The Indispensable Role of Soft Skill Training in the Work Life

Cansu Tekneci
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2023

Hello, everyone! In this article, I would like to discuss a topic I’ve wanted to share with you for a long time — our “soft skills.”

In today’s business world, it’s an undeniable fact that personal skills are as important as technical knowledge and experience. These personal skills, as we all know, are called “soft skills,” and they play a crucial role in the workplace. Together, we will examine why soft skills are so critical and why soft skill training plays an indispensable role in the business world.

Let’s start by understanding the concept of soft skills. Soft skills are personal skills that a person can use in social interactions. Examples of soft skills, such as communication, leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, and empathy, help individuals work effectively and enable a team to collaborate efficiently. These skills can be applied not only in the workplace but also in many aspects of our daily lives.

Now, let’s explore the impact of the importance of soft skill competencies and training on both employers and employees.

For employers, considering soft skills in the hiring process and the development of employees is crucial. This is because these skills have a significant impact on job performance, team productivity, and customer relations. To manage these areas effectively, employers need to accurately observe whether their employees possess these competencies and provide support through training and coaching when necessary.

Looking from the perspective of employees, we can say that soft skills are the keys to success in both the professional and everyday aspects of life. Particularly, the development of communication skills is one of the fundamental soft skill competencies, especially in today’s fast-paced and dynamic world.

Soft skills not only enhance job performance but also have positive effects on team productivity, customer relationships, and career development. Therefore, investing in soft skill training is a critical factor for long-term success for both employers and employees. Improving your soft skills can be seen as one of the keys to gaining a competitive advantage in the business world.

I have worked on many projects with both white-collar and blue-collar teams in a corporate training company for many years. I believe that building long-term employee commitment, acquiring competent employees, and supporting employees in their areas of development are essential for a company’s success. However, when making these plans, careful consideration is required. Poorly planned annual training programs not only decrease the value of the company in the eyes of employees but also turn into a costly loss for the company with no positive outcomes. When we look at the data, it is quite challenging to obtain tangible results from soft skill training and measure its effectiveness.

Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to the following key points in training planning:

📝Needs Analysis: I believe that this is the first and most important step. We need to determine in which areas training is needed. To assess the employee’s current skill levels and deficiencies, performance evaluations, surveys, feedback, and analytical data can be used. Conducting Training Needs Analysis will support us in this regard. The critical point here is not only to ask employees what training they want but to assess needs, behavior, and demand in three critical areas. This is because the employee may have received training in the past, has knowledge in those areas, but struggles to transform it into behavior. In this case, training plans can be designed as interactive, practical workshops rather than being knowledge-focused.

📝Goal Setting: It is important to define the objectives and goals of the training program. Determining what kind of results you want to achieve at the end of the training will shape the program’s design. With these training plans, we need to ask ourselves what we want to achieve at the team and department level.

📝Internal or External Resources Decision: This is also a critical issue. Budget constraints often pose difficulties in companies. We need to determine whether the training will be planned with internal or external resources. Internal resources refer to the use of existing staff and experts, while external resources may involve educational institutions, consultants, or training companies. If we do not have sufficient expert consultants, we may need to turn to expert consultants and institutions in the sector.

📝Designing the Training Program: To create the training program, you need to prepare the necessary materials, lesson plans, learning objectives, and content. Ensure that the program is tailored to meet the participants’ needs and is effective. The materials may vary depending on whether the training is online or physical.

📝Implementation and Evaluation: After completing the training programs, it is important to monitor and track the progress of the participants to assess the program’s effectiveness. Feedback, performance metrics, and result analysis can be used to evaluate the program. I think that both the Training Unit and Human Resources should plan the process together.

📝Improvement and Continuous Development: Based on feedback, continuously improve the training program. Adapting the program to changing business requirements and the needs of the participants is essential. Keep in mind that the initial plan and program flow can be flexible and can change according to the needs and demands. We may encounter unexpected needs, and we need to take quick action to increase the efficiency of the program.

🎯In conclusion, soft skill training plays a crucial role for both employees and organizations. These skills form the foundation of being more effective and successful in the workplace. Employers should provide training opportunities for their employees to develop these skills and encourage personal and professional growth. Remember that soft skill training is a recipe for success in the business world.

See you in my next article. Happy reading! ♥️

