KONAM Foundation’s First Initiative — Massive Online Innovation Challenge

A global platform designed to create and accelerate social change by harnessing power of technology

Sandeep Konam
HUB | KONAM Foundation
3 min readOct 10, 2016


Massive Online Innovation Challenge is an online platform for non-profit organizations to host challenges and for innovators to build solutions. Real-world problems in healthcare, education, energy, public safety, transportation, and economic development are curated from Non-Profit Organizations, Non-governmental organizations, Civil societies, and Governments across the globe. These problems are carefully drafted as six-week challenges and are opened to innovators across the globe. Out of the 6-week duration, the first week is used for bonding, four weeks for development and last week for wrapping up. Innovators work under the guidance of mentors from non-profit organizations, academia, and industry. Solutions are evaluated based on the novelty, feasibility, and scalability, and winners are chosen. Developed solutions are deployed by the participating organization in association with the foundation. Successful solutions which need further refinement are drafted as new challenges and can be continued in the next cycle which happens right after the first cycle.

It is a first of its kind online platform that facilitates deployment of solutions besides developing them, thereby letting innovators witness their work impact lives of people.

Challenges could be aimed at developing tools to aid non-profit management or tools that could advance non-profit’s mission or that could make their process more efficient. In short, anything that could create social impact could find a place on the platform. Two example challenges are ‘Resource sharing among NGOs’ and ‘Software tools to provide the curriculum of Home-Based Neonatal Care (HBNC) through online medium’. More information about them is available at http://moic.konamfoundation.org/

MOIC provides Organizations an incredible opportunity to explore the application of cutting edge technologies to the causes they support and initiatives they undertake. Organizations propose projects or provide ideas emphasizing problems related to their field of work, which could be solved using technology. Ideas could range from tools aimed at addressing management inefficiencies to apps aimed at providing niche services to software aimed at crunching data and providing analytics. Organizations also provide at least one mentor to guide the innovator along the course of the challenge. Developed solutions would be deployed by the participating organization in association with KONAM Foundation. Organizations would be part of an exclusive network, sharing developed solutions, practices, knowledge, and resources. If you represent any organization in the non-profit space, enter our pre-alpha phase by signing up and be notified first.

By being part of MOIC, Innovators have a unique opportunity to ideate, innovate, implement and impact. They can hone technical skills, collaborate in a fast-paced atmosphere, learn from mentors, and most importantly, be a part of the cohort driving social change. Upon successful completion, innovators stand a chance to get a certificate and letter of recommendation from a mentor. Distinguished innovators could also get a letter of recommendation from one of our advisors from Carnegie Mellon University. Innovators would be provided with appropriate credit attribution. If you are an innovator driven to make a long-lasting impact, enter our pre-alpha phase by signing up and be notified first.

Learn more about MOIC at http://moic.konamfoundation.org/ and stay tuned by following us at http://fb.com/konamfoundation



Sandeep Konam
HUB | KONAM Foundation

CTO/Co-Founder @AbridgeAI; Founder @KONAMFoundation; Studied Robotics/ML @CarnegieMellon