Hubble Partial Liquidations Case Study

Hubble Exchange
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2022

Today we discuss all things liquidations on Hubble Exchange while looking at an account 0xCf5eFA2358E92034006eaC53cD3701096029CbEe called CreamPony.

Here’s their action history on Hubble Exchange:

  1. Aug 11: Posted $164,715 hUSD and 5,700 avax margin on Hubble
  2. Aug 11: Added $329,430 virtual liquidity to the avax-perp market
  3. Stayed in the pool for 22 days and accumulated a counter-position of 1410 AVAX long
  4. Sep 3: Removed their virtual liquidity, at which point their accumulated impermanent (or counter) — position of 1410 avax Long at an avg buy price of $23.53 was assigned to their account.
  5. Sep 3: They partially closed their long by 34.4 avax resulting in a net of 1375.6 avax long position
  6. Sep 3: Removed all their hUSD and ~4900 avax margin so they were left with 800 avax in the margin account.
  7. The market kept dumping and they reached the liquidation point (currently 10x leverage). However, since Hubble only allows partial liquidations, their position was liquidated in 4 chunks of 25% position (343.9 avax long) each:

Sep 16, 2:27 AM — Liquidation 1: Charged a liquidation penalty of 5% ($308)

Sep 16, 8:59 AM — Liquidation 2: Charged a liquidation penalty of 5% ($307)

Sep 18, 21:05 — Liquidation 3: Charged a liquidation penalty of 5% ($304)

Sep 18, 21:13 — Liquidation 4: Charged a liquidation penalty of 5% ($295)

All these liquidations were performed by 4 different community-built liquidation bots, which speaks of Hubble Exchange’s decentralization and developer interest.

This means that they had a significant opportunity to close their position b/w each of these liquidations and save on subsequent liquidation penalties.

8. After having realized their losses (via liquidations) and having paid the liquidation fee their net hUSD balance was -$10,892 backed by 800 avax.

9. At this time, avax was around $16.9, so factoring the collateral weight of 0.8, their debt of -$10,892 was backed by just 800 * $16.9 * 0.8 = $10,816. So they were subject to a margin account liquidation.

10. When an account is under the margin account liquidation threshold, any liquidator can repay the debt and seize the collateral at upto a 5% discount from the index price. So, for repaying $10,892, a liquidator can claim $10,892/16.9 * 1.05 = ~676 avax while having to pay only 10,892/16.9 = 645 avax worth of dollars.

11. So on Sep 18, 21:37, that’s exactly what happened. CreamPony’s margin account was liquidated in this tx which is a sequence of following steps:

a. Flash loan $10,892 usdc from Trader-Joe avax-usdc pool

b. Use that to mint hUSD — Hubble’s unit of accounting

c. Repay the debt

d. Receive 675 avax as payment and liquidation incentive

e. Return 645 avax for the loan in step a, pocketing a 30 avax profit

Despite the liquidation, CreamPony is left with 800 minus 675 = 125 avax in their margin account which they are free to withdraw at any time.

This partial liquidation case-study showcases traders can count on a fair liquidation process on Hubble Exchange if they’re ever in a similar situation. The partial liquidation process works in the best interest of traders to avoid the complete liquidation of a trader’s position. The liquidation process carefully separated the liquidations into 4 chunks, each time lowering the account’s required maintenance margin in an attempt to avoid liquidating the full position. This tactically works to give traders an advantage in two ways:

  1. It gave the remaining partial position a fair chance, in case the market bounced in the trader’s favor, they would have only been partially liquidated and their (partially liquidated) position could even turn profitable.
  2. It allows traders additional time in closing their positions themselves to avoid paying liquidation penalties.

As a consequence of partial liquidations, the likelihood of cascading liquidations is reduced as well as the likelihood of liquidations due to mark price manipulation, creating a fair trading environment for Hubblers and protecting them from the Bogdanoffs when possible.

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