Huawei Developers

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Huawei Open Testing


Hi everyone, I will explain Huawei Open testing service in this article.

What is Open testing?

Open testing service is used for testing our application with specific test users that was allowed by developers without app release in App Gallery. Only users in list can see app.

How can we enable open testing ?

Note I : Currently Open testing service is in beta state. To launch an open test, send an email to for application.
Set your email title in the following format: [Open testing]-[Company name]-[Developer account ID]-[App ID].

Note II : This email address is for receiving AppGallery Connect service enabling applications only. Please do not send other consultation emails to this address.

How can app be tested by specified Testers?

To use Open Testing service, You need to create user list then release app of the open testing version in AppGallery Connect.for Creating user list , you can follow sequence of under this line

  • Log-in App Gallery Connect and go to Users and Permission page.
  • follow this sequence to display open testing page On the Distribute tab page, go to Release app > Draft.
  • then go to List management > User list and click New in the upper right corner.
  • On the New test user list page, set List name to the name of the user list and add information about users who participate in the open testing
  • Each test user list must include list name
  • Test users can be added two different ways manual input and file imports.
    Note I : Currently HUAWEI IDs of test users can be email addresses or mobile numbers
    Note II : You can create up to 30 test user lists in total and 20 per day

Manuel Input

Test users are added inside Test user list with their mail address or phone numbers one by one .

File Import

If There is many tester in your working department and want to add all user into test user list , this mode can be used .
Note : File format must be .CSV

  • After creating and confirmed test user list, It can be modified or delete.
  • After created test user list , test Period has to be determined
  • If you prepared all previous steps , You need to upload app to system. Apk and RPK files will be uploaded.
  • Finally Countries/Regions and Content Rating must be selected to release.
  • When Your test request will be approved , all participants receive an invitation email or link in an SMS message.
  • After successful sign-in, read the test participation description carefully and click Accept.
  • then, the app details page on HUAWEI AppGallery is displayed. Download the test app on the page.


To read open testing web page : Link

Applying for an Open Test : Link

Releasing Open Testing Version : Link



Huawei Developers
Huawei Developers

Published in Huawei Developers

As Huawei Developers, our Medium publication where we share information about the use of Huawei Ecosystem

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