Jetpack Compose Navigation for Beginners

Begum Avci Kocaman
Huawei Developers
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2023


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Jetpack Compose Navigation is a part of the Android Jetpack library that provides a framework for navigating between different composables in a Compose-based Android app.Here’s a simple example of how you can use Jetpack Compose Navigation in Kotlin:

First, make sure to include the necessary dependencies in your build.gradle file:

Now, let’s create a simple Compose application with navigation. Assume you have two screens, Screen1 and Screen2. Here's the code:

In this example, we define two screens, Screen1 and Screen2. Each screen has a simple Column layout with some text and a button. The NavHost is set up in the MainActivity to handle navigation between these screens. The NavHostController is used to navigate between the screens using the navigate function.

Remember to replace the placeholder code with your actual screen content and logic. This is a basic example, and in a real-world scenario, you would have more complex screens and navigation logic.

Let’s break down the purpose of the key components in the provided Kotlin code:

  1. MainActivity: This is the entry point of your Android application. It extends ComponentActivity, which is a part of the AndroidX library. In the onCreate method, the Compose content is set, and the Compose theme is applied.
  2. FeatherAndroidTasksTheme: This is a Compose theme for your app. It applies styling to the UI components using the MaterialTheme from the AndroidX library.
  3. Surface: This is a container for your Compose content. It represents the top-level surface of your app where your UI elements are placed.
  4. rememberNavController: This is a utility function provided by the Navigation Compose library. It creates a NavHostController, which is responsible for navigating between composables.
  5. NavHost: This is a Compose composable that hosts a navigation graph. It is responsible for managing the navigation within your app.
  6. composable: Inside NavHost, you define individual composables for each screen in your app using the composable function. Each composable represents a screen, and you specify its content and behavior.
  7. Screen1 and Screen2 composables: These are the individual screens of your app. They are Compose functions that define the UI for each screen. In this example, each screen contains a Column with some text and a button. The button's onClick handler is used to navigate between screens using the NavHostController.
  8. NavHostController: This is a controller provided by the Navigation Compose library. It manages the navigation within your app, allowing you to navigate between different screens or destinations.
  9. Button and Text: These are Compose UI elements. Button is a clickable element, and Text is used for displaying text. They are part of the Material Design components provided by Compose.
  10. @Preview annotation is used to generate a preview of a Composable function or UI element. It allows developers to see how their Compose UI looks and behaves directly in Android Studio, without having to run the full application on an emulator or device. The @Preview annotation is often applied to a Composable function, providing a visual representation of that specific UI component. When you use @Preview, you are essentially creating a preview function that shows a live rendering of the Composable in the Android Studio preview pane.
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Using navigation with Jetpack Compose provides several benefits for building Android applications:

Declarative UI and Navigation:

  • Jetpack Compose allows you to build UIs using a declarative syntax, making it easier to express how your UI should look based on the current state.
  • Navigation in Compose is also declarative, allowing you to define the navigation graph and transitions between screens in a concise and clear manner.

Single Source of Truth:

  • Navigation in Jetpack Compose is tightly integrated with the underlying data flow. The navigation state is often tied to a single source of truth, ensuring consistency between the UI and the navigation.

Type-Safe Navigation:

  • Navigation in Compose is type-safe. This means that the destinations you navigate to are defined as Kotlin classes or objects, reducing the chances of runtime errors associated with using string-based identifiers for destinations.

Back Stack Management:

  • Compose Navigation provides a built-in back stack management system. This makes it easy to handle the back button and navigate back through the app’s history.

Deep Linking:

  • Compose Navigation supports deep linking, allowing you to navigate to specific destinations within your app based on incoming intents or URLs.

Seamless Integration with Other Jetpack Libraries:

  • Compose Navigation integrates well with other Jetpack libraries, such as ViewModel and LiveData. This allows for efficient data sharing and communication between different parts of your app.

Animations and Transitions:

  • Jetpack Compose Navigation makes it easy to add animations and transitions between different screens. This enhances the overall user experience and helps create more visually appealing interfaces.


  • Jetpack Compose Navigation simplifies the testing process by providing tools for testing navigation-related behavior. This includes testing the navigation graph and verifying that the app navigates correctly in response to user interactions.

Scoped Navigation:

  • Compose Navigation allows you to create navigation scopes, helping you manage the lifecycle of composables and data associated with specific screens.


  • Jetpack Compose Navigation is designed to be adaptable to various app architectures. Whether you are following a unidirectional data flow (like Redux) or a more complex architecture, Compose Navigation can be integrated seamlessly.
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In summary

Using navigation with Jetpack Compose simplifies the process of building and maintaining complex UI flows in Android apps. It aligns with the principles of declarative UI and provides a robust framework for handling navigation-related concerns. The code sets up a basic Android app using Jetpack Compose and implements a simple navigation flow between two screens (Screen1 and Screen2). The NavHost and NavHostController components from the Navigation Compose library are used to facilitate navigation between these screens.


