☁ Migrating Object Storage from Alibaba Cloud to HUAWEI CLOUD with OMS

Elif Meriç
Huawei Developers
Published in
6 min readOct 24, 2023
Migrating Object Storage from Alibaba Cloud OSS to HUAWEI CLOUD OBS with OMS


Hi, everyone! 🤗👋 In this article, we will have knowledge about the HUAWEI CLOUD Object Migration Service (OMS). When we need to migrate our object storage data from other public clouds such as Alibaba Cloud, to HUAWEI CLOUD Object Storage Service (OBS), we can use HUAWEI CLOUD’s Object Migration Service because it enables us to easily and quickly migrate our object storage data between clouds. Let’s start!

What is Object Migration Service (OMS)?

OMS provides helps us to migrate our object storage from other clouds to HUAWEI CLOUD Object Storage Service (OBS). OMS can be used for object migration, cloud disaster recovery, and object restoration scenarios. When we need to migrate web applications to HUAWEI CLOUD, OMS can be used to easily migrate object storage data to OBS buckets, or in cloud disaster recovery scenarios, it allows us to replicate objects to OBS buckets for disaster recovery and backup, and for the object restoration scenarios, it allows us to use data backup from another cloud service provider to quickly restore data to HUAWEI CLOUD. OMS supports migration from:

  • AWS,
  • Huawei Cloud,
  • Alibaba Cloud,
  • Microsoft Azure,
  • Baidu Cloud,
  • UCloud,
  • QingCloud,
  • KingSoft,
  • Tencent Cloud and
  • Qiniu Cloud
OMS Functions

What are the Advantages of OMS?

OMS provides several advantages to users. First of all, it is very easy to use Object Migration Service. It can be easily used on the HUAWEI CLOUD OMS console by creating a migration task. Also, it provides a solid security. It secures our access with an access key ID and secret access key. Our identity is authenticated before the data transmission. Additionally, OMS provides us with encrypted storage. It encrypts data upon migration to HUAWEI CLOUD to make our data more secure.

Migration Process

Migration Process

Process Explanation

  1. Firstly, create AK/SK pairs for the source and destination platform accounts.
  2. Create an OBS bucket for storing migrated data.
  3. Create a migration task and start the task on the OMS console.
  4. Check the migration result on the OMS console.

Migration Preparations

  1. Create AK/SK for the source and destination accounts

Source: Alibaba Cloud

If the source is HUAWEI CLOUD, the source account should have AK/SK pair and the permissions to list buckets, obtain bucket locations, list objects, obtain object metadata, and obtain object content. If does not have one, you need to create AK/SK pair and give the required permissions in this step. If the source is another cloud provider, create an AK/SK pair and obtain permissions as below:

  • Go to the RAM console in your Alibaba Cloud Account.
  • Choose Identities > Users.
  • On the Users tab page click Create User.
  • On the Create User page, in the User Access Key area, click Create Access Key.
  • Assign required permissions to the user. Go to the RAM user, and click Add Permissions. Assign the user the AliyunOSSReadOnlyAccess permission.

Destination: Huawei Cloud

  • Create an AK/SK pair and obtain permissions. To create an AK/SK pair, click your username and go to My Credentials. Then, select the Access Keys tab, and click Add Access Key. Finally, download the generated AK/SK pair.

2. Create a destination OBS Bucket

  • Go to the OBS console and select Object Storage.
  • Then, click the Create Bucket button. Configure the parameters below.
Create Bucket

3. Restoring archive data in the source bucket

  • To migrate data of the archive storage class, you should restore the data before the migration. Otherwise, the migration will take a long time. Alibaba Cloud OSS provides the ossutil tool to restore archive objects with specified prefixes. The documentation [1] in the references section explains how to restore archive data with Alibaba Cloud OSS.

Creating a Migration Task


  • You need to obtain AK/SK pair and required permissions for both source and destination platforms.
  • The source platform account needs the AliyunOSSReadOnlyAccess permission.
  • You need to create a bucket on HUAWEI CLOUD OBS.
  • You have created less than 5,000 migration tasks within the past 24 hours.
  • You have less than 5,000 migration tasks in the Waiting state.

A Migration Task Creation:

  1. Go to the HUAWEI CLOUD console, and select OMS in the service list.
Object Storage Migration Service

2. On the Migration Tasks page, click the Create Migration Task button.

Create Migration Task

3. Set the parameters below in the table in the Select Source area.

Migration Source and Destination
Source Parameters

4. Set the parameters below in the table in the Select Destination area.

Destination Parameters

5. Click Next and go to the Set Task Parameters page.

Set Task Parameters

6. Select a migration method. It can be a File/Folder, Object list, Object name prefix, etc.

File/Folder: Click Select under the bucket name. Then, select file/folder and click OK.

Select File/Folder

Object List: In the Object List Bucket (Huawei Cloud) drop-down list, select the bucket where the object list is stored.

Object List
  • Click Select next to Object List File. In the displayed Object List File dialog box, select the .txt file that contains the names of all objects to be migrated, and click OK.
Select Object List File

Object Name Prefix: Enter the names or name prefixes of the objects to be migrated in the text box under Bucket and click Add.

Object Name Prefix

7. If you want to migrate the metadata, select Migrate, if not select Do not migrate.

8. In the Incremental Migration option, select No if you do not want to filter source objects by time. Otherwise, select Yes.

9. Click Show next to Advanced Settings. Set the parameters below.

Advanced Settings

10. Click Next and then click Migrate Now button on the confirmation page.


To summarize, in this article, we learned how to migrate object storage data from Alibaba Cloud OSS (object storage service) to HUAWEI CLOUD OBS (object storage service). With the Object Storage Migration Service provided by HUAWEI CLOUD, migration can be easily performed by selecting the source and destination addresses and defining the AK/SK pair, required permissions. This is a very effective method for users who only want to migrate object storage data.


  1. Alibaba Cloud OSS ossutil tool

