Empowering Speech-Impaired Individuals using AI

HUB | KONAM Foundation
3 min readDec 2, 2023

If you know anyone who could benefit from this technology or if you know any organization working in this space, please share this along! Let us collaborate to remove communication barriers and create a world where everyone has a voice. Reach out to us at director@konamfoundation.org to learn more and work together.


In our society that often takes verbal communication for granted, there exists a silent struggle for expression that goes unnoticed. It is widely accepted that “Communication is the cornerstone for human interaction”. Do we truly know and care about the people who are struggling to express their thoughts, needs, and emotions ‘verbally’?

What if we told you that Artificial Intelligence holds the key to unlocking the voice for those facing speech impairments?

Through the KONAM Fellowship, we had a chance to interact with the Speech-Impaired communities and learn more about the challenges they face day to day. This is our attempt to share some of those learnings, as we make progress on building technology to address some of those challenges.

Insights from the Community Interactions

In our country, around 5 million people grapple with communication disabilities, which profoundly affect their lives. Speech-impaired individuals face challenges expressing thoughts, leading to misunderstandings and social isolation. Limited access to specialized services hampers their education and job prospects, intensifying emotional distress and social pressure. This underscores the critical need for heightened support and understanding.

“Heartwarming gestures were shown by students during survey, creating an unforgettable experience as we learned about their lives.”
KONAM Fellows interacting with Speech-Impaired students

Our survey took us to Schools and Ashrams such as Asha Nilayam and Adarna, and into the lives of individuals struggling with speech impairments. The encounters were more than statistics; they were stories marked with challenges, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of those who communicate in unique ways.

Engaging with students at Asha Nilayam, we heard firsthand the difficulties they encounter in expressing their needs to family members. We felt emotional when they said, “If we can communicate like you, we can support our families as we all belong to poor and middle-class families”. Ashramam Adarna also echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the diverse problems arising from a common root cause — speech impairment.

Bridging the gap through Technology

The essence of our experiences lies in understanding how technology can serve as a driving force for transformation. Despite using sign language, speech-impaired individuals face limitations in understanding and communicating effectively. Imagine a world where AI and speech processing technologies empower them to communicate with family and friends — a world where their voices resonate beyond the constraints of their challenges.

At Asha Nilayam meeting incredible people who are supporting speech impaired children’s education and survey findings
Meeting with the management team at Asha Nilayam and seeking their support

During our interactions, we shared briefly about the AI solutions that we are building and took feedback on the impact it could have on them. The prospect of communicating with family and friends excited them. As we elucidated how AI and speech-processing technologies could facilitate these connections, their expressions turned to joy. They conveyed their gratitude in sign language, appreciating the initiative undertaken by the KONAM Foundation.

Empathy and action are the driving forces for change. The field visits helped us build empathy, and are fueling us in our efforts to build the AI tools. By embracing inclusivity and supporting innovative solutions, we hope to pave the way for a world where every voice is not only heard but valued. In the words of Helen Keller, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” Our vision is — to provide voice to everyone, and to create a level-playing field for all.

KONAM Fellows: Kola Satheesh, Challa Supriya

