How to Create Huawei Cloud CCE Cluster?

Yagiz Ozturk
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2023
Huawei Cloud

Hello Everyone! Let’s make a basic demo about Creating a Huawei Cloud CCE Cluster.

Firstly, search for CCE on the left-hand side. Then click the Cloud Container Engine.

Search for CCE

In the CCE page click buy CCE Cluster.

CCE Page

Choose your Billing Mode, Cluster Name, Your Enterprise Project Name(if it's visible). Also, choose your Cluster Specifications according to your needs.

Basic Settings

CCE Basic Settings

Cluster Name

A cluster name can contain 4 to 128 characters, starting with a lowercase letter and not ending with a hyphen (-). Only lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens (-) are allowed.


Multiple master nodes will be created and distributed in different AZs as evenly as possible. If a master node is faulty, the cluster can still be functionally available.


Standalone cluster. If the master node is faulty, the cluster will become unavailable, but the running workloads will not be affected.

Network Settings

CCE Network Settings

VPC network

The container network uses VPC routes to integrate with the underlying network. This network model is ideal for performance-intensive scenarios. The maximum number of nodes allowed in a cluster depends on the VPC route quota.

Tunnel network

The container network is an overlay tunnel network on top of a VPC network and uses the VXLAN technology. This network model is applicable when there are no high requirements on performance.

Container CIDR Block

CIDR block used by containers in a cluster, which determines the maximum number of containers in the cluster. Not editable after creation.

Manually set

Custom virtual CIDR block used by containers, which cannot conflict with the CIDR blocks (such as node subnets and Service CIDR block) used by other resources in the cluster.

Auto select

The system randomly allocates a CIDR block that does not conflict with other CIDR blocks to users and cannot be changed after creation. Therefore, you are advised to manually configure a CIDR block that best serves your commercial services.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings


Traditional kube-proxy. Ideal for scenarios with a small number of Services or a large number of concurrent short connections on the client. IPv6 clusters do not support iptables.


A forwarding mode with higher throughput and higher speed. This mode is applicable when there are a large number of nodes or Services in the cluster.

After choosing these specifications. Click Next: Add-on Configuration

Add-on Configuration

Add-on Configuration

Click Next: Confirm

Confirm Page

Confirm Page

In the confirm page don’t forget to check!

“I have read and understand the preceding instructions.”

Click Submit and wait for the procedures to Complete.

After all of the steps, you should see it on the CCE page

CCE Creating

You can view the events by clicking the View Event button at the top right of the page above(next to the trash bin).

View Event Pop-up

After CCE Cluster in the Running State if you click on your cluster name you can see inside of the Cluster.

Cluster Running State

Finally we created a CCE Cluster successfuly.

An example for the Cluster Page.

CCE Cluster page.


With this article, you can create a CCE Cluster on your own. For further processes keep in touch🤙🤙. Goodbye for now 👋👋

