefer formal and written feedback.
- Appreciate constructive criticism but may feel uncomfortable with less structured feedback.

2. Generation X (Born 1965–1980):
- Value independence and freedom.
- Prefer realistic and clear feedback.
- Appreciate direct and open communication, less fond of indirect feedback.

3. Millennials (Born 1981–1996):
- Value collaboration and mentorship relationships.
- Expect continuous feedback and frequently seek it out.
- Appreciate balanced and supportive feedback.

4. Generation Z (Born 1997–2012):
- Accustomed to technology and fast feedback.
- Prefer concise and straightforward feedback.
- Value versatile and inclusive feedback.

❗️These trends are generalizations, and every individual is unique.

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However, considering generational differences in giving and receiving feedback can lead to more effective communication and facilitate easier adaptation in the workplace. For example, individuals from Generations Y and Z often seek feedback frequently, while Baby Boomers and Generation X may prefer more formal and structured feedback.

“Feedback is a form of communication utilized for professional development.”

Carl Gustav Jung

🔔Getting Feedback
The first reaction of the person receiving feedback is often to become defensive. For this reason, getting feedback is as difficult as giving feedback.

Benefits of receiving feedback include:
1. Contributes to Development
2. Provides Perspective
3. Increases Motivation
4. Strengthens Communication

It’s important to keep an open mind when receiving feedback, consider criticism constructively, and focus on improvement.

❗️Receiving feedback is important for personal and professional development. It is also a valuable tool for improving quality and achieving better results.

✨ Feedback should ideally be given within 48 hours and face to face. Unless people can come together, they should notify them through their preferred contact addresses.

Sandwich Feedback Method

This method is used to balance positive and negative elements when giving feedback and to encourage the person in front of you to listen more effectively. Also, it is named “sandwich” because feedback is given in the following order:

💫 It is important to ensure that your intentions are good, to establish a relationship based on trust, to pay attention to your tone, and to focus on building a collaborative relationship when giving feedback.

🎙️Podcast Suggestions About Feedback

See you in my next medium article 💌

