Object Detection & Tracking with HMS ML Kit (Video Mode)

Oğuzhan Demirci
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2020

Hi everyone!

In this article I will tell you about Object Detection with HMS ML Kit first and then we are going to build an Android application which uses HMS ML Kit to detect and track objects in a camera stream. If you haven’t read my last article on detecting objects statically yet, here it is. You can also find introductive information about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Huawei ML Kit’s capabilities in that article.

Sample Use Case

The object detection and tracking service can detect and track multiple objects in an image. The detected objects can be located and classified in real time. It is also an ideal choice for filtering out unwanted objects in an image. By the way, Huawei ML Kit provides on device object detection capabilities, hence it is completely free.

Let’s don’t waste our precious time and start doing our sample project step by step!

  1. If you haven’t registered as a Huawei Developer yet. Here is the link.
  2. Create a Project on AppGalleryConnect. You can follow the steps shown here.
  3. In HUAWEI Developer AppGallery Connect, go to Develop > Manage APIs. Make sure ML Kit is activated.

4. Integrate ML Kit SDK into your project. Your app level build.gradle will look like this:

and your project-level build.gradle is like this:

5. Create the layout first. There will be two surfaceViews. The first surfaceView is to display our camera stream, the second surfaceView is to draw our canvas. We will draw rectangles around detected objects and write their respective types on our canvas and show this canvas on our second surfaceView. Here is the sample:

6. By the way, make sure you set your activity style as “Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar” or similar in res/styles.xml to hide the action bar.

7.1. We have two important classes that help us detect objects in HMS ML Kit. MLObjectAnalyzer and LensEngine. MLObjectAnalyzer detects object information (MLObject) in an image. We can also customize it using MLObjectAnalyzerSetting. Here is our createAnalyzer method:

7.2. Other important class that we are using today is LensEngine. LensEngine is responsible for camera initialization, frame obtaining, and logic control functions. Here is our createLensEngine method:

8. Well, LensEngine handles camera frames, MLObjectAnalyzer detects MLObjects in those frames. Now we need to create our ObjectAnalyzerTranscator class which implements MLAnalyzer.MLTransactor interface. The detected MLObjects are going to be dropped in transactResult method of this class. I will share our ObjectAnalyzerTransactor class here with an additional draw method for drawing rectangles and some text around detected objects.

9. Our lensEngine needs a surfaceHolder to run on. Therefore will start it when our surfaceHolder is ready. Here is our callback:

10. We require CAMERA and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions. Make sure you add them to your AndroidManifest.xml file and ask user at runtime. For the sake of simplicity we do it as shown below:

11. Let’s bring them all the pieces together. Here is our MainActivity.

12. In summary we used LensEngine to handle camera frames for us. We displayed the frames on our first surfaceView. Then MLObjectAnalyzer analyzed these frames and detected objects came into transactResult of our ObjectAnalyzerTrasactor class. In this method we iterated through all objects detected and drew them on our second surfaceView which we used as an overlay. Here is the output:


Thanks for reading. If you have any questions please ask through the link below.

