☁Huawei Cloud CCE Uptime-Kuma Installation☁

Yagiz Ozturk
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2023
Huawei Cloud

Hello everyone! Today we gonna install Uptime-Kuma. I will only show installation because this process is complex enough for an article.

Before beginning if you didn’t check yet you should read one of my previous articles about How to Create CCE.

Let’s begin!

After we created our CCE Cluster. We need to do the docker pull and then SWR push steps.

These steps until “docker push” commands below gonna make our deployment steps easier.

At the beginning create an ECS with a public IP bound to it. Connect your ECS. Now go on with me.

First, install docker to our Ubuntu VM with:

apt install docker.io

Second, install the same version of your CCE cluster kubectl version with:

snap install kubectl --channel=<YOUR_CCE_CLUSTER_VERSION>/stable --classic

Note: If your kubectl version v1.27.2
<YOUR_CCE_CLUSTER_VERSION> shown above is 1.27


snap install kubectl --channel=1.27/stable --classic

Third, pull the docker image with:

docker pull louislam/uptime-kuma

Fourth, get into the Huawei Cloud SWR console and create an organization from the upper right corner.

SWR organization creation

Fifth, generate login command from the upper right corner of SWR console. Copy this command and paste it into your CLI press ENTER.


We see in the image above “tr-west-1”. This is an automated command. If this one is different in your “login command” change it with yours.

You must change it in all of the steps for docker tag and docker push commands.

You should see the “Login Succeeded” output on your screen.

So lets keep it up.

We should tag the image we pulled before, like:

docker tag <PULLED_IMAGE_NAME>  swr.tr-west-1.myhuaweicloud.com/<YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>

Now we need to push this image into the SWR with:

docker push swr.tr-west-1.myhuaweicloud.com/<YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>

Now check your image in your SWR organization.

SWR organization image list


Get into CCE Cluster and click “Nodes”.
On the opened page we got a tab again named “Nodes”.
Now finally we will create a Node.

Node creation

👽 Keep following my settings please 👽

node spec

Choose a password for your node,
Retain the default settings for “Storage Settings”,
Node IP: Auto Assignment
EIP: Do not use

At the “Confirm Page” check the agreement checkbox and Submit.

Node “Running” situation.

Switch the tab to the “Workloads”.

Click “Create Workload”. Our workload type gonna be “Deployment”.

Workload Specifications

In the Container Settings, we will see “Select Image”. Click it.

At the pop-up that opens we gonna see the image we pushed to the SWR. Choose the image you created.

Workload specifications

The last thing we gonna do is create a service.

Service Type: Load Balancer
Service Affinity: Cluster-level

Service specifications

Public Access: Enabled
Specifications: Elastic

Service specifications

Protocol: TCP, Container Port: 3001, Service Port: 8080

Service specifications



Copy and paste your Load Balancer Public IP to your browser.

Services page

Ready? We got our Uptime Kuma deployed in our cluster.

Kuma Setup Page

Congrats if you made all of the steps above correctly as I show. If you have any questions you can directly message me via Linkedin.



This is it for now everyone. I hope you liked and succeeded in the progress. Next time I will try to show you; how, when, and why to use Uptime Kuma. We will try to build an SMTP server together and try to send notifications to our mail addresses, Discord channels, and maybe some more deep dive.


