Unit Test in Jetpack Compose

Begum Avci Kocaman
Huawei Developers
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2023


Unit Test


Jetpack Compose is a powerful tool for developing user interface (UI) in Android applications. Unit tests provide many benefits in the software development process and are also important to Jetpack Compose. Here are some reasons why unit tests are necessary in Jetpack Compose:

Unit Test-Diagram

1. Debugging: Unit tests are an effective way to test and debug your code. With unit tests, you can be sure that your components are working correctly and producing the expected results. You can identify error states, detect potential problems, and make targeted changes to fix your code.

2. Return Control: Jetpack Compose is generally based on state management principles. It is important to properly manage and update statuses. Unit tests can be used to verify that your state management is working correctly and that your components are performing the correct state transitions.

3. Quick Feedback: Unit tests help you evaluate your code quickly. You can continuously run tests to test your components and detect bugs. That way, you can catch bugs sooner and get feedback quickly.

4. Refactor Support: As Jetpack Compose projects evolve, you may need to make refactors in your code. Unit tests help perform refactors safely. After changes in your code, you can run unit tests to check if existing functionality is affected.

5. Documentation: Unit tests provide information on how a component should be used and what the expected results are. Tests help future developers understand and properly use your components.

Unit tests increase the quality of software, provide security in the development process and reduce maintenance costs.

For Jetpack Compose, too, unit tests help you create a reliable and robust UI.AndroidJUnitRunner is often used to write unit tests with Jetpack Compose.

The following steps can be followed to write a unit test for the project:

  1. Add the following dependency to your project’s build.gradle file:

Where <compose_version>, represents the number of your Jetpack Compose version.

2. Write your unit tests in a test class located in the androidTestfolder. You can create and edit this class.

3. Define the variables you need like @get:Rule and @get:JvmField in your unit test class. For example:

This is a necessary convention for running your unit tests in the Jetpack Compose environment.

4. Create your unit test method and add the @Test annotation.Then use Jetpack Compose functions to test the UI. For example:

5. Use ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest command to run your unit tests or you can run tests on Android Studio.

These steps are general guidelines for writing unit tests using Jetpack Compose. You can write your unit tests by interacting UI components, checking states and verifying expected results. You can also use common testing libraries such as Jetpack Compose, Espresso, and Mockito.
You can see a sample Jetpack Compose unit test below:


Unit tests improve the code quality in software projects, facilitate the detection of errors, provide security in the development process and support the sustainability of the project. For these reasons, it is important to add unit tests to a project.


