Where to Put Ads in Mobile Games? Considering Ad Placement

Mustafa CAN
Huawei Developers
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2021

Ads in mobile games are very common these days because of their main functionality, which making the game free of charge. But problem about ads are, where you put them and how to not giving the users boredom of watching them. In this article, I will try to give you some hints how to consider whether you put or don’t put your ads accordingly.

Lets start with the Ad types that mostly used in Hypercasual games.

1. Interstitial Ads

Lets say you have a hypercasual game that loops when you die, a runner game like MetroLand.

You would consider putting a Interstital Ad after user fails the run. You might making the correct call but, try to think about your ads frequency before that. If its your main door for money, than it can be usable because you know you will not bother the user other than failing the run. But If your game has ads in other ways too or your game ends so fast, than you should consider reducing the occurance time of the “fail scenario ad”. You might getting good amount of cash but eventually your players will considering not to play your game due to drowning with ads. As an example: If a recent ad watched player fails the game so fast than you can pass the ads in this failed run. Or you can make a counter for “fail scenario ad”. such like: If a player fails and not watched an ads in 2 minutes, than show the ad.

2. Banner Ads

Banner ads are the ads that we put top or bottom of the screen

Main consideration about Banner ads are, they need to be planned before placement because they better not interrupt the gameplay. If players missclicks the banner ads oftenly, they will bother and drown with ads again :).

3. Rewarded Ads

This will be the best ads for mobile games cause if its planned correctly, player will want to click and watch the ads. It has to be a win/win situation. Example: If player fails, give them a chance to resume where they fail after watching a rewarded ad. Another Example: Give them in-game currency or some reward where they wish to have (maybe calculate their belongings and choose what to give).


As you can understand, every ad needs to be planned before placement. Be your games tester before others. Don’t forget to replace them after tests and user reviews. Check Revenues, eCPMs, Impression rates, Filling rates and so on.

Thank you for your time,

See you in next articles.

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