Why Hubble?

Brian Byun
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2023

In this blog post, I wanted to tell you more about what makes us different and why you should start using Hubble. For many of you that have not heard about us (just to make sure, we are not the telescope 😉), Hubble is a continuous UX insights tool that helps teams collect contextual user feedback. At our prior jobs, our founding team always felt frustrations when engaging with users contextually throughout their user journeys. Looking at user analytics data is helpful, but it doesn’t help with understanding the “why”. To solve this issue, we decided to build a powerful and versatile tool that can let product teams collect feedback from their users at any moment during the user journey.

While there are many other surveying and user feedback tools available in the market, Hubble offers the following meaningful differentiations for teams:

(1) Powerful no-code contextualization — Hubble allows product and design teams to launch survey widgets programmatically through three different options. Study creators can either specify the target URL, trigger the surveys based on clicks or interactions with specific page components, or even use custom show code to trigger the surveys. These options allow survey creators to trigger surveys in specific moments and contexts, which allows for much more granular and targeted user feedback data. Many other platforms provide ways to add URL & regex parameters to trigger in-product surveys, but offer less options to target specific moments and events within the user journey.

Image showing the intuitive building experience of publishing a Hubble survey

(2) Wide spectrum of feedback types: Hubble is a versatile tool that can be used for many different use cases, and not just simple micro NPS or CSAT collection which is what other in-product survey platforms are mainly built to provide. Hubble can also be used for other in-depth qualitative research initiatives, including running unmoderated usability tests and recruiting interview participants. This allows product and user experience teams to quickly and accurately collect various types of user research insights during all stages of product development.

Hubble summarizes all your key insights with beautiful, easy to understand charts and tables

(3) Flexible pricing: Hubble offers a flexible pricing plan that can accommodate companies of all sizes. Even in earlier stage startups, running In-product research and contextual surveying is becoming increasingly important to understand users. Hubble offers a way for startups to start leveraging a powerful research tool at an affordable cost and scale up as they continue to refine their PMF.

Curious to learn more about Hubble? Please feel free to reach out to our team or visit our landing page to check out more details. We are super excited to enhance your user feedback operations and elevate your product experience to the next level!



Brian Byun
Editor for

Helping product teams gather user feedback across all stages