How to use Huawei Ads with AdMost Mediation (Native Android)?

Oğuzhan Kalkar
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2022


AdMost platform


Hello, today I will be talking about Mediation as general and also I will specifically investigate Huawei Ads with AdMost mediation in Native Android detailly. I will mention both AdMost Dashboard and Android part to create an understanding. Lets Begin! 🎉

Ad mediation is the process of cooperating with different ad networks to find the most available ads in order to fill ad slots with more profitable and personalized adverts. AdMost is a platform mainly focusing on mediation technology. Admost combines the need of worldwide advertisers, creative ad formats, and cutting-edge app monetization technologies to maximize the value of every impression. Due to this, AdMost developed an algorithm that favors higher eCPM rates when requesting and, regardless of the user’s location, Admost waterfall instantaneously and dynamically routes the best yielding waterfall based on the user’s quality.

Huawei Ads

As for Huawei, the Huawei alone shipped 240.6 million smartphones in 2019(source) ; as a result, Huawei’s market stands out to us as one with a significant user base and enormous potential. It is obvious that using Huawei Ads will improve revenue for publishers or developers.

If you want to use AdMost, you could use its custom mediation feature to add Huawei Ads as one of your Ad sources to maximize your profit in your Android application.

In this article you will learn how to use AdMost mediation to display Huawei Ads in Native Android step by step.

Test ad IDs will be used in this article. If you want to use your own ads, sign in to your Huawei Developer Console and create an AdUnit.

Set up and configure your AdMost account.

Go to AdMost Dashboard and login with your AdMost account.

On the Dashboard, Click on the + sign on the Network Credentials page and activate Huawei Ads network

Network Credentials page in AdMost Dashboard

Then activate network by filling Client Id and Client Secret.

Activate Network page for Huawei Ads

Create an Ad Zone for placement groups

Create an Ad Zone for the grouping of the placements. Select your app and click on + Zone. In the New Zone page, fill it accordingly.

New Zone page

Users can list, edit and delete all of your placements from the Placements tab next to the app.


Note: Each ad placement has unique Adspace and Reporting ID, where you cannot add multiple IDs to different placements.

Android Configurations for AdMost Mediation

On the Android tutorial in Setup, click + icon for Huawei and AdMost in the Ad-Networks

Ad Networks List in Setup page for Android Guide

On your application

In the project-level build.gradle, include Huawei’s and AdMost’s Maven repository

Add the following lines inside dependencies{} bracelets in /app/src/build.gradle file

It is highly recommended to enable AndroidX in your project. Editing file and adding the lines below(if they are not present) is required for most ad-network sdks.

Starting with Android 9.0 (API level 28), cleartext support is disabled by default. For applications targetSdkVersion higher than 27 must use the following manifest config for AdMost cleartext support.

Huawei AppGallery Applications

For Huawei AppGallery applications, AdMost are using OAID(Open Advertiser ID) instead of GAID(Google Advertising ID) for attribution purposes, so AdMost needs to know if the application is Huawei AppGallery application. To set the application as Huawei app, you can use the following method during initialization, otherwise AdMost sdk will try to get GAID and fail.

After completing this configurations, the mediation will be completed successfully.

For more information regarding Huawei Ads, refer to the official documentation here.

For more information regarding AdMost mediation, refer to the official documentation here


To sum up, today I discussed mediation in general and looked closely into Huawei Ads using AdMost mediation in Native Android. I brought up both the AdMost Dashboard and the Android part to help people understand mediation and how it is used. See you later! 👋


