How to use Huawei Ads with IronSource Mediation

Umit Kose
Huawei Developers
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2021

In this article, I will demonstrate how to show Huawei ads with IronSource through mediation.

Only the Interstitial ad is supported by IronSource for mediation.

What is ad mediation?

Ad Mediation gives multiple ad networks access to your ad inventory, and gets them to compete against each other for ad slots. This process increases competition among advertisers and in return, increases your ad revenue. The mediation platform checks what CPM all the various ad networks are offering and looks for the highest one.

Getting Started

1. Adding Custom Adapter on IronSource Platform

The first thing to do, enter the IronSource Platform and select custom adapter under SDK Networks page.

Note: Your account must be approved to be able to see the Custom Adapter section. To send a request, check here

Enter the Huawei IronSource adapter Network Key

In this step, Network Key must be entered so that the Huawei mediation adapter can be used.

Network Key is: 15b993999

Enter the ClientID and SecretKey that generated on Huawei Publisher Console

In this step, the ClientID and SecretKey obtained from the Huawei publisher console must be entered.

For detailed information, please check this link.

2. Create ad unit ID from Huawei Publisher Console

In this step, we need to create an ad from the Huawei publisher console. At the moment, IronSource only supports Interstitial type ads, so be careful about creating this type of ad.

This medium post also might help you for creating a Huawei Ad slot id.

3. Add adapter dependency to the project

In this step, Huawei ads SDK and IronSource mediation adapter library must be added to the project.


repositories {
maven { url '' }
maven {url ""}
allprojects {
repositories {maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }


dependencies {
implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ads:'implementation '<latest_version>'

Note: To know the latest version, please check the Github link

4. Enter the ad parameters on IronSource Platform

➽ appID is Huawei Ads app ID

➽ adUnitID is Huawei Ads Unit ID( such as interstitial)

➽ ParamString2 and ParamString1 can be empy for now. We will inform you if it is used in the future.

➽ TagUnderAgeOfPromise and TagForChildProtection, you can enter true or false depending on the contents of your application.

NOTE: Please do not forget to disable test mode on IronSource Platform, otherwise mediation will not work.


IronSource Interstitial & Huawei Interstitial

