UDP, What is and How to Integrate

Mustafa CAN
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2021

Unity Distribution Portal (UDP) is a Unity product that allows you to distribute your games to multiple app stores through a single hub. UDP repacks your Android build with each store’s dedicated IAP SDK and lets you manage all your store submissions from the UDP console.

UDP is supported in Unity 5.6.1 or higher (2018.4 or higher is recommended)

UDP only supports Android OS (for now) and supports Ads, IAP, Analytics, Cloud Building, Cloud Diagnostics, Collaborate and Multiplayer services.

So, how can I publish my game through UDP?

Let me explain it to you step by step.

Step 1 Login & Create

Go to https://api-udp.unity.com/udp and click Sign in. You need to create an account if you haven’t yet. After that, UDP will redirect you to https://distribute.dashboard.unity.com/getStarted. Than click “My Games”. After that click “Create New Game”.

Click Create New Game
Create New Game under My Games

After typing your “Title”, we can let it stay for now.

Step 2 Download UDP from Package Manager and Install

Open your project on Unity and click Window > Package Manager

Window > Package Manager

Search for Unity Distribution Portal and click “install” if you haven’t

Click “İnstall” at bottom right

Step 3 Configure UDP Services

Click Unity Distribution Portal > Settings

Click Unity Distribution Portal > Settings

Click “Go to the Services Window” to open services

Select your organization and select your project to link with

MCQN is my company and IAPwithHMS is my project name

You can select services and switch their status to ON to use them. From “SETTINGS” tab, you can see your projects details.

Services of a project

Step 4 Upload the APK & Test

Go to the UDP website and open your project. You can find them from here

Fill the required form for your app and upload your APK. You will see a section called “Sandbox Testing” and it wants you to test your In-App Purchases and UDP service initialization. To do this you need to execute testing codes with a testing account. Create a testing account and code or take from my demo project for testing them.

After integrating test codes in to your project, you will see a screen like one in below. To initiate the test, you need to click “Init”, than “Buy”

After you test both of the features, the UDP Initialization and IAP Transaction test fields will became green and you can publish your games by clicking “RELEASE”

Click RELEASE and select HUAWEI AppGallery

Before the Development

1. Don’t forget to add .huawei or .HUAWEI suffix to the your package name. (UDP website will notice you while uploading your app through App Gallery)

(eg. com.xgames.newgame.huawei) otherwise game is rejected by Huawei App Gallery Operators

2. Please don’t forget to use at least 1 UDP Service before uploading your APK file. Otherwise you are going to have errors while uploading it.

3. UDP tells you to test your APK before Releasing phase. Please create a demo account and test your application using that account. After that UDP lets you to release your game.

4. If you cannot finish the filling the UDP website form, please click SAVE from the top otherwise you will lose your progress in the website.

5. If you choose to implement UDP with Unity IAP (instead of using the UDP package) then implement via Unity IAP only. Make sure you Don’t mix the implementations.


Guide & Useful Document Links


We can integrate our games through multiple markets using UDP. I will detailly explain these services in the future.

Thank you for reading this article.


