What is Huawei Wear Engine? How to Apply for Huawei Wear Engine?

Tuğçe Aras
Huawei Developers
Published in
8 min readJan 2, 2024
Huawei watches


Hi everyone👋, today I have prepared an article for you about what Huawei Wear Engine is, why it is used and how we need to apply to use this service. Let’s get started then.

What is Huawei Wear Engine?

Wear engine is a service that provides connection between the phone and Huawei wearable devices. When we integrate Wear Engine, we can send messages and notifications to our Huawei wearable device from our application or service on our phone, transfer data and get the status of the wearable device. This flow can also work in the opposite way. This also means that an app or service on a Huawei wearable device can send messages and transfer data to the phone.

NOTE: If a connection will be established between the phone and the watch and data will be exchanged, a wear engine application must be made.

If there will be no connection between the phone and the watch, that is, there will be no data exchange between each other, there is no need to apply for a wear engine in such cases.

An example of a situation where it is not necessary 👇

An example of this would be sending a request to an API and displaying the incoming data on the watch. In this case, there is no need for a wear engine application or a phone call. The entire process will be carried out on the watch.

In order to use Wear Engine, you must first apply for Wear Engine for the mobile application through the Huawei Developer platform and the application must be approved.

Huawei Wear Engine Application Process

  1. Before applying for Wear engine, you must register with Huawei Developers and then apply for the Huawei ID service.
Huawei developers
Huawei ID
Huawei ID Application

You can review the steps on how to apply for Huawei ID in the document below.

2. Click on the “Console” section on the Huawei Developers site.

Huawei Console

3. Click on Wear Engine from the App Services section.

Huawei Comsole

4. Click on “Apply for Wear Engine”.

Wear Engine

5. After selecting the mobile app section, the necessary fields must be filled.

Huawei wear engine application

6. Finally, there are some Excel documents that need to be filled out. These:

After filling out these excels, it will be enough to upload them to the system.

7. Application approval generally takes 2 weeks for Enterprise Developers. This period is shorter for Individual Developers.

Huawei wear engine application approved

So, let’s examine together the Excel documents that need to be filled out. First, let’s look at the Excel documents that Enterprise Developers need to fill out, and then we will examine the documents for Individual Developers.

1. Enterprise Developers

There are 2 Excel documents that need to be filled: Data+Permission+and+Usage+Description.xlsx and User+Authorization+Path+Description.xlsx. Now let’s examine these documents.

a) Data Permission and Usage Description Excel

There are many tabs in this excel. The fields that Enterprise developers must fill in are marked in red.

Places to be filled

Let’s start explaining the relevant areas one by one.

🔹 “For Enterprise Developers” Section:

For enterprise developers section

We have 5 numbers. Depending on the time application to be made, it is not necessary to fill in each number (1–2–3–4–5). This completely varies depending on the watch application to be made.

When we look at the columns one by one:

“Permission Description” → It covers the permissions in the watch application to be developed. This field does not need to be filled. It can be left as it is in Excel.

“Data Usage” → Questions regarding whichever number (1–2–3–4–5) the application was made must be answered.

“Use Scenario” → This is the section where the purposes for which the watch application to be developed will be used and what its requirements are filled in. Sample scenarios and requirements have also been entered in Excel. It can be taken as an example.

“Data Display” → There is no need to fill in the section. It is optional.

NOTE 1: Unused numbers can be deleted in the “For Enterprise Developers” tab. It is sufficient for only the applied number to remain.

NOTE 2: The field filled in Excel must be compatible with the field filled on the site. For example, if field number 1 was applied in Excel, then it is sufficient to check the first checkbox in number 5 of the “wear engine application process” steps above. (You can see this situation in the picture below) The remaining parts are not needed. Likewise, if only the 2nd field is referenced in Excel, it will be sufficient to mark the 2nd item on the site.

Huawei Console

🔹 “Enterprise Introduction” Section:

Enterprise introduction section

🔹 “Enterprise Project Owner” Section

Enterprise project owner section

This is the section where information about the Project owner of the watch project to be developed should be included.

🔹 “App Information” Section

App information section

This is the section where the company introduces its mobile application, screenshots of mobile applications and the score section on the AppGallery side are included.

🔹 “Supplementary Information” Section

We have come to the last tab that needs to be filled in for enterprise developers. There are 3 questions that need to be answered.

Supplementary information section

1.Do you want to buy Huawei hardware products? First question about. A short answer can be given as Yes/No.

2. “Do you plan to do joint marketing with Huawei after the application is published?” In our second question about. A short answer can be given as Yes/No.

3.A question about which sector the application serves. Fintech, Sports, Medical... etc. can be filled in the form.

So, let’s move on to the other excel file that enterprise developers must fill in last.

b) User+Authorization+Path+Description.xlsx

User authorization section

If the application has permissions requested from the user, screenshots of the mobile application must be written, and if not, the permissions to be obtained must be written.

2) Individual Developers

There are 2 excel sheets that they need to fill out. Let’s start with the first one then.

a) Data Permission and Usage Description Excel

Data permission section

As seen in the picture above, there are some fields that Industrial Developers must fill in. Let’s start with the first one then.

🔹 “For Individual Developers” Section

For indivudual developers section

What we said for enterprise developers also applies in this section. Application should be made to number 1 or 2, depending on the need of the watch application to be made. (Numbers 3–4–5 is not included in this Excel.) There are also points to pay attention to here. These parts:

The “Permission Description” section does not need to be filled in. It can be left as it is in Excel.

In the “Data Usage” section, questions regarding the number applied to must be answered in this section.

The “Use Scenario” section is the section where the purpose of the watch application to be developed will be used and what its requirements are filled in. Sample scenarios and requirements have also been entered in Excel. It can be taken as an example.

There is no need to fill in the “Data Display” section. It is optional.

🔹 “App Information” Section

App Information section

This is the section where the person introduces their mobile application, screenshots of their mobile applications and the score section on the AppGallery side are placed.

🔹 “Supplementary Information” Section

We have come to the last tab that needs to be filled in for individual developers. There are 3 questions that need to be answered.

Supplementary information section
  1. Do you want to buy Huawei hardware product(s)? First question about. A short answer can be given as Yes/No.

2. “Do you plan to do joint marketing with Huawei after the application is published?” In our second question about. A short answer can be given as Yes/No.

3. A question about which sector the application serves. Fintech, Sports, Medical... etc. can be filled in the form.

Then let’s move on to the other Excel file that individual developers must fill in last.

b) User+Authorization+Path+Description.xlsx

User authorization section

If the application has permissions requested from the user, screenshots of the mobile application must be written, and if not, the permissions to be obtained must be written.


Huawei wear engine is a service used to establish the connection between the phone and Huawei wearable devices, and there are some fields that enterprise developers and individual developers must fill in to use the wear engine service. At the end of all these application processes, enterprise developers or individual developers can integrate and use the wear engine service into their applications.

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