Usage Of EVS Disks On Huawei Cloud

Mert Goktas
Huawei Developers
Published in
9 min readMay 4, 2023


Hello everyone, I’m going to tell “What Is EVS Cloud Service” and “How to use EVS volume disk” in this article. I hope it will be usefull for the works.🤗 Firstly we will create virtiual machines and EVS volume disks on Huawei Cloud. After than we will initialize volume disks in thats virtual machine. Take your coffe and enjoy to reading. ☕

What Is EVS Cloud Service?

The Elastic Volume Service provides scalable block storage for cloud servers. Especially the fact that the storage is in the form of blocks makes it different from other storage services. EVS disks with high reliability, high performance and various features can be used for distributed file systems, development and test environments and high-performance computing applications. The cloud servers that EVS supports include Elastic Cloud Servers and BMS Servers.

Advantages Of Using EVS

✅ It offer oppurtunity to choose appropriate disk types suit budgets and requirements.

✅The EVS disk capacity ranges from 10 GB to 32 TB. When you need to more capacity, you can expand the disk capacity up to 32 TB in increments of 1 GB, without lose data your application.

✅ The EVS disks protection functions backups and snapshots safeguard the disk data from attacks.

Methods Of Access

We should to use Menagment Console At to intagrate EVS service if we don’t need to use thirdparty system. Need to login to your Huawei Cloud Account and create a EVS. 💻

Scenerio 👇

This practice provide to understand to Elastic Volume Service. Firstly we need to three ECS for the showing initial volume disk on the different OS machines. We select Windows and Linux OS, we start running to disk on this servers. We can learn How to use EVS Disks end of practice.

Service List

  • Virtual Private Cloud Service
  • Elastic Cloud Service
  • Elastic Volume Service

Practice Architecture

In this exercise we will use one region ad this include two VPC. In VPC1 we will create two ECS for the try to initialize and EVS on different Windows ECS. Also we will create EVS for attach to windows servers. In VPC2 it will be one ECS one EVS. This ECS’s OS will be Linux. And we will attach this EVS disk to linux server.

EVS Architecture

1. Preaparing EVS Exercise

1.1 Creating a VPC Service

Step 1 Login to Huawei Cloud Service platform.

Step 2 Click in the upper left corner and select AP-Bangkok.

Step 3 Click the service list icon on the left and choose Networking > Virtual Private Cloud.


Step 4 Click Create VPC.

Step 2–3–4

Step 5. Set the needed parametres like Region, VPC name,defeault subnet parametres.

Step 6. Than click the Create Now it will create.

Step 7. Return to VPC list and when it become available status it was created succes.

1.2 Creating Two ECS

Step 1 Click the service list icon on the left and choose Compute > Elastic Cloud Server.


Step 2 Click the Buy ECS.

Step 3 Configure in to the red parametres marked by red color and when complate to Configure Basic Settings page click to Next Configuration Network.

Region: AP Bangkok

Billing Mode: Pay Per Use


Specifications: General Computing — s6.medium.2

Image: Public image — Windows — Windows Server 2012 R2 (OS)


Step 4 Select the which VPC want to create to ECS. Dont need to EIP boud beaceuse we will not acces to internet. Click Not Require option. Than lick to Next:Configure Network Advanced Settings.

Network: VPC1

EIP: Not Require


Step 5 Set your ECS name and configure ECS’s password. Other options can stay default. Then click Next: Confirm button.

ECS Name: ecs-windows1


Step 6 Check out the ECS information and accept Agreement section than click to Submit button.


Step 7 Need to one more windows ECS. Create one more ECS by same way, use same parametres. But it name become “ecs-windows2”. Set “ecs-linux” parametres by given bellow.

Region: AP Bangkok_

Billing Mode: Pay Per Use


Specifications: General Computing- s7n.small.1

Image: Public image — Centos — Centos 7.6


Step 8 Select Public image and Centos 7.6 for linux server. Than click Next: Configure Network button.


Step 9 Set your ECS name and password for login it. Click to Not Required button at EIP section. Then click to “Next Confirm”.


Step 10 Click to Submit button.


Step 11 Return to ECS list and when they become available status they created succes.


1.3 Creating volume disk for EVS

Step1 Click the service list icon on the left and choose Storage > Elastic volume Service.


Step2 Configure the EVS parametres given bellow in the red frame.

Billing Mode: Pay Per Use

Region: AP Bangkok


Disk Specifications: General Purpose SSD — 20 GB

Disk Name: volume-windows


Step3 Click to Submit.


Step4 Create one more EVS disk for Linux ECS by rhe same configuration parametres. But it name will become “ volume-linux”. Return to EVS disk list and when they become available status it was created succes.


2. Initialize EVS Disks

2.1 Attach EVS disks to Windows ECS’s

Step1 Click Attach button on Operation column. You must select the ECS at the same AZ by EVS disk. Then select the ecs-windows1 server. It become attach to ecs-windows1 server.


Step2 Attach the volume-linux disk to ecs-linux server. Return to EVS disk list. When saw status become in use we understand attach operation is succesfull. We can show volume disk attach to which ECS server on Server Column.


3. Login To ECS

Step1 Open the ECS list and select the ECS which want to login. We can show Remote Login section on operation column. Click to Remote Login for the ecs-windows1 server.


Step2 Click to Ctrl+Alt+Del button in red frame.


Step3 Enter ECS ‘s password in the password line for login to machine.


Step4 Click Server Menager section in red frame.


Step5 Click to computer Menagement options at the opened page.


Step6 Click to Disk Menagment on left side below storage section.


Step7 It will open page for Initial the volume disk. Click OK button.


Step8 Left click on to box of Disk1 space area and click to New Simple Volume.


Step9 It will open New Simple Wizard Page and we must to install this. Click Next button till die volume disk created.


Step10 We can show New Simple Volume on Disk1. It was working healty we can preview that.


Step11 Acces to New Volume disk from This PC section.


Step12 Create a new Text Document for the check when initial the other ECS.


Step13 Return to EVS volume disk list. And click to “More” button on Operation column for volume-windows. Than click Detach button. After thats click Attach button again for the attach volume-windows to ecs-windows2.


Step14 Login to ecs-windows2 server. We can view the disk we installed on the ecs-windows2 on the ecs-windows1 server. Acces to inside and view the Text Document we created on ecs-windows1 server. We initialize volume disk to Windows servers succesfull. 👍


2.2 Attach And Initiaize EVS disks to Linux ECS

Step1 Login to ecs-linux machine acces to root user by your password.


Step2 Check the disks on machine use this code :

  • fdisk -l

After view the our volume disk ( /dev/vdb ) use this code and start to initialize volume disk to linux server.

  • fdisk /dev/vdb

Step3 Use the command “m” by follow the help section. Than use the “p” command to print to partition table.


Step4 Follow thats commands: n > enter(default) > enter(default) > enter(default) > w


Step5 After than add partitation section we Initialize volume disk wit use commands given below:

  • partprobe > mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb1 > mkdir /mnt/sdc > mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt/sdc > df -TH

Step6 After than initialize disk and create mnt we acces to mnt document and create a new txt inside mnt.


Conclusion 🎊

In this article, I have shown step by step how to launch the volume disk from EVs in Huawei Cloud Services. We learned we must use same Available Zone while attach volume disks to servers. Because EVS like physical disks. Don’t forget to follow me on Linkedin.


  1. Huawei Cloud EVS Documentation

