☁️Website Containerization with CCE Service in Huawei Cloud

Ahmet Kayhan Seker
Huawei Developers
Published in
6 min readFeb 20, 2024


Hello Everyone;

​ In this article, I will show you how to containerize a Linux-based web site, take its image, and then run and manage it on Cloud Container Engine (CCE) in Huawei Cloud.

Let’s do all the steps in order!

Docker, a leading containerization platform, enables developers to store and service applications and their dependencies in lightweight, portable containers. Containerization and Kubernetes, today’s most update architectures for the deployment and management of applications in software development have become popular with companies. Based on this approach, Cloud Service providers are trying to offer users a simple, low-cost and useful platform with their own Kubernetes services.

Step 1: Installing Docker on Huawei Cloud Linux ECS

Install Docker inside the ECS after creates Linux Centos 7.6 OS with command ‘yum install docker -y’

Install docker in ECS

Step2: Upload Web Files to Linux Centos OS

Upload the files contained in your website such as index.html, pictures, css, js to the relevant directory. I put it in the root directory and I made an SSH connection with MobaXterm to transfer files quickly.

Upload website files to ECS

Step 3: Creating a Dockerfile

First of all, the file is opened in the root directory with the ‘touch Dockerfile’ command and the necessary contents to create the docker image as below, Then save the file.

FROM centos:7

RUN yum update -y && yum install -y httpd

COPY ./WEBSITE /var/www/html/



CMD [“/usr/sbin/httpd”, “-D”, “FOREGROUND”]

Create a docker file

Docker file has been created in root directory.

Docker file created in root directory

Step 4: Start the docker server

Run Docker and enable it. Then we need to make sure that the docker server is active.

Install and run the docker server

Step 5: Creating the Docker Image

To create the Docker image, go to the directory (root) containing the Docker file and run the following command. This command creates the Docker image using the Docker file and assigns the apache_webserver_docker tag to it.

Build website image

Docker image was created with latest tag

Docker image has been created

Step6: Push Docker Image to Huawei Cloud SWR

What is the SWR?

Software Repository for Container (SWR) provides easy, secure, and reliable management of container images throughout their lifecycle, facilitating the deployment of containerized applications. SWR allows you to securely host and efficiently distribute images on the cloud without building or maintaining image repositories by yourselves

First of all, in order to log in to the organization we created in SWR via Docker, we take our temporary login command from SWR and log in via Docker. Then, we retag our docker image and push it to SWR.

1-) Login SWR Service and create an organization

Organizations enable efficient management of images. Organizations are used to isolate image repositories. With each organization being limited to one company or department, images can be managed in a centralized and efficient manner. An image name needs to be unique within an organization.

Create an organization in SWR

2-) Generate a Temporary Login Command

In order to access and provide SWR via Docker, we must generate a Temporary Login Command.

Generate the temporary login command

Click upload Through Client button and copy the Temporary Login Command.

Copy the temporary login command

3-) Login SWR from Docker , retag docker image and push it to SWR.

Tagged and push image to SWR

Step7: Create a Cluster in CCE Service

What is the CCE?

CCE is a one-stop platform integrating compute (ECS or BMS), networking (VPC, EIP, and ELB), storage (EVS, OBS, and SFS), and many other services. It supports heterogeneous computing architectures such as GPU, NPU, and Arm. Multi-AZ, multi-region disaster recovery ensures high availability of Kubernetes clusters.

We can now include the Docker image in the Kubernetes containerization system and install and manage it through the CCE service provided by Huawei Cloud.

1-) Create a cluster

By selecting the billing mode as pay per use, 50 nodes will be visible to us.

Create s cluster in Huawei Cloud CCE Service

In a short time, the Cluster will look like the following

Cluster has been created

2-) Create Nodes

When creating a node, let’s set our ECS specifications to 4 core vCPU and 8GB RAM to run the pods.

As seen below, our node is running and 6 pods are running inside it.

Node has been created

3-) Setting Workloads

We select the image we created and make the workload settings.

Create a workloads and choose docker image

Now the workload has been created and the pods are working properly.

Pods has been running

4-) Choose Service Type

We select the service type as ELB and assign an EIP to ELB. Then, we select the Container and Service ports and enable the website to be accessed from outside.

Choose a service for public connection with Load Balance

Step8: Login the Website from Public IP and port to check operability

Now we can open our browser and access the website via EIP and service port.

Note: To access the web service using the service port over the Internet, we need to open port 8081 to all IPs from the security group settings. Otherwise, access cannot be provided from a different network.

Website is reachable and working properly


Running websites using traditional structures leaves many companies faced with many problems such as labor costs, high error rates and loss of time. Thanks to the advantages brought by Docker and Kubernetes, we can quickly convert applications running on many different web service infrastructures such as Apache, Tomcat, NodeJS, nginx into container structures. At this point, Huawei Cloud’s CCE service will be the best choice to solve these problems with its stable, easy to use and functional structure.


