How to Use SnapshotReadyCallback function on HMS Map

Huawei Developers
Published in
Nov 12, 2020

General view for this article is as below:

This article will mention about how to use SnapshotReadyCallback function on HMS Map. This SnapshotReadyCallback function provides snapshot view on current HMS map view. Different components can implement to show already taken snaps such as bitmap. Through this, user can snapshot of map view instead of using mobile device snapshot. And additionally we will save this take snapshot into local gallery.


Public Method Summary

Public Method Summary

NOTE: Before we start, I would like to emphasize that this article assumes that you already crated project and app in AGC page and create project in Android studio. If Note please reference ; to check how to create project and app in AGC page and create project in Android Studio.

Note: Please do not forget to activate MAP Kit in AppGalery Connect (Project Setting → Manage API) and to add build dependencies to app level build.gradle file.

Note: Please do not forget to add below permissions into AndroidManifest.xml file.

Root level build.gradle file. ‘com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:’ or never version must settle in this file.

Layout xml file; file;

Application view;

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I hope it will be helpful.

Hope to see you in next articles.

Until that time, bye.


