Popular Agile Methodologies: Scrum, Kanban, and XP | PART 3

Kübra Demir
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2023

We know that we have multiple options to plan software projects. We can choose the approach we will apply in our projects by examining the advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used approaches within Agile methodologies.

In the first article of the series, we discussed the fundamental principles of the Agile approach, the basic components of Scrum, and the advantages and disadvantages of Scrum.

In the second article of the series, we covered Kanban, the fundamental principles of Kanban, and the advantages and disadvantages of Kanban.

In this article, we talk about the fundamental principles of Extreme Programming (XP), the advantages and disadvantages of XP, and finally, the benefits of Agile methodologies.

Extreme Programming


We will talk about the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology used in test priority product development processes from Agile methodologies.

Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development methodology used in the software development process. XP is an approach that aims to adapt quickly and continuously to change and maximize customer satisfaction.

The fundamental principles of Extreme Programming:

1.Planning: In XP, the development team and the customer work together to determine the project requirements. The requirements are prioritized and divided into small, functional pieces called user stories. During the planning phase, goals and timelines are established for sprints.

2.Collaboration: In XP, the customer and the development team collaborate continuously. The customer clarifies requirements, answers questions, and provides feedback. The development team understands customer requests and develops usable product increments.

3.Test-Driven Development (TDD): XP adopts a test-driven approach to improve code quality. Tests are written first, followed by writing the code, and then the success of the tests is verified. This ensures the production of more reliable code with a lower error rate.

4.Continuous Integration: XP adopts the practice of continuous integration. Developers frequently merge their code and use continuous automated tests to quickly detect errors. This aims to address inconsistencies promptly and keep the project in a continuously functional state.

5.Collaborative Development: In XP, the development team works together and maintains constant interaction. Methods such as pair programming, code reviews, and regular feedback are employed. This enhances knowledge sharing and quality control.

6.Sustainability: XP focuses on continuous improvement. Feedback is considered, and the process is regularly evaluated in terms of performance and collaboration. Flexibility is provided for changes, and lessons learned are used for future iterations.

By adhering to these principles, XP aims to deliver high-quality software, increase customer satisfaction, and promote effective collaboration within the development team.

Advantages of XP

a) High Customer Satisfaction: The customer is actively involved in every stage of the project, and their feedback is directly taken into account. This increases customer satisfaction and ensures the development of the right product.

b) Flexibility and Quick Responsiveness: XP adopts an iterative and incremental approach to quickly respond to changing requirements. Functional product increments can be developed rapidly through small iterations, allowing for adaptability to changes.

c) Quality Product: Practices like Test-Driven Development (TDD) and continuous integration enhance the quality of the software. Errors are quickly identified and corrected through continuous feedback.

d) Collaboration and Teamwork: XP promotes continuous collaboration and communication between the customer and the development team. Team members work together through practices like pair programming and regular feedback, facilitating knowledge sharing.

Disadvantages of XP

a) Requires Continuous Customer Involvement: XP operates based on customer feedback. Continuous involvement and feedback from the customer are necessary. However, the customer may not always be available or may not have sufficient time to dedicate to the project.

b) Challenges in Complex Projects: XP works better in smaller and less complex projects. In larger and complex projects, managing requirements and coordinating the team can be challenging.

c) Uncertainty and Variability: Agile XP focuses on changing requirements, which can sometimes be difficult to handle due to uncertainty and variability. Constantly changing requirements and rapid iterations may create challenges in terms of planning and tracking.

d) Requires Sufficient Skills: XP requires practices like test-driven development and continuous integration. It is important for team members to have sufficient knowledge and experience in these areas.

In summary, Extreme Programming is a customer-oriented, flexible and continuously evolving software development methodology.


a) Customer Satisfaction: By enabling frequent deliveries and customer feedback, Agile methodologies allow for quick responsiveness to customer needs and the delivery of value.

b) Flexibility and Adaptation: Agile methodologies facilitate the ability to quickly adapt to changing requirements, making projects flexible and adaptable.

c) Collaboration and Transparency: Agile methodologies promote better collaboration and transparency among teams, ensuring that everyone is informed about the project’s progress and goals.

d) Risk Reduction: Iterations and short delivery cycles provide opportunities to identify and mitigate risks early on.

Agile methodologies have revolutionized the software development process and have become popular across various industries. Embracing team-based approaches is an important step to encourage innovation and achieve rapid results.


In conclusion, Agile methodologies are an approach that makes the software development process more flexible, adaptive and customer-oriented. These methodologies foster collaboration, enable fast delivery, and focus on continuous improvement. If you ask to adapt to rapidly changing requirements and execute more successful projects, Agile methodologies are very important.

